History of Hogwarts & All 4 Founders (Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw) - Harry Potter

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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we're discussing the COMPLETE history of Hogwarts and the lives of all 4 founders- Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Helga Hufflepuff and Rowena Ravenclaw.

In this video, I’ve left no stone unturned in the discussion of Hogwarts’ tumultuous history, and I’ve included everything I could possibly find on the school’s 4 founders.

By the end of this video, you’re going to be an expert.

I’m going to kick off things by discussing HOW the school was founded, then begin diving in to the rich histories of each founder.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy.

Hogwarts was founded at some point during the tenth century. It was built hidden off somewhere in the Scottish highlands (the exact location is never actually revealed)- and this was because the tenth century was a time of hardship for witches and wizards. During this time, every day, witches and wizards were being persecuted by muggles-who were intensely hostile when it came to witnessing sources of magic. In order to further protect the staff, students, and school itself- additional precautions were made in the form of charms - helping to further conceal the school from muggle trespassers. If a muggle were to just happen to stumble upon the school grounds- they would only see ruins, and signs warning them to stay away.

Hogwarts was founded when four 10th century witches and wizards got together, and decided that they had, in the sorting hat’s own words: ‘the selfsame yearning, to make the world’s best magic school’. These founders were Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Salazar Slytherin and Helga Hufflepuff. Thus, Hogwarts was born. The name Hogwarts actually came from founder Rowena Ravenclaw, who had a dream where a ‘warty’ hog lead her to a cliff by a lake - it’s also been speculated that this is how they chose the location for the school as well. After its establishment, like with any institution, a crest was formed for Hogwarts. Emblazoned upon the school crest are the words ‘Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus’ - which roughly translates to ‘Never tickle a sleeping dragon’.

...Watch the video for the rest!





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Thanks for watching all! A lot went in to this one so please show some love by LIKING / SUBSCRIBING / COMMENTING! Cheers


I'd love to see a movie about the founders of Hogwarts


The thing I love most is how Salazar and Godric were friends despite their differences in some of their core beliefs, it gives me Xavier and Magneto vibes


One of the cleverest theories I've ever heard is that the sorting hat sorts (forgive the redundancy) not by reading into what each child's predominant personality trait is, but what they value above all, even if they lack it themselves; this explains why someone like Pettigrew could have ended up in Gryffindor and somone like Lockhart in Ravenclaw, and still not be particularly brave or clever themselves; also why Snape was sorted "too soon" into Slytherin, since he was ambitious and valued power, and didn't set much store by his own bravery. Anyway, I just leave that in here since I thought it was quite interesting and marginally related to this video's topic. Love your videos! Keep it up💓


Anyone else catching up on lore now that Hogwarts Legacy is out?


Anybody else that the Hogwarts founders are an rpg party? Hufflepuff is the healer, Gryffindor is the fighter, Ravenclaw is the mage, and Slytherin is the rogue.


I honestly wouldn’t mind seeing a movie or series based on the founders of Hogwarts. It would be interesting to see how they all got together, how they had an architect make the school and seeing the falling out of Salazar Slytherin and the rest over who should attend there.

I would also like to see the time where Merlin attended Hogwarts and see how he progressed from being a student there to his involvement in the Arthur legend.


I think GG knew about the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets but didn’t know where. Probably spent most of his time trying to find it but wasn’t able to. So instead he enchanted the sorting hat to provide a true gryffindor his sword for when slytherins heir appears so they could defend the school from the snake.



Each founders students actually needs other founders students qualities just like each founder needed their friends qualities.

Salazar needed more compassion to be able to forgive Muggles.

Rowena needed the courage to be vulnerable in front of her friends and the humility to ask for help before it was too late.

Godric needed more communication skills and more emotional intelligence to bring his friend back from the darkside before he went too far.

Helga needed to be more ambitious. She needed to be the one to bring everyone together.


0:50 Intro
4:46 Gryffindor
14:09 Slytherin
24:40 Hufflepuff
34:17 Ravenclaw
42:21 Outro


I like the idea that Salazar Slytherin was from Ireland and that his family was fleeing persecution. Since he's a parselmouth, it ties him to druidism and events like St. Patrick driving snakes from Ireland. Obviously there are hundreds of years between Patrick and Salazar, but that may lend to the theory that he inherited his disdain of muggles from his parents. His family may have been attacked hundreds of years prior, maybe having their snake companions driven from their land.


At 52 I got sorted into the 'Ravenclaw' House 🦅 via the Wizarding World site 😅 Never too old to join Hogwarts ha ha 💫🔮💫
I just found your channel and going to binge watch the Magickal Potterverse! Thank you for your amazing videos HPT 💫🧙‍♀️🌟🧙‍♀️💫


I have thought about a theory as to why salazar slytherin didn't trust muggles.
Look at the time he lived, a time where muggles were burning or drowning witches and wizards en masse (which is part of real history) which could be seen as a potential existential threat.
So is it not unreasonable to think that the children of muggles might just (accidently or not) leak vital information that could threaten the lives of students and staff at the school or even the wizarding world at large.
So to make preferences for students who don't have muggles in their family could be considered a safer option.
Even the chamber of secrets could've had not so evil motivations (at least at first), being large enough to fit all students and staff if the school was under serious threat and a terrifying basilisk as a form of protection. And would only follow salazar after his fallout with gryffindor.


Slytherin = Chamber of Secrets
Gryffindor = Head Masters Office
Hufflepuff = Great Hall
Ravenclaw = Room of Requirement


I'm a Hufflepuff, and I know many people say "it' rubbish!" but I think that knowing you are a hard worker and being loyal to other people is very nice.


If Griffindor was at Hogwarts during Harry’s sixth year Umbridge wouldn’t have set foot on the Campus. I’m sure the other Founders would’ve felt similarly but he’d straight up fight the Ministry itself than back down


Idk if you've done this before, but could you do a video on the top five or top ten heroic acts done by Slytherins? Severus Snape, Draco and Narcissa Malfoy, Horace Slughorn, and Regulus Black all did things that could be considered heroic


Would love a film or adeptation based on the founders it would make for a really good orgin story


Best video on the subject! Thanks for putting all that effort in !


So when youre talking about the sword of Gryffindor you say that the goblin spread rumors that its his. Goblins believe that the creator is the owner not the holder/purchaser
