Derivative Control Action | Do not use here (in Hindi )

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This video explains why "Derivative control action" not used in PID controlller most of the time and the applications you must NOT deploy Derivative control action in the PID controller, or it will make control unstable. @dineshdiwani

Most of the time Proportional + Integral control action is sufficient for a stable control system

Though using Derivative control action makes the Controller fast but at the same time, it makes the Controller a mess particularly when the measured variable is noisy.

This superimposed noise, particularly found in flow signals, keeps changing the rate of change of error. which triggers Derivative control to take action and manipulate the control valve continuously and causes huge wear and tear on the final control element i.e., control valve or VFDs motor.
This video describes why Derivative action is not always used in control loops and what's are ideal candidates on which you can apply Derivative control action

ref link:-

#pidcontroller #pidcontrol #closedloop
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