Все публикации

The Lazy Way to Cut Pizza - Numberphile

The Clever Way to Count Tanks - Numberphile

Pi-oneers (interview with Sinha & Saha) - Numberphile

Signing Primes

Discovery of the Aperiodic Monotile - Numberphile

A New Tile in Newtyle - Numberphile

Magic Squares of Squares (are PROBABLY impossible) - Numberphile

The Brick Factory Problem - Numberphile

Parabolic Mirrors - Numberphile

Practical Numbers - Numberphile

Discovery about Book Embedding of Graphs - Numberphile

The Journey to 3264 - Numberphile

The Math of Species Conflict - Numberphile

The Perfect Goal Kicking Angle - Numberphile

Your Klein Bottle is in the Post - Numberphile

The Distance Between Numbers - Numberphile

The Prime Number Race (with 3Blue1Brown) - Numberphile

The Light Switch Problem - Numberphile

Triangle Subdivision - Numberphile

The Yellowstone Permutation - Numberphile

Card Memorisation (using numbers) - Numberphile

The Goat Problem - Numberphile

A Problem with the Parallel Postulate - Numberphile

The Puzzling Fourth Dimension (and exotic shapes) - Numberphile