Все публикации

Brian Cox - Why is Uranus a Strange Planet 😨 #cosmology #uranus

Alien Life on Saturn's Moon Enceladus? 🤔 w/Brian Cox #alien #solarsystem #cosmology

‘An Asteroid to Destroy Earth in next 160 Years’ 🤯 W/Neil deGrasse Tyson #bennu #asteroid

Brian Cox - Why Dark Matter Exists? 🤔 #cosmology #darkmatter

Brian Cox - Does Size Matter? (for Planets) 😂 #aliens

Brian Cox - 'There are 20 BILLION Earth Like Planets in Our Galaxy!' 😱 #milkyway

Brian Cox - This is how the World Ends! 🤯 #earth #cosmology

Carls Sagan's Beautiful Words by Brian Cox ♥ #quotes #space #cosmology

NASA’s Experiment to Save Earth from an ASTEROID ☄️ w/Brian Cox #science #nasa

Brian Cox: Elon Musk is Wrong about AI (ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE) 🤖#future #ai w/Joe Rogan

Brian Cox - Why Colonize MARS? 🤔 #martians #lifeonmars

Seeing past 13.8 BILLION YEARS (The Big Bang) 🧐 w/Brian Cox #cosmology #bigbang

End of the Universe (PART 2): “Last Black Holes”🧿 w/Brian Cox #cosmology #bbc

End of the Universe (PART 1): “The Last Stars”✨ w/Brian Cox #cosmology #bbc

E=MC² in making “ATOMIC BOMBS” 🤯 w/Neil deGrasse Tyson #einstein #nuclear

Brian Cox - 'I don't have a Religion' 😳 #science #god #universe

Neil deGrasse Tyson - 'The Holes of the Universe': Black Hole, Wormhole and White Hole 😈 #blackhole

Do other planets have seasons? 🤔 w/Neil deGrasse Tyson #weather #cosmology

Why can't Light Escape a Black Hole? 🤔 w/Physicist Brian Cox

LGM 1 Pulsar - A Neutron Star Compared to the Sun 🤯 w/Brian Cox

Brian Cox - Einstein vs Hawking 👀 'Black Holes and Quantum Computing Connection' #einstein

How Saturn 🪐 REALLY got its Rings? 🤔 w/Brian Cox #cosmology #saturn

Asteroid 'APOPHIS' impact on Earth April 13, 2029 🤯 w/Neil deGrasse Tyson #asteroid #apophis

How Big The Universe 🌌 REALLY Is? w/Brian Cox #cosmology #universe #briancox