Is this the last paint set you’ll buy?

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I've had a paint addiction over the last 7 years. Vallejo, Citadel, Scale 75, Ak Interactive. Is this about to change?


Emil On

Videos edited by Maxime Dader & Viktor Westermark
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Guys!! We're live!!! Grab your paint set, wet palette and airbrush here:


“But you know what goes on smoothly in one coat? That’s right… OUR PATREON” -jay, EOB somewhere sometime


We have to many paints. To solve this problem, we are releasing new paints set. We have even more paints now.


People always talk about the plastic crack but never about that sweet sweet paint buying addiction


So if you buy all the colors individually in a German online store you will get 35, 06 € with the shipping costs.
From his side I pay €45.74 with shipping to Germany. But there is also a bonus figure included and you support your favorite figure painter and get toturials. So I think it's worth it. 8/10 scam approved 😊


People are insufferable. You guys had a great idea and spent a lot of time working on it. You’re also supporting it with specific tutorials and include minis to practice with. This might not help people who’ve already mortgaged their house for 9000 paints they don’t use, but it’s certainly a useful option for all the new people coming to the hobby.

Well done fellas, and congratulations! I hope this project is very successful and you are rewarded for your idea. Don’t worry about the complainers who were never going to buy it anyway. The rest of us don’t have a problem with you earning a living, teaching, and entertaining us.

Also, I ordered all three sets. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.


The delivery cost is to high honestly. I know you get a free mini, well kinda free. but in the uk the delivery for me is around 10 pounds and thats just for one box of paint. which is crazy. If i add that onto the total cost, im playing an extra 50p per paint pot compared to the price i can get each paint where i live. love you guys, but thats too much for me. The delivery charge is crazy.


I was so excited when i saw the video cause im literally about to start my journey into miniature painting and was looking for a good starter set, i understand the idea of the essential set, but i was disapointed, you can´t say "The Essentials set solves that problem and is the set we’d recommend to every hobbyist whether you’re a grizzled painting veteran or someone ready to dive into your first project. " to a new painter when all it has is skin tones, brown and a magenta, no blues, greens or even a purple ? The sets are 40 euros plus 9.99 if i wanted to purchase here in portugal. If i have to buy the other 2 sets so i can get the rest of basic colours, that becomes really expensive for a begginer and undervalues the whole point of a "essential" set. :(


Just got into mini painting. I finally got all three sets in the mail after waiting for weeks (I'm from the USA). I didn't want to think about what paints to buy, and I'd only painted a few custodes before with citadel. I'm glad I trusted you guys because the sets are amazing! I haven't had to buy anything but a few technical paints for bases and a few more blues. I've been mixing the paints in the sets so much and improving my skills amazingly fast. If I don't have the exact color I want, I make it. I wouldn't have learned to do that so quickly if I just bought a bunch of singles. Thank you guys so much for these sets, and for the awesome minis! I've fallen in love with painting thanks to your help!


What's your take on the recent strike at Vallejo? Seems like the company are treating its workers very poorly - their key demands are about workplace safety and harassment - not a good optic in any decade, let alone in 2024.


Just bought the full paint set + wetpallet. Getting back into the hobby, now that I finally have the room for a dedicated painting area.


From the begining of Your channel there was something special about You and Your content. And now since Lukas joined evrything works perfect, both of You guys doing amazing stuff im really happy that i can witness Yours amazing growth of subs and collabs You are currently doing. All the best and keep working ! Salut!


You sure you can paint an true ultramarine with this set? Seems a little lacking on the blue or cyan side. Even your own tutorial uses andrea blue which isnt in this set and not sure blue green is a good replacement for that. But i could be very wrong and there may be some color theory witchcraft I hope to see.


Paint sets from the likes of vallejo exist, are much cheaper, and have way more paints per set. you can be a boutique option but dont position yourself as for 'newbies' at this premium


As I'll start to dive back into the hobby, this is perfect for me. Gladly pay a lil extra to support you both after so many years of entertainment, information and teaching. Great sets, great palette!
Can't wait to paint along with the upcoming tutorials for the added minis and laugh at the difference in looks :D


Have been making a list of individual Vallejo paints for my blood angels army. I’m very glad I didn’t buy them yesterday. Looking forward to the how to vids with the sets! Congrats btw, I know you guys have put some crazy effort on this.


What about the Vallejo Situation? Striking Workers because working conditions are horrendous... ?


Nice! But I have to question some logic here… “Have too many paints, lots of paints you don’t use? Well just buy these three new paint sets and it will solve your problem!” 😅❤


I love that these paints come with a mini to paint!


I like these guys buy im not sure about this. In the Netherlands u have to pay €40 for a paint kit. After shipping that will be €50 for only 12 paints and a mini. If i buy the 12 paints separately its cheaper and i don’t think the mini really boosts the value for me.
