How James [Yaaqov] Beloved Brother of Jesus Was Written out of Early Christianity

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A detailed survey of our earliest sources on James--whose proper name was Jacob of Yaaqov--the brother of Jesus, was written out of the standard master narrative of Christian history. What can we know about James, by trying to reassemble all the disparate strands of evidence, from the Gospels, Acts, Paul, and our earliest post-New Testament sources.

This was part of a lecture to my Research Group in our monthly Zoom meeting. If you would like to be a part of this in the future here are the details:

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The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley
מהמלים בקשר את המלים ועל סמך המלים
Retired Prof. of Religious Studies/Christian Origins
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

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Dr Tabor, I want to let you know that this work is reaching, many old souls, those who participated in the passages of these texts from long ago. Your insight and sharing of this old experiences, histories are part of the process of waking up and remembering who/what we truly are. Each of your videos have assisted me deeply, so I give my thanks for your work. Each person gets/receives their allotted share, based on their own soul journey, purpose and their walk with the Lord. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.


Dr. Tabor, I agree with you that James the Just was written out of Early Christianity. Truthfully I have never been too keen on Pauline Christianity or the teachings of systematic theology in the Protestant Church. We seem to be entering an age of spirituality, like in Early Christianity, and your teachings are extremely helpful and needed!


I've watched this video 3 times now and I pick another juicy little nugget each time. Such an invaluable resource!


Dr. Tabor, thank you for bringing Eisenmann's work to us today! Very controversial, but more than plausible to me. You made my Saturday awesome


Thank you so much Dr. Tabor for sharing this lecture with us, your Youtube follower group🙏 Very captivating indeed. And I also appreciate that this video is longer than usual.


Another awesome video from Dr Tabor! Thank you for doing the research and presenting your findings to us!


Veggies are keeping me alive and young, also I've not been a fan of your teaching until very recently. Thank you so much for being an obedient brother. Shalom


What a wonderful interpretation, James. As a vegetarian myself and someone who has moved on from conventional ideas about what Christianity was or was meant to be, your ideas iron out a lot of conflicts for me, just wonderful. In my own personal interpretation, now, John the Baptist, Jesus and then James would all have been successors as leaders or teachers of their movement, equal in stature but offering respect to one another with their compliments. I take this interpretation as I follow something called Santa Mat which, being akin to Sikhism, follows a succession of Masters or Gurus, each successor appointed by the previous and complimented to encourage followers to accept the new appointee but also for the sake of humility. We are vegetarians and do not take alcohol. Much of our teaching accords with that of Jesus, universal truths. I just love the saying, " my house should be a house of prayer" and " I require prayer not sacrifice" Thank you James.


Of all of Paul's churches, only one that is mentioned in Revelation was Ephesians. And Ephesians was commended for "opposing false apostles"


James represented "the Way" which was the original group of which Jesus was the leader. The Jewish Messianic sect of Qumran were militant Messianic Jews. In my opinion, this is the origins of Christianity. James is mentionsd in the scrolls and is identified with the Qumran sect in the Gospels. James and Paul were at odds. Paul spread a "Jew-less" version of Christianity that was heavily influenced by the Roman state. This became the Christianity we know today. The authentic teaching of Jesus and the dogma of Christianity are 2 entirely different things. Jesus taught transcendence. I believe James was killed in 70 AD when he was thrown off the wall at the Temple just before it was destroyed. These are just my opinions from studying the origins of Christianity for 25 years. I am in no way an expert or professional like James Tabor.


A one and half hour video on James?! Awesome!


James, thank you for impeccable insights & scholarship on THE James, and how his history connects us to Jesus, Paul, and the big C! Thank you, your Paul & James studies helped reveal a new connection all NT scholars will want to explore


Virtually no Christian follows the teachings of Christ they follow the teachings of Paul
However Professor Tabor knows better


10:00 consider "son behold your mother" as a way for Jesus to address, comfort and acknowledge his mother in front of violent, mocking strangers, without telling the crowd that she was in fact his mother.

He could comfort her without drawing her into the position he was in


Right around the 22:00 min mark, about the muting of James from the story — a good reason could be the influence of the annanias/anias priesthood that father and son managed was so heavy handed during the day, the writers left it out for fear of their work being burnt. Peter alludes to this kinda thing in the clementines.

Also, the author could have inserted it, but later influence by the one high priest family dynasty that has a vendetta out a against Jesus’ family, forced a scribe to later change the text during one of the hand copy sessions under his jurisdiction, to omit James name and presence from the record.


Good Stuff on the "Eyewitness Stuff" (keep it coming please )


saw you on blogging theology and loved it. glad I found you.


Dr. Tabor, great content, excessive adds. Thank you. 🙏


I think reading Tabor many years ago was my first real reconsideration of the role that James played after the death of Jesus.

It was quite eye opening.


1:18:36 Not only is the resurrection not mentioned in that jewish-christian source but neither the death on the cross, because according to this text he only "suffered" but did not die. Likewise in several writings of the new testament "suffering" was later replaced by dying. (see Bart Ehrman: "the orthodox corruption..." ) In the letter to "Abgar" Jeschua writes: "When I will be lifted up i will send you one of my disciples..." in complete accordance with the jewish christian source mentioned here. ---> Jewish christians believed that their master suffered on the cross but without actually dying there.
