Pick's Theorem (From Euler's Planar Graph Formula)

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In this video we'll discuss Pick's Theorem: probably the most famous theorem in lattice geometry. We'll use Euler's results from graph theory (namely, his planar graph formula) to prove this theorem.
References and Notes:
Also see Ref. 1 for proof that any primitive lattice polygon can be divided into primitive lattice triangles
FAQ : How do you make these animations?
Animations are mostly made in Apple Keynote which has lots of functionality for animating shapes, lines, curves and text (as well as really good LaTeX). For some of the more complex animations, I use the Manim library. Editing and voiceover work in DaVinci Resolve.
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References and Notes:
Also see Ref. 1 for proof that any primitive lattice polygon can be divided into primitive lattice triangles
FAQ : How do you make these animations?
Animations are mostly made in Apple Keynote which has lots of functionality for animating shapes, lines, curves and text (as well as really good LaTeX). For some of the more complex animations, I use the Manim library. Editing and voiceover work in DaVinci Resolve.
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