
Why do our bodies age? - Monica Menesini

Longevity: can ageing be reversed?

Researchers Say They Are Close To Reversing Aging

Metformin: The First Anti-Ageing Drug? | The Future of Ageing | WIRED

Scientists discover protein that causes ageing

Reverse aging mogul discusses regimen as he strives for the biological age of an 18-year-old

The Science of Healthy Aging: Six Keys to a Long, Healthy Life

The Formula for Successful Aging | Gary Small | TEDxUCLA

Tis is 55 🤦🏼‍♀️ aging #over50 #aging #aginggracefully #spokenword #lifeafter50 #poetry

More life - Decoding the secret of aging | DW Documentary

Add 'life to years' through healthy ageing

The Art of Aging Well

Successful Ageing: Perception and Attitudes | SMU Research

Can ageing be delayed, stopped or even reversed? BBC News

Dr. David Sinclair: The Biology of Slowing & Reversing Aging

Epigenetics and Aging: The effects of DNA breakage and repair

The Science of Aging

Can humans stop ageing? | The Stream

Reverse Aging | Dr. Shai Efrati | TEDxWhiteCity

How to Stop (And Even Reverse) Aging

The #1 antidote to aging | Daniel Lieberman, Morgan Levine & more

RCSI MyHealth: Positive Ageing – learning to live well as we age

Growing old: The unbearable lightness of ageing | Jane Caro | TEDxSouthBank

The Healthy Ageing Doctor: Doing This For 30s Will Burn More Fat Than A Long Run! Dr Vonda Wright