30 LIFE CHANGING Ideas To SIMPLIFY Your Lifestyle For 2024 (simple living and minimalism)

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My favorite cleaning items (not sponsored!):

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(This video is about: simplify your life,simplify your lifestyle,how to simplify your life,ways to simplify your life,simple living,minimalist living,minimalist lifestyle,simple life,intentional living,simplify life,slow living,how to simplify life,minimalist tips simplify,declutter,decluttering and organizing,decluttering motivation,declutter your home and life,decluttering closet,cleaning and decluttering motivation,simple tips better life,10 ways to simplify life)
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I kind of resent the comments to the effect of "being in a rush is poor time management". I mean, try being up all night with a newborn and having a toddler who will randomly dump his breakfast on the clothes i layout for his sister. Sometimes life doesn't run as smoothly as we anticipate and little tricks like this can really save the bacon😊


Wow I cannot understand all of the negative comments from so many women on here. We should always be building each other up, not dragging each other down with our own version of perfection. I know I am not perfect, I really appreciated this list.


Clean as you go. Brilliant! True this is. Not a truck stop. A quick clean is still clean. You are so grand in your thinking! Getting rid of people, I never had to do this, as a career military wife we moved.. so long people. I am one of those people who do not need a lot of people around. I like being at home. No need to be out and about.


Simplifying what I cook for dinner has made my life so much easier, grocery shopping is also easier because I don't need a list. I like to eat healthy meals, so I focus on protein and oven roasted vegetables!


My kids are never in a rush in the morning. We prepare the night before, and that includes sleeping in their uniform! best tip ever 😊🤩


Preparing the night before has been huge for me. I put an entire outfit on one hanger w/ necklace when I do laundry.


☺️❤Dear Moms and Dads, Do what works for you! And don't listen to people who criticize HOW you do things. If it works for you, keep doing it. You're doing everything perfectly for you and your family. I’m so happy to see videos like this. You are helping a lot of people.


Liked your “to-the-point “ approach rather than just a jibber jabber. Keep them coming, and a happy new year 2024!


"Your house is not a truck stop!" Love this! I live alone so really how dirty can things get? I clean and wipe up as I go so an occasional vacuum and dusting seems to suffice. Thanks for these tips. I wonder if I am on anyone's Toxic Person list??


I like how you said our home isn’t “truck stop”😅


I really like your way of practical way of thinking and thank you for reminding me to complete my online grocery order!


As someone who has worked in an elementary school, I am here to tell you that the meals at school are not hot and nutritious. They meet the state “guidelines” but they are FULL of sugar and preservatives. Breakfast serves sugared cereal with chocolate milk and chocolate pop tarts, donuts and muffins. My son doesn’t even let his kids get breakfasts there and he and his wife are both teachers there. Never assume they are feeding them good food.


Pick up/DRIVE up are a huge time and money saver for me!!! Great suggestion


Awesome Tips!! Regular Quick Cleans keep the house tidy without having to do major epic cleans. Right on about our homes not being truck stops where 1000’s of strangers walk thru. No one have to clean their baseboards every month. Also the tip about dressing kiddos night before works for those Moms. I’m not a sweaty sleeper and I don’t shower in the mornings, so I often can wear my cute day casual work tops at any time in 24 hrs. It’s not a crime. No one will know. Thank you for all the advice. Happy New Year!! 😊🙏🎄☃️


If you don’t like store pick-up, you might be able to use their website to find where in the store you can find the item, making your trip faster. My grocery store has almost no produce on their site, so I usually have to go in, but their website has the aisle and even which side of the aisle that I can find each item.🤯 I use that to organize my shopping list and also get an idea of how much I’ll be paying beforehand.


Great list! Thanks for being so concise. Love it!


I definantely looove this! Very smart and calming ❤


Thank you for the inspiration. It's nearing the end of the year. I find myself particularly busy this year so I NEEDED YOUR ADVICE.


Wow your editing has so much information for us! I love editing videos to make them more engaging for people. I hope edit for you one day! 😄 🤞🏻


Brilliant again! I wrote down, "More things = less happiness." Thank you!
