Washed in the Blood of the Messiah--Where Did that Idea Come From?

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This is a kind of Part II to the previous video I made on Where Paul Got his Gospel:

If you watch Part I first this one will make more sense...or otherwise! Ha!

On-line Courses:
"Jesus & Dead Sea Scrolls”

Creating Jesus: Gospel of Mark

Retired Prof. of Religious Studies/Christian Origins
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

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This is all so interesting, even if you are not a practicing believer, it still feels like we are uncovering the deeper story and there is something deep here


Wow!! I’m floored!! Dr. Tabor, this is great!!! Thank you for sharing!!! So many conflicts within the teachings of Jesus, so many contradictions with the Torah and prophets…Figuring all of this out and their origins is a daunting task!!! If only people could break free and not have the fear of “hell” so that they could begin honestly looking at their canon!!


Suffer the little children to come to me! Unless you become as one of these children you will in no way enter in! The Word of God surely knows how to receive the gift of God! Eternal life! Thanks for sharing your analysis!! Excellent work 🙏


Thanks, Dr. Tabor always feel like I’m going to class when I watch your videos.


_"Tell me what you've been doing busy little bee or I shall strike down those dearest to you. You shall watch as I bathe in their blood."_
Commodus, Gladiator (2000)


Very well done James. Thank you. Personally I do see a correlation with the Passover lamb and how its blood on the doorposts caused the death to limp over their homes, but that was neither a sin offering, nor was that blood touched, it was applied with hyssop.


Loving this series too! Thanks, Dr. Tabor.


The fact that many people are waking up to this truth you are revealing to us about Paul is just more proof the fig tree has blossomed and the end of this age is near. Jer 16:19-21 tells us the gentiles will become aware of the truth that YHWH is God alone in the day of affliction. Its our eyes that have been blinded in part. This is due to the centuries of false doctrine promoted by Paul the false apostle.


These things just raise more questions than they answer. We we never know the answers until we die, even then maybe not.


It's really sick when you think about it...


Saul was purportedly Jewish, even though he didn’t live in Israel, but many commentators have found the origins of the Eucharist puzzling because they believe that, due to the Jewish strictures on blood, it would have been unthinkable for an Orthodox Jew to contemplate drinking blood, even if only symbolically. Have you addressed that issue?


Nice topic! Thanks for all your insights!


When Paul wrote, "I have laid the foundation, " he about said it all.


Thank you for showing and explaining what the Bible really means about true sacrifice: a broken spirit and a broken and contrite heart, repentance and turning from sin, a personal relationship with God, not slaughtering animals and shedding blood, which always deeply disturbed me. I don’t understand why Paul turned it into a human sacrifice Gospel with all the blood washing g our sins - I could never except that and it never sounded like Jesus’ Gospel. Thank you for you wisdom and share, always in deep gratitude 🙏 🪷


"For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for your souls upon the altar; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul." Lev. 17:11 Berean Study Bible ; "According to the law, in fact, nearly everything must be purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness." Hebrews 9:22 Berean Study Bible. The use of blood for atonement is a long standing biblical principle going back to Adam and Eve


That old hymn you mentioned is one of my favorites even without any lyrics just the music itself alone.


I interpret "eat my flesh ad drink my blood" as consume the idea that i (Jesus) am willingly going to die for the teachings that i came into the world to deliver.


Most Catholic churches when i was a kid still had lots of plaster icons and a large model of the cross hanging from the ceiling with jesus in a stylised pose . Now then, think on this : what if very, very realistic models could be made of scenes from the film The Passion Of The Christ ( youve seen the technical skill now available), of a really appalling blood soaked and agonising Jesus on a cross or being severely scourged covered in blood. Maybe a mechanical model that moves screams and wails in agony ? You can bet your life that parishioners wouldn't put up with it ! Children would be terrified to go to church to look at this hyper real moving talking manaquin ! But why not ? Why not symbolically wipe fake blood from its writhing head and smear your forehead with it ? You see, part of the sanitising of christian imagery in churches is part of the subtle indoctrination process. Its a way of sugaring the pill. And what of the wider psychological ramifications of submersing young minds in this scapegoating and blood sacrifice imagery ? I noticed at school that the poorer kids got the sharp end of the teachers tongue and picked on more as easy targets. We were the undesrving sinners that recieved to he cane regularly. We where the ones scapegoated and punnished because, had to be...


Strange I was thinking about the blood. Very well explained. I been confused about this topic for years. Thank you Dr. Tabor.


You make a good case. The opposition makes a good case too. I suppose it all comes down to which God one prefers: A violent, vindictive God who demands death and blood, or a merciful, gracious God who seeks those who choose to follow that God with an attitude of humility.
