Все публикации

German words with EIN

German words with BAHN

Words with GH and their German relatives

German words containing BAHN - What does BAHN mean? Learn German!

Why is the German verb LASSEN so important? Learn German!

The German verb HALTEN and its many variations - Learn German!

What are the many German words that are cognates to the English word 'right'?

Family Relationship in Dead Germanic Languages: Old English, Old Norse, Gothic, Old High German

The Lord's Prayer in Gothic, English, German, and Swedish - And Who Were the Goths Anyways?

DAIRY PRODUCTS in German - Learn everyday German!

What does the German verb KOMMEN and its many variations mean in English? Learn German!

Why are there two German cognates for the English word WEAPON

German dog breeds - pronounced in German

Medieval Weapons - in German

What is the difference between the English word KNIGHT and the German word KNECHT?

What are the many meanings of German words with 'fass' in them? - Learn conversational German!

What are limbs and appendages in German?


How to pronounce tree species in German?

Seven figurative ways of expressing dying in German - Learn conversational German

What are some very traditional German dishes?

What are some common household appliances in German? Improve your German vocabulary in a fun way!

Learn several important German motion verbs! Improve your conversational German!

things that people wear on their heads - in German