Your Klein Bottle is in the Post - Numberphile

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Klein bottle enthusiast Cliff Stoll shows us his unique system for sending bottles to customers. More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓


Videos by Brady Haran

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My son bought me one of Cliff's Klein bottles for Christmas a few years ago. Came with all the photos, bubble wrap, and documentation shown here. When I opened it up, I remarked "I never knew I wanted a Klein bottle but now I don't think I can live without it". One of the best gifts I've ever received. Thanks son. Thanks Cliff.


This man is so wholesome and this world needs more people like him


I remember when I bought a Klein bottle from him I loved all the photos he took and all the work he put into packaging with the drawings and warnings. Then after getting it I carefully read the invoice, receipt and the unimportant information trying to get all the little mathematical jokes there. It was great!


I bought one from Germany, as a wedding gift for my best friend a few years back. Cliff was so awesome to even include (the correctly written!) translation for fragile all across the box, as well as a short personal note and best wishes for the couple.
This was hands down THE BEST and throughout nothing but pleasant online transaction I've ever experienced, and in the sadly very unlikely case that I'd meet him, nothing less than a hug will do.

Listen up, companies. This here is what TRUE passion and love for your product and customers looks like. (Certainly not sustainable on large scales, but come on. A thin slice of that would go a long way already.)


I bought a Klein bottle from Cliff Stoll many years ago and I can guarantee that this is exactly how he does things, he's not exaggerating for the video or anything.

Even had a small chat via email, he's such a awesome guy!


Cliff is so precious he makes me want to cry. This has made me 3000% more likely to buy a klein bottle.


I can confirm that Cliff has done this for years, I bought a bottle in 2007/08 and received all the pictures and great communication from Cliff. I mentioned the effort and personalisation that Cliff puts into it to our marketing head at work and he still uses the pictures Cliff sent in a power point for new people to show **THIS** is how you do marketing and sales, learn from him.

I was also lucky enough to meet Cliff in 2009 and he's just aa lovely in person as he is on video.
And if you've not read The Cuckoo's Egg book yet, put it on your to-read list it's a great page turner, can't recommend it enough.


I come to this channel on a regular basis to watch Cliff and his lovely story about the reasons why he does not drink because of his father, truly inspiring


My boyfriend bought me a pair of Klein bottle earrings for Valentine’s Day from Cliff and he even took selfies with them ❤ the care he puts in is admiring.


I am a grown, 30-something (too old to count) year old man who just purchased two of these bottles. I literally broke down into tears when I received the email with the photos and personal message back from Cliff. Literally an inspiration to me, and someone that I can strive to be when I gather a few more years in life.


I cant praise this mans kindness enough. When i bought mine i was shocked at how personal and thoughtful the hand written notes were. I tell everyone when i show them my klein bottle.


"or fragile them" made me smile, cliff is so kindhearted! makes me happy every time he appears on a video, his positive attitude is so contagious that I can't help but smile through the whole video


Yay! Cliff is back on Numberphile! My day is now complete.


The man is a crazy old grandpa. Every once and awhile you a little annoyed with his eccentricities, but then less than a second later, he says or does something else silly and your back to just loving every second of it again, forgetting all your doubts ever even existed.

We love you, Cliff!


I bought a bottle from him to decorate my desk 6 years ago as a math undergrad. A year later i met him at the 2018 JMM in San Diego and he told me a story about his son and one of his college professors was extremely impressed with his son.


His care in the order and delivery process was half the fun. By the time I was done I felt like I had hung out with Cliff. Which was such a joy.


I had the pleasure of welcoming one of Cliffs bottles in my home. Up to this day it has been the most fun package i ever got ♡


I got an ACME Klein bottle today and there was a bright smile on my face the whole time I was unpacking it. Thanks, Cliff!!!


I love my Klein bottle. My husband bought one for me for Christmas in 2015. The included documents are hilarious. What a treasure you are, Cliff Stoll 💕


The best purchase I ever made. I still have the box and everything he put in there with it. Amazing person.
