The Seafaring Paul: What I Learned on My Recent Tour of Pompei, Athens, Corinth, and Ephesus

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A slide-illustrated overview of what new things I learned and experienced on the recent Mediterranean cruise tour I led for Biblical Archaeology Society.

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מהמלים בקשר את המלים ועל סמך המלים
Retired Prof. of Religious Studies/Christian Origins
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

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The earthquake of 62 was devastating to Pompeii, and it was still in a state of disrepair in 79.


Always good to hear about Simcha’s work


Man I'd love to go on that cruise next year


Instant click and like! 🤩 Interesting point about how hot Italy is in early September, I remember visiting Italy (Rome and surrounding areas) during earlyNovember and thinking the weather was very pleasant, neither too hot or too cold. Granted this was a decade ago 😁


Bishop Clement of Rome 68AD, Paul died an old man in Spain🧐🥷🏽


Thoroughly enjoyed the recap of your tour, but it is the Greco-Roman motif itself that places another major roadblock in the Talpiot story.

The area itself was under Greco-Roman influence for a considerable period by the time Joseph of A. shows up, but it's more likely he would have still had a traditional Jewish tomb built. And considering the amount of time it takes to build such a tomb, it isn't something he could have built between Thursday and Sunday of the same week.

At any rate when Joseph buries Jesus' body, Christianity as a religion isn't well formed as an idea yet, and it would be several more years before Paul starts preaching, which makes any connection between Joseph of A. at the time of the crucifixion and the Greco-Roman decoration at Talpiot a practical impossibility.

But there is a cup worth pouring more thought into, and it reminds me of that line from an Indiana Jones movie; "he chose... poorly".

Who was the Jewish religious order that crucified Jesus at odds with? Obviously in the immediate aftermath his Jewish followers, but none of the Jews at Jesus' trial would have uttered the word Christianity, let alone predict the Roman empire itself would convert to it.

But in the decades that followed the crucifixion, that same Jewish religious order would have heard about Paul's preaching to the Gentile masses and the growing Christian movement that resulted, and it would have helped redefine their enemy.

The type of tomb the boxes were found in not only suggests they were placed there at a later date, but points a finger of guilt squarely at the Jewish religious order responsible for the crucifixion. Looks a lot like Professor PlumB did it in the library with a candlestick holder.


Just a couple of things:

Paul died in Spain an old man, according to Chrissy Hansen the disciples of Peter unalived him.

The Pozzuoli Graffito in Pozzuoli and the Vivat Crux Graffito in the Basilica area in Pompeii graphically show what crucifixion was really like. Can't describe on YouTube.


The Simcha film on Pompeii....are you referring to the specific episode of "Secrets of Christianity"? If so, I've seen it and think it to be correct.


It doesn't surprise me a roman pharisee ends up in rome


When I read Acts and Paul’s authentic letters and then some of the other epistles—so that it becomes pretty obvious just how stressful and contentious the fighting was (between the Peter/James and Paul factions) over whether new Gentile Christian converts needed to keep the Jewish law or not—I can’t help wondering if it was the Peter/James faction who actually set Paul up into getting arrested in the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. Anyone have any thoughts on this?


Why were Roman and Greek statues similarly endowed?


Big project...there is an Ammon Hillman gaining in popularity among many who enjoy academic and scholarly truth as a pillar of their truth seeking. The issue is he is appearing as an expert indeed in classical Greek and claiming the OT was a product of translating Greek into Hebrew. Now this is indeed counter popular opinion, again showing the draw for those of us who enjoy truth regardless as a foundation of their seeking. Now...he is very entertaining and engaging and the problem is he KNOWS more about his area of expertise than many and thus the students of truth are left at the mercy of his knowledge lol. Now his hugest claim is that the Abrahamic and even early Christian culture, even pre Constantine was a product and outreach of human trafficking's. A scholarly refute to this, that is undeniable would be VERY refreshing. And if he is right...that would be groundbreaking. If a brilliant mind could counter his claims easily, it sure would be nice. If you have a peer who is exert enough to counter his narrative about the historical Yehua or even the historical Paul they could easily build a super huge audience in this new debate he is bringing about. Just a suggestion for some scholar out there with enough knowledge to at least provide a polarized view of the opposite. Peace . Any scholars out there to take up an academic pursuit in this regard to clarify some of the sensational views of this Ammon would be appreciated. Till that happens I'll continue to listen and learn from all sources lol. sorry to riddle this video with this, my own adhd baggage however I know that the enjoyers of Talbots material may know or have some sources qualified to do this.


Your comments at 17;40 have also been applied to the destruction of Alexandria. Could both be true?


Beautiful picture at 11:42. Brings to you good thoughts. However, I can't help but wonder why you didn't notice that the horizon was not curved, but was essentially flat! Seems even experts have a tendency to over look the obvious when it goes against Hellenistic inspired thoughts of the Cosmos. Genesis give an entirely different viewpoint of Earth's Cosmos separate from the totality of that of the Universe. Earth's reconstruction along with her cosmos which was separated from the rest of the Universe by the firmament happened some 6, 000 years ago, but the Eternal One was not sitting around doing nothing before that.. The story of Lucifer's demise as recorded in Isaiah was what caused the necessity of a new beginning of the arena that Lucifer dominated before his destruction. Surely you've heard of this theory. Dr. Donald Gray Barnhouse proposed it years ago. Many have presented their views on why there seems to be ancient ruins that predate the Genesis account while ignoring the Isaiah account's implication.




When we sin, we sin against God and the aggrieved party. That is why only God can forgive your sin if the other party refuses to forgive you. For example, in the case of David and Uriah (2 Samuel 11:15), since Uriah was killed in battle, only God could forgive David. Fortunately, David turned directly to God in repentance and asked for forgiveness.

The Golden Calf incident is another example when God rejected Moses' offer to pay or die for the sin of the people for idolatry (Exodus 32:31-33).

Below are some passages where God explained that He does not enjoy seeing a sinner die but would rather see them repent and live. How much more, if Jesus were truly His Son and sinless? But we know that God sent Moses to tell Pharaoh that Israel is His firstborn son, not Jesus, the Anti-God (Exodus 4:22, Hosea 1:10, Jeremiah 31:9).

(Exodus 32:31-33, Deuteronomy 24:16, Ezekiel 18:20, Ezekiel 18:23, etc.)

However, we have Jesus claiming that God wanted him to die for the forgiveness of sin in Matthew 26:28, Matthew 20:28, and especially Matthew 26:39, where he claims that it is God's will for him to die for the forgiveness of sin:

Matthew 26:39:
"Going a little farther, He fell facedown and prayed, 'My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me. Yet not as I will, but as You will.'"

As for Leviticus 17:10-11, where it is stated that "blood atones for sin, " it must be understood that those verses clearly state that blood cannot be consumed, whereas Jesus urged his followers to drink his blood, even figuratively, in Matthew 26:27-28.

Can any Christians show me one example or one instance where Jesus OBEYED God instead of going against Him in everything? Do you now understand why Jesus is a false prophet and Anti-God?


Wrong. Island Mljet in Adriatic sea was place wrack is founded.Folow Jesus not Paul.


If you just delete comments that you dont like or that contain info showing things you dont like then what good is the discussion? so now we must give thumbs down automatically and unsub of course. what a joke. all shows you are a guest on as well with an explanation to the hosts as to why. enjoy your bliss


Tabor has lost his objectivity and critical thinking if he's taking "Paul" going before Nero as an even possible historical event. Dr. Price has shown the entire Paul in Rome story is laughably flimsy, dependent on various single passages from apocryphal (a polite, political word for FAKE) texts. The entire story is fanciful and full of magic with Paul ressurecting etc. Do better. Your audience is more informed than you realize.
