Stubborn Gas Hack

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The key for gas is to try to get gas out as frequently as possible. Some things you can try are good burps after feeding, bicycle kicks, tummy massage, and this position!
This position is great because it’s super easy to do when you are holding them anyway!
Instead of holding your baby inwards, face your baby outwards and grip under their thighs with their knees pressed up. It puts some pressure on their belly and opens up that little booty for air to escape 💨
What are your favorite tricks for getting out gas?
@YouTube #700subs #gassybaby #gas #babyhack #babyhacks #babytoottoot #babiesofyoutube #momsofyoutube #newbaby #newmom #tiredmom #tiredbaby #babysleeptips #babysleephelp #expectingmom #sleephacks #babysleepconsultant #sleeplearning #thepeacefulsleeper
This position is great because it’s super easy to do when you are holding them anyway!
Instead of holding your baby inwards, face your baby outwards and grip under their thighs with their knees pressed up. It puts some pressure on their belly and opens up that little booty for air to escape 💨
What are your favorite tricks for getting out gas?
@YouTube #700subs #gassybaby #gas #babyhack #babyhacks #babytoottoot #babiesofyoutube #momsofyoutube #newbaby #newmom #tiredmom #tiredbaby #babysleeptips #babysleephelp #expectingmom #sleephacks #babysleepconsultant #sleeplearning #thepeacefulsleeper