Is it Wrong to Celebrate Birthdays? - 119 Ministries

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While many understand reasons not to celebrate mainstream holidays like Christmas and Easter, the celebration of other non-biblical holidays may not be clear, including birthdays. Is it wrong to celebrate birthdays?

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Nothing is the same once you're awakened


Instead of receiving giffs for yourself, give to the poor and the needy.
Instead of a wild drunken party, have a feast and invite your neigbors.
Instead making a wish, make a prayer
Instead of being the Bday king, Invite THE King.
Instead of praising yourself, thank God above all things first ♥️


2 weeks ago was my birthday I was waiting for people to wish me a happy birthday and there was one girl who has seen my insta story and she didn’t say anything. I was kinda sad and mad I thought :’ how can it be I wished her an happy birthday why didn’t she did the same to me?’ after that I felt like God said to me: ‘u are making yourself an idol’ after that I repented and instead of thinking abt people praising me I thought more about how God had blessed me with another year. All I can say is that we are making ourselves an idol. We are trying to be praised by others instead of praising the One Who give you another year. After the Lord woke me up, I’m going to pray so that our birthdays wouldn’t be such a thing for us. I’m also going to pray for the little kids.


Yeshua asked that we "remember" His death (on 14 Aviv). If Christ wanted us to honor His birth He would have revealed the date.


I use my birthday as a day of worship to The Most High. Treating it as a sort of Sabbath to give thanks to Elohim. I don't expect gift on this day since my friends and family know I don't celebrate it that way. The gift is that I was blessed with another year of life. So "I" give my time to focus on prayer and worship to YHWH that day. Js


I've met very few people who genuinely care about their own birthdays. It tends to be their loved ones who insist upon its celebration.


Yes, Pray to Yah, thank him for another year, and blessings.. praise him and enjoy the life he gave you.. shalom


I look at the three accounts of birthdays mentioned in the Bible: Herod’s - John the Baptist was beheaded, Pharoah - his baker was hung, Job’s kids died while celebrating a birthday when the house they were partying in blew in on them. From these three accounts of birthdays, I decided to opt not to exalt myself and my day of birth as being any more important than any other. That’s just my take on it. I’d more celebrate the anniversary of my baptism, if I remembered when it was.


One more thing I ask myself:
Why is the whole world celebrating birthday's and one has not a problem with it. But why has almost the whole world trouble to celebrate Yahweh's feasts, even Christian's, ? Tell me.


Okay I don't comment on YouTube much but I'm going to say this. Just like Christmas where we were falsely celebrating paganism through blindness thinking it's Christ's birth date and giving gifts and such through Santa Claus thinking we're spreading love and giving honor to TMH has anyone researched for themselves where and with who and what people birthdays originate? We did it with Xmas.. look up the Egyptians the Greeks the Persians and so forth... IJS just like we put Xmas under the lens do the same.

I'm not calling out anyone who celebrate.... and im not bashing... so I'm not looking for a debate I'm just saying... research.


Good point someone made regarding record keeping, which has proven to be quite valuable. The wealthier a nation becomes the increase of self consuming--if you will--become prevalent. At age 66 I am still discovering how ungodly and self-serving we as believers can be. It's true: it's a life time journey in becoming more like HIM.


I'm not big on bdays personally, but I don't tell others they shouldn't celebrate. My thinking is that if Yahshua himself didn't celebrate his bday, why do we think we are so much more important than him? If we are following him shouldn't our life reflect his? I feel like bdays are almost a day of self idolization instead of focusing on Yahweh. Almost everyone I know makes a huge deal of bday celebrations.


celebrating birthdays is the worship of self.  that is why in witchcraft and Satanism your birthday is your highest holy day. look up the history of a birthday cake, it is round in the shape of the moon and has candles to glow like the moon.  when you blow out the candles the smoke rising is your prayer/wish rising to Ashtoreth the queen of heaven.  Sounds like baking cakes to the queen of heaven. Jeremiah 7


I just find it incredibly interesting that the ONLY people mentioned in THE BIBLE who were celebrating birthdays, were wicked kings. Don't you? And just like Jesus's existence not being meant to be celebrated on so-called "Christmas" (a pagan holiday), we should celebrate Him EVERY day because He's our MAKER and Saviour). Likewise, we should celebrate the miracle and gift of LIFE that He gave us EVERY day, not just on the repeated anniversary when we came into physical being (in wicked sin, by the way). GOD is eternal & so are we. It matters how we finish (born again birthday & LIFE following Jesus, thereafter) not the day we were born into sin (what?). This earthly life is a test to see who will be His. We are to live & worship Him by living LIFE FOR Him in SPIRIT and TRUTH because it IS eternal. Birthday attention seems somewhat arrogant. If we're TRULY following Jesus, we should ask ourselves if we can picture Him celebrating the anniversary of the day He came from Heaven to be on earth, in flesh. I can't see Him celebrating the day that He came to this planet as anything special. It's what He did EVERY single day that we're supposed to FOLLOW (& the day & plan He made for paying it ALL to buy us back from our sin & ressurecting to PROVE who He IS). Not tradition of man (birthday celebrations). I don't do it anymore. I don't hammer people for doing it, but I just don't. I prefer recognizing 10/26/10 as the (born again) day I MET Jesus & received the Holy Spirit baptism/indwelling power, rather than my entrance into the wicked world in my sin & what lost family & the world would teach me to be in further corruption. It was HORRIBLE! I don't celebrate 10/26/10 either. But I certainly remember it (my spiritual birth/SPIRIT baptism) MORE profoundly & in higher gratitude than my flesh birth. Although, He knitted me in my mother's womb. It could've been ANY day with ANY womb, but the day I surrendered to seek Him & He rescued me (& EVERY day since) is what I celebrate. HalleluYAH!!! And THAT holds true for anyone else who is waking up to seek/find Jesus. He is SO good!!! Blessings in Jesus!🙋


i always pray on my birthday and thank God for letting me be alive to this day.... i’m so confused


Do my eyes deceive me?? Your comment section is on 😳😁


Birthdays cannot be occasions of "I"-dolatry or self-indulgence contrary to the Scriptures. But a family celebrating a member's life as a gift of the Almighty and offering thanks for such and giving blessings upon that person--who could argue with that?


Now, I have a lot of respect for 119 ministries. They produce very informative videos and lessons, and help us to rightly divide the truth from fiction. But on this topic, I rebuked them. They took the 'popular' way out, and because of the reputation they've gained, many people will side with them, over what is ACTUALLY written in the scrolls.

The topic is about 'Birthdays'. Their position is that birthdays are completely acceptable, as long as we don't use candles, or 'make a wish'. After you read the following two verses, I want you to look for any sign of 'candles' 'party hats' 'making a wish' or any of the justifications used by 119 ministries to support their claim.

Here we go...

Job 1:4 His sons used to hold feasts in their homes on their birthdays, and they would invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.

Now, if you view the scrolls as do the christians, then you have all of the justification you need, to say. "See, they celebrated birthdays in the bible"

But read the next verse...

5 When a period of feasting had run its course, Job would make arrangements for them to be purified. Early in the morning he would sacrifice a burnt offering for each of them, thinking, “Perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.” This was Job’s regular custom.

Let's review this verse carefully.
'After the festivities had concluded... Job attempted to sanctify or purify his children for their actions... Early the next morning, Job offered a burnt sacrifice for each of them, hoping to atone for THEIR sins. Saying, "My children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts" His children would not listen, and thus, Job did this every year after his children celebrated their birthdays'

Now, are you going to side with the 'sinful children of verse 4' or the 'righteous father of those children'


But they mingled with the [idolatrous] nations And learned their ways, And served their idols, Which became a [dreadful] snare to them.
PSALM 106:35‭-‬36 AMP


A little creepy this popped up on my birthday. I'd say what are the odds, but I know it's one in 365. Be blessed.
