Hands down - the best paints!

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Contrast paints have become my favorite paints as of late for my warhammer. Here's why and how I use them!

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Painting miniatures for your warhammer & d&d games. Age of sigmar and warhammer 40k. Blood angels, Slaanesh, Death Guard, Space Marines, Space Wolves, Stormcast Eternals, painting scale models, miniature busts! How to paint NMM. How to paint warhammer, how to paint d&D figures.
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I completely changed my mind about Contrast paints. Well maybe not completely, I still think there is a other options out there for everything they do, that is better if you know how to, but the VERSATILITY of these paints makes it an absolute weapon in everyones arsenal, and especially when you are starting out they are so good for so many things!


I would love to see long and detailed tutorial how to get those looks. What to look for, how to approach and apply describe while painting a figure... Those results are astonishing!


Contrast paints were a gamechanger for me, even if I don't use an airbrush nor do zenithal priming. They've allowed me to paint several armies to a decent standard in a very short time, and now there's more painted than unpainted stuff in my pile of shame.


While GW said they're a cheat for noobs, but I've never been happy with the finish on them, but I find people like you Squidmar or Juan who have used them and understand how they work, they seem to look amazing


I've been using the pro-acryl transparent paints, and have never touched the GW contrast paints.
One huge difference I have is that you want to zenithal with colours other than just white. Using the CMYK theory for transparent paints is a huge step in the right direction, and allows you to really play with the zenithal. lightening green with a base coat of yellow makes things much more interesting than just going with white. Red and yellow under brown is a go to for wood textures.
I don't know how well that will work with these, but I'd be interested to know.


This has been the single most helpful video I have seen to help improve my airbrush skill. Understanding how light/shadows work in real life can really bring a miniature to life. I have two kids and little time to work on my Death Guard army, this has helped a lot! Thanks Squidmar for the awesome videos!


I made room on my table, prepared my airbrush kit and your method really works! So, thanks a lot, there is really a significant difference to just brush them on.


Another tip is that if you are painting highly textured material like fur capes, chain mail, or scales adding a light white dry brush after the zenithal can also really help the contrast paint show through


Your videos looking at contrast all those months ago are what got me back into mini painting. Contrast over a zenithal is very much my go to these days - I’m not a hugely skilled painter and I don’t really have the time to spend a lot of time making my models look super pro, but I love a game with painted minis and contrast really helps with this.


I actually love using contrasts in ways they aren’t meant for necessarily.

Skeleton Horde contrast is great over metallics, it ages them really well.

My most recent use is using plague bearer’s flesh contrast as a thinner for Nurgle flesh. I painted up the lord of blights using just big man’s glow and plague bearer flesh contrast and got a ton of great variety and Nurgley flesh. 2 paints and I had highlights for days, super happy with it as someone who doesn’t normally like flesh. I did have to mix in some blue for shadows later, but it can’t always be easy.


Something I have been trying is after doing the zenithal highlighting I do a very precise black oil pin wash on the details. You would be surprised how good the details pop after you do your airbrushing and contrast painting.


I'm excited for army painter speed paints, and have also started just using glazing medium to make my own paints. But I do really like a lot of the contrast colors.


I like how easy the contrast paints can be used even through a 0.2 mm nozzle. On a well prepared model with zenithal highlight they are really great.


This was simply AMAZING. This is exactly the method how I'm striving to paint; thank you so much for laying it out so clearly!


Really like how vibrant those squigs are. Would love to see a longer more detailed video on them (if you haven't done one already that is...)


I love how you admit you dont clean your brushes but you're tge reason I knew to buy brush soap when starting to paint. I even got a certain brand because you posted it.


I have a handful of Contrast paints that I use a good bit and I like them for what I use them for but the cost is so high to get a full range and it's hard to justify when I already have other paints that will get the job done. So, I am super excited about Speedpaints- half the price of Contrast is REALLY appealing.


So $10 is imho a little too high for the pots. What would you consider a reasonable price?


I've been using that method for some time, , it's really great to have fast and great looking models :) I find that the first step of using and modulating light and shadows with a white ink the most important part of the whole process :)


I am so glad you did this video! I came into the hobby right around when the contrast paints came out. I still like traditional acrylics, but the contrast paints are so amazing when paired with a Zenithal highlight. I felt like a lot of content creators immediately were against Contrast because they were so used to using traditional paints. Now I think a lot of people have come around and seen how useful they can be. Much love from Minnesota!
