How to Stop (And Even Reverse) Aging

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What does the future of aging and longevity hold? Can science hack the human lifespan? Even if we can, SHOULD we...?

People aren’t dying as early or as easily as they used to. Innovations in modern medicine, health, and hygiene helped us extend our lives by decades, but what comes next? Would you rather live to be a healthy and hearty 90 or live to be 150 but wither away for the last 60 years? We’ll talk about it in this episode of Far Out.

Far Out explores the future of science, technology, and culture and how these changes may affect humanity and life on Earth. The series is hosted by Swapna Krishna, a science journalist, podcaster, and sci-fi writer covering everything from NASA to Marvel, and produced for PBS by PBS North Carolina, the team behind the award-winning PBS series Overview.

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Anti aging does not mean immortality. Immortality means not dying from anything, while with anti aging you can still die but not from the aging.


Just a point to the average 35 years lifetime they had in ancient times... it was heavily skewed by the fact that they had huge child mortality rates. If you don't take into account the deaths at early age, the average life expectancy in the XIX century was around 55, not 35.


The 'death gives meaning to human life' sounds like a bad rationalization. People should live for as long as they are enjoying themselves.


- IF Diet (or 24h+ fast)
- Solid sleep
- Physical activity
- Mind exercises
- Healthy relationships
- Stress balance
- Clean diet


I agree with the goal of extending the "quality of life" years, even if doesn't extend lifespan. This would make life more active and enjoyable for seniors while simultaneously reducing age-related medical costs and the often-extreme costs of end-of-life care that barely extends "existence". This starts with diet, fitness and other self-care, but there is a place for medicine as well, if it can be shown to be both safe and effective.


I have a great grandmother she is 111yo and every time I think of her I ask myself how is she still alive... Impressive!


Life expectancy was so low because infant and child mortality was insanely high, not because people died in their 30's. If you made it past childhood, you could expect to live to see your 60's or 70's. It's not that people were dying at 35, it's that all the people dying in childhood and infancy dragged the overall expectancy way down.


The whole idea of people not wanting to live longer is that very few /healthy/ people ever say that they would choose to die now. So, if healthspan increases, there is a decent chance people will still not want to 'live forever' but will be perfectly fine living well into triple digits.


I used to want to live to 120, but after my Dad died last year, I don't give a shit about living long now. I just wanna live young.


Anyone arguing that ageing and death is a good thing is just... I have no words to adequately describe how abhorrent that view is. It's like if you argued that premodern infant mortality levels were morally good and should have been preserved.
We're so used to being condemned to the horror of our own mortality that we rationalize it as a good thing to make facing it easier, but it is a disease, and those wanting to block us from developing a cure are evil beyond words.
The fact that improving human life would result in additional challenges is an argument to address those challenges and their underlying causes, not deny making lives better.


I'm 50 and trying to start over but I feel like I'm too old for it. If I knew I had a lot longer to lead a healthy energetic life I'd be much more motivated and happy.


Just a note: intermittent fasting has been shown to promote autophagy, thereby removing senescent cells.


We really need to stop exaggerating past life expectancy figures when discussing people already here and able to comprehend videos such as this. In 1841, beating infant mortality added about 7 years, and beating early childhood mortality on top of that (age 5) added another 7 (14 total) years. Yes it makes a great Family Guy cutaway picturing peasant farmers who died en masse in their 30s, but that's just not really how it worked.


I've seen some studies talk about how intermittent fasting and fasting in general can help rid ourselves of some if the cells that are involved in aging


If we can live longer lots of the thoughts expressed by the people in this video will change. People will care more about the environment and resources, people that live longer will be willing to learn new trades. We should all live longer, not just the wealthy will benefit from the medical advances, poor people will be included in the ability to live long also.


If you're pain stricken by grief about losing a loved one, the best way to give a tribute to the person, is to not die.


The planet doesn't suffer from limited resources. We can already feed about 10 billion people, which is about what the human population is expected to peak at (would be even less if poor countries got richer faster). The problem is supply chains and valuation of money over life.


Please make this happen, Because looking older after 30, and after 40 sucks you want too look younger.


Not true about being not hired. I was hired as an engineer at 50 yrs old and worked for another 15 years before I retired pretty comfortably. Never give up, work as much as you want.


"But will living longer make us happier?" Perhaps we need to ask this question as if we're the first generation that actually gets to answer it, instead of retell the stories of those before us who had to comfort themselves for having little choice in the matter. What society has actually had healthspans or lifespans far beyond ours? This is uncharted territory, and more than ever before, it's what we make of it.
