North Vs South Europe: Early Neolithic Farmers

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All Europeans are descended from the Early European Farmers (EEF or ENF) who came from Anatolia in the Early Neolithic. These people were originally thought to be related to Levantine Hunter Gatherers who harvested wild grasses like the Natufians but actually they were indigenous Anatolian Hunter Gatherers (AHG). The AHG were responsible for all the pre-Indo-European culture in Europe in the Neolithic times, such as Stone-henge. They domesticated cattle and types of wheat and changed the world.

This video is outdated and contains major errors. Since this video was made it is apparent that Turkey was not inhabited by Western Hunter Gatherers and that the Early Anatolian farmers were not a mix of Levantine people and WHG, but were actually a separate people called Anatolian Hunter Gatherers who were genetically intermediate between those two populations which is why I and others previously made the mistake of thinking there was a hybrid population in the region. the AHG seem to have learned to farm on their own mostly, and not due to migrations from the Levant.

Modern day Sardinians are almost exactly the same genetically.

Music: Cefin Beorn - Se Freca.
Xurious - Huwheat Fields.
Tenore Supramonte di Orgosolo.

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This video is outdated and contains major errors. Since this video was made it is apparent that Turkey was not inhabited by Western Hunter Gatherers and that the Early Anatolian farmers were not a mix of Levantine people and WHG, but were actually a separate people called Anatolian Hunter Gatherers who were genetically intermediate between those two populations which is why I and others previously made the mistake of thinking there was a hybrid population in the region. the AHG seem to have learned to farm on their own mostly, and not due to migrations from the Levant.


I can't belive that someone who isn't Sardinian is interested in our people and our folk music "cantu a tenore" it's strange !!! Usually we're considered like normal Italians by other people but it isn't, we're completely different from them 'cause we've a different lenguage, traditions and way of thinking from the other people. So... Thank you so much for the video you are the only one in YouTube that talk so nicely about this.


The fact that Sardinian is the closest language to Latin speaks volumes about the isolation of the place


TRADUCTION of the chant..."Never in my mind to go in rome as a slave, to admire the Ceasars in their faces who has written an epic history, the descendant of ancient Enea gifted the scepter to the papal tiara, the city of Giove (jupiter) and Marte (mars) gave the trone to saint Peter, i prefer the mountains instead of the monuments, i prefer the flowers to the paintings, i prefer my countryside instead of the big city, contemplating my solitude, no noise can distract me, in the reign of beatitude".


Wow. Very interesting video, Tom! :)

Thank you for using my song.


Thank you for making this video, I finally get to understand a bit more about Nothern and Southern europeans, and where we come from. Sardinians look indeed different, it's fascinating to know that they actually look like the early european farmers. Buona serata da Roma!


*12k years of history made simple*

Anatolian Hunter Gatherer (AHG)
AHG+ WHG = Neolithic Europe (EEF)
PIE + EEF = *Modern Europeans*


Survive the Jive, I absolutely admire you brother! I know you get a lot of comments about being "racist" and not liking Southern Europeans or anyone who is not "white, " but it is out of their ignorance that they make such comments. I am a Persian Zoroastrian and have always been proud of my Persian ancestry and my Zoroastrian background, but I have also been told it is not good or appropriate to be proud of these things because it causes "divisions." I do not see anything wrong with being proud of who and what we are and of our ancestors while appreciating and accepting others and who and what they are as well! You and The Golden One are awesome. I live in the United States and often I find that even though "whites" in the United States of European background are the majority, they are trampled when they are proud of their background. It is sad, but often these people are treated as "racist, " when they associate with Asatru or Celtic Paganism etc. It is OK to be "white" and it is OK to be proud of your background and your origins and your ancestors! A racist is a person who thinks ONLY their "race" is the best. You and The Golden One have NEVER done such a thing. You both have always gone above and beyond to show how you appreciate diversity and how various cultures are linked as you demonstrated in this video. Keep doing what you are doing and keep being who you are! I am proud to be Persian, I am proud to be Zoroastrian, I am proud to be a mix of neolithic and Indo-European of Iran and even more proud to be distant kin with you and The Golden One! Cheers!


Much love to all fellow Europeans from Bulgaria. Stay strong brothers.


I wish you was using the term Anatolia instead of Turkey because as you know, Turkey is recent.


Confirmed: Huwheat Fields changed human history.


Beautiful video. I love that, despite your passion about the subject, you don't speculate for the sake of attributing grandeur or mystifying the roots of Europeans. History, the study of history and human population dynamics through genetics, paleontology and the connection between these two don't need any further embellishment.
Props for keeping it factual and exciting.


Fascinating. Absolutely fascinating. After having watched it a while ago, I watched it again. Now that I have developed a better understanding of WHG, EHG and EEF, I appreciate it even more!

The EEF is a more ancient migration whose recognition was made possible by genetics (though it fits in with archeology). The IE migration has linguistics added to it (but probably less definative cultural change). But in both the convergence of different disciplines is amazing. Thanks for helping to unlock that.


In the final, South Europeans, Central Europeans, East Europeans, Western Europeans and North Europeans are Europeans and they are WHITE.

I would like to see a video about Dacians and Romanians, would be interesting.


The farmers in Europe actually outperformed their Levantine and Mesopotamian cousins:

-The Vinca script (6th and 5th millennium BC) of the Starcevo culture in the Balkans predates the Sumerian and Phoenecian scripts.
-The settlements of the Cucuteni–Trypillia culture were the largest in the world during the mid 4th millennium BC, dwarfing the contemporary Sumerian cities of Ur and Uruk (Source: David Anthony, "The Horse, the Wheel and Language ", p. 264).

The idea that ancient Europe was backwards and owes everything to the Middle East is nothing short of a lie.


Doesn’t matter if you’re a Northern European, Southern European or from MENA. People tend to forget that we are all Western Eurasian/Caucasian there are differences between us but we’re still genetically the closest people to each other. Thank you for this video I’m from Iran and I learn a lot from your videos.


I don't know why people would think you don't like southern europeans, you look nothing like Varg. The big problem is that people want a simple, straight forward explanation. When Marija Gimbutas postulated a goddess cult for northern european neolithic agricultural (Yeah Cordedware!!!) people, it immediately was turned into some kind of feminist utopia destroyed by the evil male dominated Aryan. The truth is that we know (from the Vedas) that the domesticated horse and cattle and the wheel were important to, and martial virtue became MORE important when settled agriculture displaced hunter gathering. It was both cooperation and conquest that created the modern european. We begin our recorded history about 3, 000 years ago and that is mostly in southern europe. People could have interacted much more (although not genetically because of limited people, resources, time and distance, -think sea people or solutrians and perhaps Gobleki Tepe as a gathering point) in the previous 5, 000 years. The way that fundamental myths are constructed leads me to think that there is a broader commonality that (although not genetic) goes back much further. For example, the bull is an important symbol in Cretan (Iranian)culture and remained so in Greece and still does in India. An early levant culture (I forget which) had a bull god ''Tauru'' Romance languages today still use words derived from that for bull. My family name is very much like those words, but it specifically means aurochs (there's another word for domesticated cattle.) That's a borrowing or a foundational idea and could be pre-agricultural. When you look at early agricultural societies in northern or southern europe the commonalities are more striking than the differences.


One of my beer brewing books has a map of Europe depicting the climate line across northern France and central Germany, depicting the northern limit through where grapes could grow. All cultures to the south centered around wine production and consumption while those to the north revolved around brewing beer and distilling spirits.


People are more interested in being white or separating closely related people due to their supposed non-white lineage, rather than learning about different groups that populated our continent. Rather than for knowledge and understanding, but for agendas. Sad. Nice video Tom however, loving your content.


Very good video.
you have a great knowledge on Europe.
I am a french patriot and I love our continent and Europeans in general.
we have such a rich and diverse culture and peoples.
It is a shame that some people wish to destroy this, including European themselves who do not see how precious Europeans are in this vast world.
You honor your ancestors.
I have seen several of your videos.
keep up the good work.
Force et honneur
