How to Clean Stove | Over a Decade of Grease Build Up Gone! 💥 No Scrubbing!

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This is the GREASIEST stovetop I have ever encountered! I will show you how I cleaned it without scrubbing. I only used 1 cleaner and it made this greasy mess wipe away with just paper towels.I was absolutely amazed how to clean grease off stove and you will be too.

I tried a steam cleaner. NOPE. Zep degreaser. NOPE. What actually worked to get this greasy stove clean will blow your mind!!



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Stove Top Cleaning Challenge - I compared several methods to see what worked best!

Hope you enjoyed our how to clean stove top burners video!
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It really Thanks so much! Life saver!!!


I used to clean rental units and houses as a RE Management professional. To clean greasy baked on gunk from stove burners and grids, as well as broilers and oven racks, I always used plain non-sudsy ammonia. Place all removable parts into a black hole-less garbage bag add 1/2 cup to 1 cup ammonia to either a dense sponge or pad of rags and then tie the bag shut. Place outside in the hot sunlight and let this sit for several hours or even overnight.The ammonia fumes do most of the work. Meanwhile clean the rest of the stove! After several hours I would use a pressure attachment on a hose and rinse all the gunk away outside on the lawn. Most times the water would clean the stove parts right down to the metal with no scrubbing whatsoever! Good as new without scrubbing. And ammonia is safe for grass--it adds nitrogen to the soil and acts like fertilizer!


Am writing from Nairobi, Kenya and watched your video a few days ago. I had to try your idea. We don't have Dollar Tree here so to get ammonia and large Ziploc bags is not possible. I managed to get ammonia solution from a supplier of lab chemicals at a cost of 1.5 dollars. I had to soak my stove top for 2 nights and a day. I was amazed when all the gung and grime came away. It was so hard like cement and I had totally given up on it. Now its like new. Thanks so much


i wish people weren't so quick to judge! i'm lucky i was raised by a clean freak, so i know how to deal with things and maintain a level of cleanliness that i like. you never know if someone is going through a hard time, or were never taught how to keep certain things clean.

it's so nice how you decided to help them out, especially an elderly person who can hurt themselves doing tough jobs like these.


I'm so sorry that you actually have to ask people to "be kind".
You did an amazing job.


My mom was doing that back in the 1050’s. works like a champ. I go to dollar tree and buy containers of ammonia water. Have a tub with cover that I fill with ammonia water. soak all items from stove top over night. Do the exact same thing with paper towels and saran wrap for the stove top. As for the oven, get a 9 x 13 glass cake pan put a dish cloth inside and fill half way up with ammonia water. Heat your oven to 350, turn oven off and place cake pan in oven. you will. e surprised as to what you find in the morning. All the mess will be on the floor of the oven. Just wipe out with paper towels. The oven walls, racks and ceiling will be shiny clean.


Wow, this is amazing. Great tips! And I totally do not judge. I have experienced deep depression that has kept my cleaning from being as it should be. I’ve helped elderly relatives too and they really cannot help it. Bless you for helping your relative.


Years ago I had a rental property that had a stove that had grease that was caked on and hard. I went to buy new parts and grills that would have cost $100’s. The store owner told me to take the loose parts, 1 cup of ammonia and put it all in a sealed plastic trash bag outside in the sun. When we checked it a few hours later, it all came off! We hosed it off (not near any plants) and they were like new. It seems the fumes were what cleaned it.
Great idea for the stove top! Saturated paper towels and Saran Wrap!


Girl! You do all of that cleaning 4 weeks postpartum?!?! Dang! Wonder Woman had nothing on you! Thank you so much for the encouragement of getting to see someone help take care of an elderly relative. That is how it is supposed to work!


My stove top was full of grease and so hard to clean with just all purpose cleaners… i watched this and tried it 3days ago… i soaked mine for 2nights… i did exactly how you did it… and it was so satisfying to peel off the grease with the paper towel … i’m very happy… my stove is so clean now! Thank you so much for this video.. i will tell my friends about this video! 👍


It's sad that you have to ask people to be nice. I didn't even think of how it got that bad, I was looking into for the magical results


Thank you for mentioning that the owner was elderly and just needed a little bit of help. We should never be too judgemental.


awww, I love that you are doing this for an elderly family member. No judgement here at all! So many older folks and even some younger couples do things the same way. It was how they 'worked' for them.


Ammonia also melts grease off walls. When I cleaned vacant Apts we used ammonia to pretty much everything!! One apt the person was a smoker never opened the windows the ammonia melted the nicotine off of everything!! My husband used it in the carpet cleaner machine!!


You are THE SWEETEST! It’s NOT about judgement.... it’s about HELPING others lead a better quality life!!! Some people just CAN’T doit all! You are most kind in helping this older gentleman and SHARING with us!!!


Tha k you so much for this video. I have been trying for months to figure out how to get this done. I followed exactly as you did and left it overnight about 12 or so hours. My stove pretty much looks like it did when we first got it. I couldn’t believe it. I appreciate that you took the time and energy to do this video. Helped so much.


THANK YOU FOR THIS VIDEO- I’m watching at 8 pm and, just text my husband- WE ARE OUT OF SARAN WRAP, NEED SOME ASAP 😱
I am going to set it overnight and, I’ll be back to update 🤞🏾 Wish me luck! My stove is equally as bad, since the pandemic, i had been plagued with depression 😓 but, I’m 80% myself and, have decided to get my life back on track ❤️ thank you for this judgment free zone 🙏🏾


I've come across stoves in a few investment rental properties we took on. Being a clean freak myself and budget conscious, I would clean the stove rather than purchase new. I used the same method with fantastic, like new results. Putting all loose pieces that can be removed in gallon zip lock bags with 1/4 cup of ammonia in each bag, then put them all in a large heavy duty trash bag. Leave the bag outside overnight or in a well ventilated room. If the stove is gas, I turn off the gas line (and pilot if there is one), then spray the remainder of the stove with ammonia, cut open a trash bag or two and cover the stove and seal with painters tape. If necessary, protect any flooring or other surfaces around the stove. The next morning, the majority of all the grease and grime wipes or washes away with water. Very minimal scrubbing was needed. However, the fumes are very strong! I wear a ventilated mask and chemical resistant gloves while prepping and cleaning. Actually, the smaller parts that I were placed in bags are opened and rinsed with a hose, then brought inside for a thorough wash in sudsy water. One thing to be careful of is any painted/printed areas. These days most of the indicator markings for the knobs and functioning components can easily rub off with aggressive cleaning products.


great Job Helping an old man who truly needed it.... stay blessed


This is EXACTLY what I needed! Trying to help a bachelor friend of our family that is grieving family member. I cleaned stovetop yesterday but couldn't get down in the burners! Ammonia looks like the answer to me. Lots of sticky counters and microwave, etc. This video was perfect for me! Thanks 😊
