Top 6 Signs You Feel You Are Always Doing Something Wrong - Core Wound Uncovered |

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Explore the 6 signs that reveal you may have the core wound of feeling like you're always doing something wrong. Understand how this connects to the fearful avoidant attachment style and recognize it as a trauma response. Start your healing journey today!



The Healed & Happy online program is now OPEN:

Heal your fearful avoidant attachment style
- Transform your life
- Feel better, calmer, happier
- Create deep and lasting relationships and connections

Healed and Happy is an online program through an app, in the form of a tailormade journey that takes you to unshakeable peace, deeper love, connection and safety.


I'm always looking for ways to help you heal. These healing cards reveal what it looks and feels like to be healed. These affirmations will make healing the fearful avoidant attachment style so much easier.
You can use these as the background of your phone, or print them out and hang them anywhere.

00:00 Intro
00:39 You almost constantly hold your breath
01:15 You are not allowing yourself to relax
01:45 You feel like this little child that is going to get into trouble sooner or later
04:40 You’re hiding and not doing things or feel resistance towards doing things
07:10 You’re always reading people for signs that they are unhappy with you
08:36 You are always assuming people are mad at you

This video is about Top 6 Signs You Feel You Are Always Doing Something Wrong - Core Wound Uncovered. But It also covers the following topics:

Identifying Core Wounds
Core Wound Signs
Fearful Avoidant Attachment Style

✅ Stay Connected With Me.


✅ Recommended Playlists

👉 Healing fearful avoidant attachment style

👉The basics of the fearful avoidant attachment style

✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching:

👉 What 'Present Moment Magic' is and how to get their

👉3 Reasons why you keep attracting the same kind of partners

👉The Vulnerability Hangover - 5 Reasons why you pull back after being vulnerable

👉3 Taylor Swift lyrics that show fearful avoidant signs

👉4 Reasons why Fearful Avoidants make amazing partners


✅ About Paulien Timmer - Healing the fearful-avoidant.

The way you feel right now is not the way you are. If you want more freedom, calm, love, and peace in your head, body, and life, it is possible. You are not too broken.
‌After spending 14 years healing the fearful avoidant attachment style, I am beyond passionate and dedicated to getting you to where I am now: living a life true to myself, waking up feeling rested and peaceful. Deeply in love with my husband and looking forward to the future. This is what life is supposed to be like, and it is my honor to help you get there.

In the past 7 years, I have guided over 2000 people through my Dutch programs (I am from the Netherlands), to a secure attachment and happy relationship. Over the past year and a half, another 150 beautiful people have been through the English program Healed&Happy. I love seeing how lives can change within three months, and how NORMAL it can feel to have a secure attachment. I wish you so much joy, pleasure, and love.


#corewound #fearfulavoidant #attachmentstyle #traumaresponse #emotionalhealing #healingjourney

Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your research.

© Paulien Timmer - Healing the fearful-avoidant
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I don’t know why I started crying while listening to this


I often feel like a little child getting into trouble and am constantly correcting/being super conscious of everything I do or say. I doubt my friendships because I think "how could someone actually like ME?". I try to talk back to that thought and reassure myself that no-one would be friends with someone they don't like, etc. However, after a decade of friendship my two best friends ghosted me and that definitely threw a spanner in the works. I spent months re-examining all of my behaviour. I don't think I did anything wrong (though it's hard to say that bc regardless of remembering and knowing my own behaviour, there's a part of me waiting to be told off for something anyway (the part of me that feels innately flawed)). I know now that if someone is mad at me it's their responsibility to tell me, but that fear of losing friendships because they don't tell me is alive more than ever.


Yes that's very true don't want to hurt others.


100% I struggle with all of this everyday & it’s exhausting. I also mentally recap all my interactions with people daily to identify where I did something wrong or where I may have upset them in any way (even if they didn’t show it). Much easier to just hide


the feeling of not really knowing what is actually wrong is a strong component, as is the fear of getting in trouble...this is explained really well.🙏


This really hit home for me. I never realized I have this problem but the way you explained it resonates deeply with me. I’ve always been afraid of doing wrong, getting fired, going to jail etc… thank you for this video!


I bawled throughout this entire video 🥺 I am so so insanely thankful for your channel. You are truly a blessing. Thank you for helping us FAs❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thank you for making this video. I had big problems with this. I recognized it in my sibling a while back, but never thought about me having these issues. I see I do have them. I have 'cured' some and I have to work on others still. I am just so happy progress is possible and now it's visible. At the beginning it seemed as if it will never get better. 🎉


This is like: the right words coming at the right moment, like there is some coordinating youtube spirit guiding the right stuff to me at the right moment.
Great stuff, I will be looking into more of your clips!


That one about hiding and not doing things really hits close to the bone for me. All my life I’ve avoided things that I honestly deeply value like connection, relationships, schooling and a fulfilling career because every time I try these things it feels like the world falls apart I mess up and usually end up running away or quitting. I’m trying school yet again right now and finding it extremely triggering of these old wounds. So so much of me wants to go back to being small and hiding.

And that one about monitoring others for signs they are unhappy with or mad at me, omg, this has been my whole life. 😢


I wondered why I am always on the go, I really can never sit still or let myself relax. I didn't connect it at all to running from scrutiny. Thinking about it I see that as a flight response, as we try and get away from the constant fear and guilt, and to have something to point at to say "Hey look, I'm doing all this, I must not be as bad as I assume people think I am!" And the hiding is also something I do SO OFTEN. I hate being in the spotlight, hate people seeing me or my work. I see this as a freeze response because we are just so immobilized by trying to figure out the "right" thing we need to do that we don't do anything about it, and then use that flight response of constantly moving to escape from whatever it is we are supposed to actually be doing.

Would love some tips on dealing with this particular core wound -- I feel this may be a big missing piece for me as I have focused a lot me not feeing worthy or not good enough, but everything you said in here was just SPOT ON.


even if i “hid” myself it was still a problem so i really don’t know im trying to work on it and understand but it gets overwhelming because i know the current situation isnt what’s making me upset it’s something being triggered but i can’t put my finger on it so im in a loophole


Holy cow! The hiding and then not wanting to do things especially when you're told to do something. I have wondered about that for years and you just pinpointed it exactly! For example, even right now I am over 40 years old, but I am running late to my son's Birthday party at his grandparents house where we were picking up some items those people were late. But now all the way home. I am worried about getting in trouble because I'm 20 minutes behind and trying to explain that it wasn't my fault and all of this other stuff. That is why I started looking for videos like this, so I could understand why do I always feel like I'm going to get in trouble when I'm an adult?! You so much for this information and this great video! New subscriber! :-)


I've always told myself I don't care about other people's opinions but now I see that I've done this in order to protect myself from this fear of believing I am always doing something wrong.

I know now that dismissing other people is an FA trait and that I need to accept that I am going to make mistakes but I am not responsible for how other people react when I do.

Your video also explained when I show anger this is my choice and that I can set boundaries without a display of anger.

Thank you Pauline! I get something from every video of yours I watch.


This video really spoke to me- my Dad never regulated his emotions; he would get mad at the slightest inconvenience and then mostly verbally take it out on my Mum and me- I spent most of my childhood never knowing what would make him angry or when I was going to be scolded next. These days he debates with me constantly, every conversation turns into a battle that he always ends up winning, and I always end up feeling stupid and humiliated. Even when I make a point that I KNOW is factually correct he makes me question it, and I suddenly start wondering if I'm wrong or misremembering. He's much improved from when I was young, but he can still be exhausting to talk to, and how he treated me has left wounds that I'm still learning to deal with.


Dear Paulien Timmer, Thank you very much for your hard work and dedication. Your videos make me aware of all the heavy burdend that I am unconsciously carrying within myself. A girl in my neighbourhoof who I thought was really close to me suddenly stopped talking. I was lying to myself that it didn't affect me, but I know I was unconsciously thinking maybe I have done something wrong that's why she's angry at me. I sometimes go out of my way to appease others so that they won't be upset with me. Now that is something to work on.


Hi Pauline, thank you very much for the video. I have this core wound, but this wound ("the fear of always doing something wrong") it is also reinforced by the people I seem to connect with. I tend to attract people who are passive-aggressive. I can clearly feel that especially two people I know are often angry and displeased, and I have told them that they can tell me if I hurt them or something is bothering them, but they never do.
I know that it is not my job to figure out what is wrong when they don't say anything, and I try to ignore it, but still I can't help being a people-pleaser around such people.
And another thing: One of these people often expresses their anger about other people to me, and I can see that their anger is disproportionate to the situation. This particular person gets extremely angry and feels insulted by other people all the time and when they communicate why to me, I become very surprised, because I was there in the situation and the people this person is angry with did absolutely nothing to offend them.
This makes me think, what if the things I get hurt by are also not in proportion to the situation? If I should set up boundaries, I wouldn't know whether it was appropriate. Let's say that the person I mentioned above would set boundaries instead of getting angry, then she would go around saying to people publicly "you hurt my feelings, because you accidentally bumped into me" or "you hurt me, because you disagreed with me" or"you hurt me, because you let your children speak loudly in the café" etc.
What if the things I get hurt by are just as "irrational" as the things that hurt this person (I know that this persons feelings are appropriate and in proportion in the sense that their feelings are an absolutely appropriate reaction to what happened to them in their childhood. But the feelings are now being triggered by neutral/harmless things that other people do).
I wouldn't feel comfortable saying to people that they hurt my feelings and then they would look at me with astonishment and disbelief. And then I would feel shame.


Love your clear explanations.
Can we have more how-to or what-to-do videos please Paulien? ❤


2:05 "the punishments [..] it wasn't really logical" Wow... this fits so well with king Saul, 3000 years ago, who was followed by king David. King Saul had 2 daughters Michal and Merab, who could have developed this fearful avoidant attachment style.


Is this the same as feeling like you can't do anything right?
