The Entire Timeline of Harry & Ginny's Relationship (Harry Potter Explained)

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Ginny's relationship with Fred & George is very underrated, I love this trio a lot.


2 things missed. What slughorns potion smelled like to harry. And the fact that bellatrix almost killing ginny actually made him stop going towards Voldemort and head to bellatrix instead (only to be stopped as molly got there first)


Ginny going to the ball with Neville speaks volume to her character though. Even having a chance with Harry in that moment when Ron said that Harry should go with her, she didn't bail on Neville. That is an extremely loyal thing to do despite literally being lovestruck by Harry for the past 4 years.


When I was younger, I didn't appreciate The Half Blood Prince as much because I felt it turned too much towards romance, but now I think the character relationships are what make it good. I love how the characters are so flushed out that the usually agreeable Ginny and Hermione can have a spat over if Harry's actions are justified. It really makes them all feel like really people. A lesser writer just has Ginny crush on Harry every day until they date. But Rowling puts them both through arcs and they GROW into a relationship. Great writing.


On top of that, Ginny's got the kind of parents you actually want to have as in-laws--that in and of itself is rare. If Harry's parents were alive they would welcome her with open arms the way Arthur and Molly did for Harry. That's also pretty rare among married couples.


Also, regardless of the awkwardness of their romance in the movies…I will forever defend Bonnie Wright. I believe if she was given the opportunity to actually play Ginny from the books!


Funny thing is that Ginny was the first girl naturally raised in the wizarding world that Harry (being muggle-raised) met at Platform 9 3/4.
Also, Hermione was the first muggle-raised girl Ron, a wizarding world-raised boy, met at Platform 9 3/4.
Later, this foreshadowing is full-circled when we see both the couples sending their children off in the Epilogue.


The main reason why Harry and Ginny were ruined in the film were because of Steve Kloves (the screenwriter for all but the fifth film). He self-admitted in front of JKR that he was a Harry/Hermione shipper and for this reason he butchered down Ron and Ginny hard.
This is why I genuinely dislike the films.


Her love turned from a heroic crush to a true love when Harry rescued her and stayed close to her after the others turned away from her because of what happened that year.
Their relationship is amazing in books, ginny is the right woman for Harry, she has grown up with six brothers, so she was fierce and strong-willed.
And the fact that she had a big family
treated Harry like a son
the one who his desire was to have a family

*the movies ruined her character*


To be honest I watched the movies before the books. The movies had me rooting for Harry and Cho Chang. The books made me fall in love with Harry and Ginny.


Although she was sad at the time, thinking that she'd missed her chance with Harry, when not only did she realise that she'd already said yes to Neville, but that Harry clearly hadn't noticed her at that point, I think that it was better long term for their relationship.

If they had gone to the Ball together, I feel that Ginny would have had a pretty miserable time. Not only would her nervousness and self-consciousness reach new heights, affecting her enjoyment, but also considering that Harry was infatuated with Cho at the time, then he wouldn't have given Ginny the attention she would have liked.


Morgan really puts his mind and soul while talking about Harry Potter I really appreciate it


Harry and Ginny had a great relationship in the books, I’ll forever be upset that the movies ruined their relationship


People say Umbridge, Voldemort and Bellatrix are the best HP villains.
But for me, it'll always be Steve Kloves, John Tiffany and Jack Thorne.


Harry spent 10 years enduring abusive conditions and with absolutely no friends and - unlike Draco - he chose to reject his toxic upbringing and treat people with kindness and decency. He constantly put his friends and fellow students above himself even when they turned on him (which happened on more than one occasion). Not to mention that when the chips were down, he was basically always the one who got the job done. Quirrell, Basilisk, Dementors, Voldemort multiple times etc. In the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, he - along with Neville - was still standing when the Order arrived while everyone else had gone down. He was the only person smart enough to deduce the correct path of the Elder Wand and thus figure out that he actually had the advantage when everyone else who knew about the wand assumed Voldemort did. He figured that out in the middle of a huge battle. Good luck to anyone else in the entire series piecing that together in those circumstances. Not the first time either; just by watching Malfoy's behaviour in Diagon Alley, he deduced that Malfoy joined the Death Eaters, which nobody outside of Dumbledore (who already knew) believed. Harry's logical/tactical sense is very underrated. And in case anyone forgot...he willingly walked into what looked for all the world like a certain death sentence when he allowed Voldemort to strike him down, just so the world would have a chance to defeat him.

Sure, he's impulsive and quick to anger, but all that does is make him human. His kindness, empathy and courage far outstrip his flaws and bear in mind, he turned out to be a truly good person even while a piece of Voldemort was literally living in him. Wearing a Horcrux as a necklace was enough to amplify a person's negative traits, so imagine how much worse it would be with it actually merged with you. That Harry overcame that and an abusive upbringing to still be so good is a strength of character unmatched in the series.

Also, small thing, but his sassy snark is up there with the Twins and Ron for best humour in the series.

Harry Potter is an amazing character and a truly extraordinary person


Based on the books, I love Harry and Ginny's relationship too. Unlike other canon relationships in the books, their's is a beautiful culmination of getting over nerves, getting to know each other and finding out mutual interests.

I know some fans of the books say that their relationship seems abrupt, but I disagree. Like you said in this, Ginny went from an excitable if shy little girl who had a huge crush on Harry, to the extent that she couldn't speak in front of him due to nerves, to being sad that the boy she loves doesn't notice her, to dating other boys, to talking more confidently to him (to the extent that he enjoys talking to her in her own right for the first time) and ultimately culminating in them hooking up in a romantic relationship. To me, a successful relationship isn't about how many times you can bicker about the most pathetic things, it is calling each other out where necessary and enjoying each others company (to be happy in other words) the rest of the time.

I've always felt that it was significant about the way JK Rowling wrote their relationship. Unlike with his relationship with Cho, where she wrote in detail his disastrous relationship with her, she wrote very little about his relationship with Ginny once they got together. Because it was a far happier relationship, she didn't need to go into detail about what they were doing on their dates, instead emphasising how happy he was


I'm so elated to see an entire video on this topic.their relationship is sketched in such a step by step progressive manner that it seems very obvious.the realization of harry's own feeling and his reminiscences of ginny makes the story too much romantic .thank you soooo much movie flame for making this video.


I've started reading the books, on Chamber of Secrets rn, and if I'm being honest, while I also like the story, Ginny and Harry's relationship is one of the main motivations for getting into the books. Before that I've only seen the movies and liked their on screen chemistry for what it was. However, I started watching videos like this and once I realized there was a whole deeper level to their relationship in the books, I contemplated about getting the books bc I'm not a big reader, but eventually went through with it and haven't been disappointed. Also, she's adorable in Chamber of Secrets lol


There relationship is kind of relationship that can give anyone butterflies, I love the way how both of them are really protective of eachother, being jealous in the cutest way possible.
Honestly these two are the best couple in the HP series.❤❤❤❤
