The Life Of Tom Riddle: Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter)

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The Life Of Tom Riddle: Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter)

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Tom Marvolo Riddle, later known as Lord Voldemort or, alternatively as You-Know-Who, the Dark Lord, or He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was an English half-blood wizard considered to have been the most powerful and dangerous Dark Wizard of all time. He was amongst the greatest wizards to have ever lived, often considered more powerful or equal to Albus Dumbledore.



00:00 Intro
01:08 Family lineage
02:41 Early life (1926–1938)
04:05 Discovery of being a wizard
05:45 Hogwarts years (1938–1945)
06:49 Opening the Chamber of Secrets
09:20 Murder of the Riddle family
10:13 Learning about Horcruxes
11:15 After Hogwarts (1945–1949)
12:25 The rise of the Dark Lord (1950–1970)
13:26 Lord Voldemort's request
15:17 First Wizarding War (1970–1981)
16:45 Testing his Horcrux's defences
19:34 The prophecy
21:04 First fall from grace
22:30 Missing years (1981–1994)
23:35 Search for the Philosopher's Stone
25:13 Drinking unicorn blood
26:20 In the Underground Chambers
27:12 Reopening the Chamber of Secrets
28:46 Destruction of the diary
29:55 Return to full strength (1994–1995)
32:12 Triwizard Tournament plot
33:09 Eve of war
34:28 Return of Lord Voldemort
35:39 Duel in Little Hangleton
37:03 Second Wizarding War (1995–1998)
38:07 Battle of the Department of Mysteries
39:49 The start of open war
40:59 Meeting at Malfoy Manor
41:48 Battle of the Seven Potters
42:39 Ministry take-over
43:46 The search for the Elder Wand
45:39 Learning of the Horcrux hunt
46:29 Battle of Hogwarts
47:16 In the forest
47:59 Final duel
48:47 Death
49:51 Post-mortem
50:25 Return to peace



VLOG CHANNEL: @AmagiPublishing
SECOND CHANNEL: @EthanSchulteis





PRODUCER: @AmagiPublishing
EDITOR: @Imubi5
WRITER: @Harry Potter Wiki
MUSIC: @epidemicsound


This video uses material from the "Tom Riddle” article on the Harry Potter Wiki at Fandom, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.
Рекомендации по теме

One of the worst changes the movies made was when Dumbledore visits young Tom Riddle at the orphanage, Tom says "I can make bad things happen to people who are mean to me". When in the book he says "I can make bad things happen to people who annoy me". Just that slight alteration can make Voldemort look like a more sympathetic figure to the casual movie viewer instead of the cold, calculating, psychopath he was from a young age


Voldemort is a lot like Orochimaru: Both are part-snake, both have an obsession with a teenage black-haired boy without parents, both put weird marks on their followers, and both are obsessed with immortality


I would truly love to see an Origin movie for Tom Riddle and his journey into dark magic to become Lord Voldemort!


Don't mind me I'm just here revising for Hogwarts Legacy.

I always forget how amazing HP lore is


Dumbledore did respond when Riddle told him he could talk to snakes and asked dumbledore if it that was normal for wizards, dumbledore replied “it is unusual, but not unheard of”
Harry asked him “did you know then sir” ? Dumbledore replied “no, I did not know what he would come to be, but his ability did not unease as much as his inclinations to cruelty and domination”.


Motherhood was Voldemort's worst enemy lol Lili and Narcissa really did him dirty lol


Fun Fact: In the Ministry, in the Book, Dumbledore completely dogs on Voldremort. To the point Voldemort has to conjure a shield just to not die.


Kinda makes you wonder how a whole school of magical wizards couldn’t foresee a psychopath doing exactly what a psychopath would do.


Voldemort is so underrated, he's one of the greatest villains


Everyone always misses the fact that Voldemort had a portrait of himself at Hogwarts. Granted this was only in the movies. It was shown before the final actor was casted. I think it was in the second movie when the griffindors are on their way to their dorm at when their dorm is at the top of the moving stairs. You can see the painting to the right of the stairs directly next to the entry to their dorm. Even tho I know this is a movie easter egg, I always wondered how that would be explained in-universe.


Merope used Amortentia, the world’s strongest love potion, to charm Tom Sr. into loving her. That’s why Voldemort can’t love. He was concived under the effects of the potion and his mom’s obssesive infatuation


So at one point in time, there were two versions of Lord Voldemort in the world, one in the form of a weak ghost in Albania, and Tom Riddle in the chamber of secrets.


All of Harry Potter summed up in less than 1 hour.... Impressive


Loved the video. So much history. And that background music is the best. Good or bad every character your channel does gets the full attention and respect to the lore.


dumbledoor does reply when riddle asks if parseltongue is common. something like “unusual but not unheard of”


Who else wants to see the first war with order of the Phoenix before Harry Potter time.


crazy how much harry and tom mirror each other.


He's literally the darkest wizard in Harry Potter Even before his birth he was born out of darkness his mother drugged his father using magic and conceived him to unnatural means making him basically the something that should never have existed on his own he's an Anomaly so he shouldn't exist that but he does and whenever he goes, He reeks havoc everywhere he went, you know he
was Wizard butt he was capable of things that no Wizard was ever capable of doing before he really was the dark Lord.


It doesn't even matter that it was without audio, but the second that idiot Fudge utters, "He's back!" every TIME I cannot help but shout, "NO SHIT, CORNELIUS!" Every time.


The fact that Voldemort is a half-blood has to be the greatest irony there is. Imagine if Hitler was Jewish XD
