Games Workshop changed their paints - And they didn't tell us

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Gamesworkshop and Citadel colors have changed. And they didnt tell us about it. Here's what we found.

Cult of Paint youtube channel:


Emil On

Videos edited by Maxime Dader & Viktor Westermark
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The difference in the Khorne red was immediately noticeable.


finally featured in a Squidmar video at 1:40 (my leg)

Thanks for the collab guys was super fun


Balthasar gold seems to come in a different color every time they make a new batch.


Colorist Worker here. ( In the packaging industry, btw colorist is the same work in every industry).
To create color u need a few things but most importantly : - resin & - pigment.
Due to increasing tension in the global market worldwide (east europe country for example can't provide thing like in the past), industry have to adapt and sometimes change supplier for their pigment.
We try our best to make this change as subtle as it can be but sometimes batch can't be the exactly same as before ( red tone are particulary sensitive to this kind of change, including brown redish tone).

Also pigment can interact differently with the light, ( it's an important point here, if our eyes can see colour it's because of the light reflection on this colour in our eyes), this phenomen can cause Metamerism ( i will let you google that).


A shop owner in my area wasn't able to get vallejo model color. He told me that many pigments were imported from Russia. Due to the war and the sanctions it wasn't possible to import the needed pigments. Therefore vallejo came up with the new model colors. Could be the same reason with game workshop, that they had to switch their pigment supplier.


If only they would change the pots too 🙃🙃🙃


With 30 years of hobby painting, most of the time using citadel paints. I have learned that Games Workshop changes formulas often, without warning. I have had terrible experiences developing beautiful tyranid paint schemes and they up and stop making the colors my whole army is dependent on. Now my paint collection includes 4 to 5 different companies, different pigments, all for blending and mixing. Learning to mix your own colors and inks is such a valuable skill and only time and practice will get you there.


Honestly, the new Khorn Red looks more like mephiston red. Khorn Red was always this wonderful rich, dark-dried, old, blood red color (great for dark rust).


Come back next time for the thrilling conclusion of what is the Rhinox Hide alternative.


That opening turned me into Homer Simpson
“It’s not quite as vibrant”
Me: “Oh that’s bad”
“But it’s got better coverage”
Me: “Oh but that’s good!”


Fell in love with Citadel’s Calthan Brown. It’s the best colour I’ve ever seen for painting horses. Of course they discontinued it…


That is why Pigment numbers are the minimum requirement. They don't fully stop variations, but at least you know the general gist. Even better some artist paints have a paint swatch on the label. So you can easily see any issues with the batch.


I work for a sign company that uses huge industrial printers. recently, the company we get our ink from (the same company that makes the printers) changed their ink and it no longer has the same properties necessary for our uses. Since their ink cartridges are proprietary, we can't simply go to another company to get the ink we need. Now we have to change our entire process to account for the new ink.


I work for Jotun. Batches change all the time depending on material price. The formula might be the same but depending on the prices ingredients can come from different sources which can alter a batch


Paint companies change formulations all the time and rarely say a word. It is usually to get the paint to go further and to make it cheaper. If you find a paint you love then buy plenty of it and store it because the odds are they will change it, they just love messing about with it. We used to call it, "Kids took over", meaning father has retired and his kids took over the job and wants more money and cares nothing for the product. To be fair that change is almost nothing in comparison to some changes ive seen, thats at least still a paint you can use, many times the change makes it unusable.


Been slowly moving my paints to AK where possible when a Citadel runs out. Cheaper, in droppers, locally available and 17ml rather than 12ml, and i now prefer more muted colours that AK have a great range of.

AK Grim Brown is a great alternative to Rhinox Hide.


This is a big reason why I've moved over to dedicated artist paints. There's a lot more information with pigment info/opaqueness right on the pot/tube and you get a lot more paint for the same money as dedicated miniature paints.


Before the updated the washes to be weaker around 2020 - 2022 they changed the Agrax Earth Shade to be darker and less brown. Ive still got a old pot that ive been having to colour match


This also happen with artist paints. I have had the same issue with Winsor and Newton oil paints and Atelier acrylic paints. Sometimes it is because of pigment availability or price. Sometimes they convert to using synthetic pigments, and it could also be the fillers.


Agrax earth shade is terrible now. It’s so glossy. There used to be a matte one and a gloss one. I feel they got rid of that distinction and combine them
