Minimax Approximation and the Exchange Algorithm

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In this video we'll discuss minimax approximation. This is a method of approximating functions by minimisation of the infinity (uniform) norm. The exchange algorithm is an iterative method of finding the approximation which minimises the infinity norm.
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Animations are mostly made in Apple Keynote which has lots of functionality for animating shapes, lines, curves and text (as well as really good LaTeX). For some of the more complex animations, I use the Manim library. Editing and voiceover work in DaVinci Resolve.
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FAQ : How do you make these animations?
Animations are mostly made in Apple Keynote which has lots of functionality for animating shapes, lines, curves and text (as well as really good LaTeX). For some of the more complex animations, I use the Manim library. Editing and voiceover work in DaVinci Resolve.
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Minimax Approximation and the Exchange Algorithm
Existence of minimax polynomials
511572 Section 4.2 Minimax Approximation
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