Autoimmune Diseases - Causes, Symptoms, Treatments & More…

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Your body's immune system protects you from disease and infection. But if you have an autoimmune disease, your immune system attacks healthy cells in your body by mistake. Autoimmune diseases can affect many parts of the body.

No one is sure what causes autoimmune diseases. They do tend to run in families. Women - particularly African-American, Hispanic-American, and Native-American women - have a higher risk for some autoimmune diseases.

There are more than 80 types of autoimmune diseases, and some have similar symptoms. This makes it hard for your health care provider to know if you really have one of these diseases, and if so, which one. Getting a diagnosis can be frustrating and stressful. Often, the first symptoms are fatigue, muscle aches and a low fever. The classic sign of an autoimmune disease is inflammation, which can cause redness, heat, pain and swelling.

The diseases may also have flare-ups, when they get worse, and remissions, when symptoms get better or disappear. Treatment depends on the disease, but in most cases one important goal is to reduce inflammation. Sometimes doctors prescribe corticosteroids or other drugs that reduce your immune response.
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Trauma and being in abusive relationships are a huge reason why this happens


I'm a board-certified nurse and In November 2019, my doctors diagnosed me with a rare debilitating autoimmune condition called MDA-5 Dermatomyositis. They said I had 6 months to live. We don't have any history of autoimmune diseases in our family so it's definitely not the "genes." I began to QUESTION EVERYTHING and decided to be proactive in responding to what happened to me. This was the time when I learned about the Terrain Theory which led me to Naturopathic Medicine (Homeopathy & Naturopathic Nutrition)! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

In less than 2 years, I am very grateful to have reversed the autoimmune condition and since then I have been free from any pharmaceuticals. It was NOT an easy journey but I would go through it OVER and OVER again if it would lead me to where I am today. I just want to remind each one of you that YOU WILL HEAL YOURSELF you just need to look at it as a "challenging journey" that you will overcome eventually! 👌


Chronic Stress was the cause of mine autoimmune issues. I suffered from eczema, psoriasis, depression, anxiety, excess sweating, brain fog, chronic fatigue etc etc, just to name a few. This was happening for years and each symptom was worsening since i was so frustrated and depressed about the situation, making myself more stresses out. Finally realizing that its me and my emotions causing this, i was finally able to cure myself, before that i ve tried exercising a lot, all kinds of diets and supplements, nothing worked.


Stress, psychological trauma-drama is the cause, woman have higher risk because they are the emotional support for the family, stress hormones in big quantities destroy body, modify epigenetics markers which switch off certain genes and turn on other, the mind is the central control unit, be at ease to avoid disease


No one is going to watch a video with a fake voice unless they're forced to do it. WTF. Ever heard of production quality? Jeeze.


People with eczema… Want to know the best treatment for you? TRY EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER TO LOWER YOUR STRESS LEVELS AND BE HAPPY. Trust me, your skin will improve. No I’m not a health professional but I’ve had severe eczema of all types my whole 25 years. When I’m happy.. so is my skin. When I’m down, my skin is at its worst.. I look like I have been beaten and I’m 3x my age. Be happy everyone. Little things matter. 🌸


People people please give him a break and stop saying no he’s wrong it’s caused by this trust me I know this stuff at the age of 4 years old I was diagnosed with auto immune aka next connected tissue disease I’ve lived with it basically my whole life mine is I’m basically allergic to the sun have heaps of scars and not allowed to run it’s really hard because every time in pe we have to run and my teacher says I can watch form the side line breaks my heart because people always question me and are like what’s wrong with you why do you have scars and can’t run it’s just people don’t know enough about this disease hopefully there’s a cure in the future because no one should experience the constant needles I have a week and humiliation of it


If you're reading this, get rid of wheat and gluten food from your diet. If you do this you autoimmune disorder will vanish in the long run or withing a couple of months depending on the severity.


It’s very exciting: You have three primary immune system fighting system: Th1, Th2 and Th17

Viral (and cancer) fighting immune system machinery has a wild-assed scientific name: Th-1 immunity. Sometimes called T-helper cell one or ‘cellular immunity’. [They give it lots of complicated names because our masters don’t want science to be easy! If it were easy, everyone would have access and they couldn’t BS you!]

On the other hand, Bacteria fighting machinery is called Th-2 or T-helper cell two or humoral immunity.

There are two chemicals that your body makes to turn-on Th-2 (bacterial fighting) machinery: IL-4 and IL-10. IL stands for “interleukin”. Yup! “Interleukin” is yet another wild-assed and unnecessarily complicated term. Now here is the thing to know: IL-4 and IL-10 don’t just turn Th2 (bacteria fighting) machinery “on” – They also act to turn OFF Th-1 (viral fighting) machinery! That is a fact!

Meanwhile, IL-12 and Interferon-gamma are two chemicals your body makes to turn-on your Viral fighting (Th-1) immune machinery! And as you might have guessed, IL-12 and IFN-gamma turn-off Th-2 (bacteria fighting) machinery! [The Third arm of machinery – Th17 - is different. No time to talk about that right now.]

So, there you have it: You can only have one of these machines on at a time: Either you are going to fight viruses, or you are going to fight bacteria. Not both. That is because one turns-off the other! In other words: Th1 (cellular or viral fighting machinery) is driven by IL12 and IFN-gamma. Which coincidently turns-off Th2 (bacteria fighting machinery) and so on. And Th2 is driven by IL4 and 10 which turns-off Th1.

Consider this: Multiple Sclerosis, Insulin dependent diabetes, uveoretinitis, hashimotos thyroiditis, sarcoidosis, Inflammatory Bowel BS, Lyme, H. pilori, Atopic neuritis are all driven by Th1 immunity. Therefore, the solution seems to be in turning Th1 off and turning Th2 on.

Likewise, atopic dermatitis, lupus, hiv, hep c, asthma, and others are driven by Th2. Therefore, it would seem a smart therapy would be to turn Th2 off whilst turning Th1 on.

[Rheumatoid Arthritis is driven by Th17 (IL-6) – and frequently seems to arise out of chronic infection by proteus bacilli! It would seem that chronic infection eventually leads to promotion of Th17 immunity and all sorts of autoimmunity-like side-effects.]

I first read about Th1/Th2 immunity switching in 1998 while in medical school: in "The Th1/Th2 Paradigm in Disease". Sergio Romagnani, part of the Molecular Biology Intelligent Units. R.G. Landes Company, ISBN: o-412-13221-4

Italy had learned by then how to use those cytokines to shift immunity; cure autoimmunity; and boost immunity.

Today, even the American medical school texts speak of it. [Though the American medical texts also have tons of significant mistakes; are overly complicated; and contradictory. It's such a cluster American physicians get confused and don't learn anything meaningful in immunology. So sad]

Some of the key phrases to search, "Th1/Th2 polarizing signals"; and, "Th1/Th2 switch". I know it sounds really complicated - But trust me, it's terribly simple!!! I mean, these molecular scientists go way deep in all these minutiae. But fundamentally, all you need to know is what each system fights; and, what turns them “on” or “off”.

The big pharma won't allow any work in this area because you can't patent these naturally occurring chemicals, (ie, IL4, 10 and 12...). Instead, big pharma monopolies manufacture these really, really expensive (and mostly crappy) MAB drugs and Jak inhibitors. They can cost $10K per dose!

My work in those late 90s was with HIV. I got involved with HIV immediately because I wanted to understand immunity. I figured if you can boost immunity, you could live longer and fix lots of diseases.

Darga, MD did a lot of Th1/Th2 immune research in 1997 and 1998; and was member of an AIDs consortium for a time. You can still find his old papers such as, "A Consumer’s Guide to Immune Restoration The Search for “Th1” In those days, we wanted to boost viral fighting immunity. We found certain solvents and chemicals that could stimulate either Th1 (DNFB) or Th2 immunity (FITC).

Again, this won't happen because the entirety of medicine is run and fully controlled by big pharma. And those guys can't patent those natural therapies, (Interleukins). So, we won't get access. It's all about money! Max profit! Not your health! That's why most drugs are merely to treat symptoms (eg, the dozens of heart meds) and not cure!

* NOTE: I am speaking really broadly here. In some cases, I am being overly-simplistic. For instance, Th-1 viral fighting machinery also will fight one set of bacteria called, ‘intra-cellular’ bacteria (eg, Bartonella). Those little guys live and hide inside your own cells. Because of this extraordinary phenomenon, your body needs to use Th-1 immunity to find and root it out.

BTW: Imagine cases with multiple infections by various germs. For instance, in chronic Lyme disease, the patients develop infections by several bacteria (including Bartonella), protozoa and so on. These patients are really screwed because the immune system is not well developed to fight different types of germs. Same for people with cancer. You get a patient with cancer and suddenly he becomes more vulnerable to bacterial infections for the same reason: his viral/cancer fighting immunity (Th-1) turns-off the bacterial fighting arm (Th-2) of immunity! The implications of these facts are enormous, lead to unresolved infections and autoimmunity, and much more. Sadly, the American’s are largely unaware of these facts elucidated way back in the 1980s by the Italians – Science which has grown wildly in scope and breadth over the years!


Hey Brother 🌹 thank you so much 🥰 my best friend 💐


Is there any methods for treatment.????


Great job of getting the information out in such a short amount of time.


Which tests that diagnosis which autoimmune disease you have?


Can you PLEASE explain bain fog associated with autoimmune conditions


Leaky gut is the main cause of autoimune diseases.. What is causing the leaky gut is the challenge because it may be more than one thing and different causes for different people. Food alergies and food sesitivities would be a great place to start. Hormonal imbalances could also be a contributing factor to leaky gut.


Why would doctors want to reduce i inflammation, inflammation is a natural response to a problem, if someone has a auto immune problem there is a problem and there is something causesing it, for example horrible foods


Would be a great strength to have complete immunity.


I've had leg pains and twitching in my calfs for 4 months. Every day. Doctor thinks its a circulation problem. All started after a flu shot..


What is the reason of scleroderma ? Really want to know


I have myelodyplastic syndrome
Could this be a cause of my frozen shoulder
