Все публикации

The Revolutionary Genius Of Joseph Fourier

Dirichlet Invented this Function to Prove a Point

This Function Maps Any Interval to the Real Line (Conway's Base-13 Function)

Minimax Approximation and the Exchange Algorithm

Pick's Theorem (From Euler's Planar Graph Formula)

A really Satisfying Proof about Triangles on a Lattice.

The Riemann Zeta Function in the Integer Lattice

How Newton discovered Taylor series (but didn't tell anyone)

A Sine Interpolation Problem #Shorts

Newton Interpolation and Divided Differences

MSc Mathematics at The Open University

Bijective Functions and the Continuum Hypothesis

Relations and Functions: The Modern Definition of a Mathematical Function.

The Vandermonde Matrix and Polynomial Interpolation

An existence proof for arbitrarily large prime gaps.

Lagrange Interpolation

The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

Padé Approximants

Set Theory | All-in-One Video

A Tour of the Real Numbers

Convex Norms and Unique Best Approximations

Convex Sets | Introduction, Definition and Examples

Approximating Functions in a Metric Space

The Lp Norm for Vectors and Functions