What Is Baptism? - 119 Ministries

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There are many theories and beliefs about baptism as portrayed in the New Testament. What’s the origin of baptism? Was it really a new commandment? We examine these questions and more as we study the Scriptures in order to figure out what is baptism.

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My family is planning on baptizing ourselves on Yom Kippur. I feel like the Spirit is leading us to it. We have been talking about it lately and then many of the ministries that we follow, including this one, start releasing teachings on Baptism. Yom Kippur 2019 was the first feast that I was able to keep and marks my first full year of attempting to live a Torah Observant lifestyle. I feel as though it is appropriate after coming back from over 15 years of apostasy and sin. Praise the Most High and His Most glorious Son! HalleluYah!!


Excellent teaching...easy to follow 👍 and clearly understand. Thank you.


I love you guys 119 ministries! But on this I have to go with Yeshua’s words, and what he taut the original disciples. I’m not against Paul, but on some things when he contradicts, I go to the source.


I needed this video.. Soon I want to get baptized.


Not sure why some of the latest teachings rely so heavily on scholarly writings, commentaries and/or opinions. I have been a long time follower and supporter of this ministry and I hope this is not a new path 119 is pursuing.


I am hoping you can clarify David. I am unfamiliar with Craig Keener, but that doesn't mean anything, I am sure there are many scholars I am unfamiliar with. Can you explain to me why you put so much trust and emphasis on his commentary? For example 15:04 you quote his opinion(?) on Acts and this being a "demarcation" of faith in "Jesus". As I have yet to test his belief, but I would say just on that scripture alone, it is definitely possible a baptizm is used as such, but not necessarily the only conclusion one could draw from Yeshua's specific instructions....and I just noticed you quoting him a lot in this message, which you don't seem to do normally. Just thought I would ask before testing all of this why you seem to really trust this particular scholar. Thanks, Shalom


Yahusha and the disciples did not baptize the way we have been told and taught to do it in the last few hundred centuries or more. True baptism has been lost and watered down throughout the millenniums, and is that so hard to believe after over two thousand years have passed? This is why ever year thousands upon thousands of people get baptized every year and there is no change in their life at all. If you notice, there is very little to no change in the way they feel inside after these baptisms, and the little deference they do feel quickly fads within days and in some cases hours. But if you learned the true original way they were baptizing and you go through the true baptism, not only would your life change right before your eyes and before the eyes of all who know you, but also your inside will be changed to the point that all who know you would literally be able to see it, and I mean literally! For your body will actually be transfigured and your body will glow in its newly regenerated temple that we call bodies! This is not fiction, but when you learn the truth, you will find that the truth is not really stranger than fiction as they say, but it is the fiction that is strange, and the truth is liberating and will set you free from suffering.




So, in this video we are shown that the Torah command us to wash (ceremony cleansing) ourselves in many many instances for many different effects.... And that the disciple's in obedience to messiah also used washing (baptism) to ceremonially declare the commitment to God through faith in messiah
But then you say washing (baptism) is not a command....
That seems ridiculous to me


Thank you for your video but I do need to shine light in error of this video at the 24:20 mark regarding the thief on the cross not getting baptized before he was saved! Correct he was saved because Jesus was still alive on the cross and that era hasn’t passed away until Jesus dies. Scripture says in Hebrew 9:16 “ where a will exist the death of the one who made it must be established “! Thus the new covenant wasn’t established until Jesus last breath Nissan 14, AD 33 at 3 pm when He cried out “ IT IS FINISHED “ that is when the new era begins and baptism is needed to receive Gods Holy Spirit ( acts 2:38) and the great commission commands us to baptism them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Why? Because that is when God gives His Holy Spirit to those who obey( 1 thess 4:8) Thank you for making the changes to your errors in this video since Satan will try to deceive us in all things even to not being able to receive The Holy Spirit. May God bless your ministry as you are moving mountains and shutting the mouths of the lions so truth can prevail just having to kick the stones one might stumble over that can cause false salvation and loss of a soul. God bless


John 3:5 States Yeshua proclaiming unless a man be born of water and of the spirit he may not enter into the Kingdom of God


There are way too many advertisements during this teaching. 😢


Matthew 28:19 was modified to include both the reference to baptism and the reference to the Trinity.


Respected Sir,
Kindly make a video on Infant Baptism. Is infant Baptisim Right or wrong in The Light of Holy Word?.


For some reason I feel this teaching was off compared to many others I have watched. This one features alot of commentary and opinions. My understanding is that scripture is not open to personal interpretation. I would understand quoting historical documents from the early centuries, but the bible commentaries quoted really made me feel sickened in my spirit and I feel this teaching 'dropped the ball' so to speak...


I love your ministry and many of your teachings. It always surprises me when you get something dead wrong, but you drop the ball on baptism. You imply that “faith” as described in Ephesians 2:8 is mere intellectual assent to some set of propositions. Why, after all these years of promoting and teaching Hebrew perspective, would you lapse into a Greek perspective on such an important topic. You know full well that “belief” which does not result in obedience is not faith.

Baptism is neither a “symbol” nor a “ritual.” It is part of the process of entering the covenant relationship with Yeshua which eventually results in salvation.

Acts 2:38 says that baptism results in forgiveness of sin and receiving the Ruach. How is salvation possible without those conditions?

Romans 6:3-4 says that baptism unites us with Messiah in His death so that we may also be raised as He was. What salvation is possible without resurrection.

Galatians 3:27 says that baptism is the means for joining Yeshua’s body. Who will be saved apart from that body?

You denigrated 1 Peter 3:21, but it says plainly that Baptism saves us.

At the Red Sea Crossing, Israel was not saved by merely believing that YHVH is capable of parting the water. They had to actually walk through.

Why you would choose to promote false doctrine here is beyond me. I’m guessing that you have Baptist background and feel some need to justify that perspective. You need to be reminded that Acts 2:38 does not say: “Don’t do anything. Just hang there. Remember the thief on the cross.”


But what did YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH guided by RAUCH HA-QODESH say.!!!??? 🤔🤔🤔


My understanding is that the English word baptism is not actually a "translation" but rather a "transliteration". The Greek word βάπτισμα (baptisma) had no direct English word (much like the German word glumenikite has no direct English word). Since a word did not exist the translators used the Greek word with a "English" sound. According to Strongs baptisma means baptism (circular at best). We simply do not have a word for the Greek "baptisma" being completely immersed. Understanding that we are talking about a concept (complete immersion) and not a definite word we can see and better understand verses such as Matthew 3:15 (baptize with the Holy Spirit, baptize with fire). Oddly enough when we see the word Baptism in the Scriptures it seldom refers to what we instinctively (by singular definition teaching) think it is speaking about; it is very important to look at the context in which the word is being used. I hope this is helpful.


So your saying that what Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3:3-8 doesn't count. Good luck with that one when you stand before Jesus and by the way there will only be ONE throne when we stand before Him.


As for the thief—can anyone have been baptized into the death, burial and resurrection of Christ prior to his death burial and resurrection? Next, those who received the spirit, why weren’t they told they were good to go instead of saying water baptism should be done?
I don’t see baptism as any sort of “work” at all, but the exact thing it says it is, buried with Christ in baptism so we can live with him eternally. One verse taken out of context is not prudent. We must look at the whole Word. John 3:16 is ever spoken by people who think if they invite Jesus into their hearts, they’re good to go. The verse says For GOD so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have everlasting life. No mention of keeping any law of GOD. If that was the only verse I ever read, I’d think that’s all I needed, no instruction of Moses, no recognizing anything of Yah.
The Bible is clear that we will live with Christ if we are buried with him. It’s not difficult to read the IF in the middle of that sentence. Certainly the inner desire to please Yah, generates the desire to obey Him, which starts with being buried with Christ in baptism, as stated.
