James Tabor

Paul's Greatest Idea and Why the Church Rejected It!

All Israel Will Be Saved--What Did Paul Mean? This Interview Changes Everything

How Paul Created His 'Gospel'

Did Paul Get His Gospel from James and the Apostles Who Knew Jesus?

Understanding the Forbidden Fruit: Why There is NO FALL of Humankind in Genesis

Lost in Translation: Genesis 1 is NOT About the Creation of the World!

Lost in Translation--Lovers of the King James Version Take Note!

Identifying Bible Interpolations: TheFalse Pen of the Scribes!

How Habermas Arguments for Jesus' Resurrection Contradict our Earliest Testimony! Part 2

How Christianity Forgot its Only First Person Witness to Jesus' Resurrection

James Tabor - What is an Afterlife?

Is Jesus God? (feat James Tabor) (N.T. Wright response)

Three Earliest Resurrection Texts--Ignored, Overlooked, and Forgotten!

How Habermas Arguments for Jesus' Resurrection Contradict our Earliest Testimony! Part 1

The Bad Idea that Took Over the World

The Seafaring Paul: What I Learned on My Recent Tour of Pompei, Athens, Corinth, and Ephesus

Early Christianity Was NOTHING Like You Were Taught!

If You Want to Follow Jesus: Go To James the Just

Did Paul Really Write These Two Texts?

How James [Yaaqov] Beloved Brother of Jesus Was Written out of Early Christianity

Washed in the Blood of the Messiah--Where Did that Idea Come From?

Lost in Translation: The Jerusalem Temple as a Den of Ravenous Wild Beasts!

The BURIAL of Jesus--The Overlooked Key for Understanding How Resurrection Faith Was Born!

My 75th Trip to Jerusalem: Is the Most Important Site in Jerusalem Forgotten and Overlooked?