Seven figurative ways of expressing dying in German - Learn conversational German

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Learn more about how native German speakers express themselves in colorful ways. Stephan shares a few very common figurative expressions that mean to leave this world or to pass on. What does "giving up the spoon" have to do with dying. Watch this video and find out #learngerman #death #dying #metaphors #figurativelanguage @loquidity4973
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“Bit the grass” reminded me of the English “bit the dust” (might be more common in Western stories than in real life). And “viewing the radishes” has some similarities to “pushing up daisies”, both being from an underground perspective. This was a fun post, thanks!


In American slang they used to say "He's gone west" to mean "He's dead." That goes back to the 19th century when many people in the populated east were leaving for the western frontier lands.


Hello sir could you please explain and relate with a comment the differences between, wegen + Genetiv and due to, because, because of, which one is the correct translation grammatically, i speak four languags and i must relate between English and German and i really need sometimes some short help, best regards from an old subscriber :)


I didn't hear any of those in any of the Bach oratorios!


Ich hatte so lange nichts von dir gesehen, daß ich mich schon ein bisschen wunderte ob Du abgetreten bist, oder das Gezähe abgegeben hast.
Darüber brauche ich mir, für mich, keine Gedanken machen.
Habe gefunden, daß der Tod mich vergessen hat.
Das ist auch nicht zu verachten.
Ich mochte den Sensenmann ohnehin nicht.


I find "den Löffel abgeben" very cute. Could it be that"vor die Hunde gehen" refer to Fox hunting. If so it's very nasty indeed. There a French expression " manger les pissenlits par la racine" literally eating dandelions by the root. Very close to the similar German expression. Interesting how different cultures refer to death in a delicate way


In English we "kick the bucket" or "take a dirt nap" lol
