LIVE! Real Lawyer Reacts: Stauch Sentencing - The Judge Says What We Were All Thinking

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It's bad enough to lose a child, but for someone to torture and throw him away like trash is unimaginable pain😢


The way the judge gave his statement was amazing! He said everything we were thinking so respectfully!!


I have the utmost respect for Judge Werner! His message was so powerful and right on! Thank you Peter for all of your wonderful, astute videos about these Trials and your great knowledge of the law! ❤❤❤❤


The prosecution did an excellent job but that judge was top notch! He handled his court room with a firm hand…. Very no nonsense! We need more judges like him!


You nailed it - this judge was a class act and his summation before sentencing wrapped everything up exactly as it needed to be. I especially liked that he acknowledged Harley’s pain, her bravery, and her innocence - and also why there isn’t a chance in hell Leticia was insane and what a disservice trying to pretend so was to truly mentally ill people.


Al even mentioned how sad he was to have lost 2 kids as in Harley. Everyone tried to include her in not being blamed. Imagine being raised by this woman. Yes this judge is awesome. Him saying he saw her face and how terrified Gannon must of been. It breaks me and I just want to cry.


I loved this Judge. He listened to all of the trial because he touched on it all. He was spot on❤


I absolutely broke listening to this judge and especially the parents impact statements 😢 JUSTICE WAS SERVED 💙💪🏼


I have been WAITING for sentencing to hear the judges remarks, and I definitely was NOT disappointed!!! I absolutely LOVED the way he TORE HER APART (verbally)!!! What an amazing speech by the judge!!!


Replay crew here. This judge has Letecia's number! His words were so important for her and the family to hear. The judge had tears in his eyes at one point.


Honorable Judge Werner .True to his profession and his humanity.The impact statements were beyond heart wrenching. A just verdict. Prayers for his family and everyone touched by this horrific murder. Rip Gannon 💙


I watched this trial ! Emotionally drained! My faith in the justice system actually working was restored! Loved this judge and the DA.


I live in Colorado Springs, Judge Werner is amazing and now I know how amazing our prosecution team is. This case was so emotional, I’m so glad the jury rendered justice! RIP Gannon. Prayers for Gannon’s family and Harley!


The judge has won my heart. Very professional throughout the trial, poker face, calm, firm but kind. His sentencing speech was perfect, addressing all areas, justice prevailed❤


Al, Gannon's dad, also spoke of leticia's daughter and how she was damaged by all of this. He spoke of in a sense losing 2 children, the damage this person has done. He raised it because, like Leticia's daughter, the mob online etc have been running around saying both of them did something. He has been blamed for his sons death because his wife (at the time) killed Gannon. Yet his ex wife was friends with her before she even met Al. His ex also trusted her. The one time he needed to leave his kids with her as his ex medically could not take the children as she normally would....

It has disgusted me the way the mobs have been blaming him and his step daughter or saying the step daughter was involved.

Both the judge and Al speaking up for the daughter. I hope she can find a way to heal.


Thank you for covering and commenting on this difficult case. Wishing a great day to everyone reading this 💙


He is probably my favorite judge of any trial I've watched. He was amazing 👏


I love watching a judge lay into the person during sentencing. My father's trial finally came to a close recently, unfortunately with a plea bargain that led to an incredibly low sentence compared to what he was facing. I think he was facing like... 25 years in jail and this is ending with 4 months, 36 months probation, and a 10k fine. But from what my family told me the judge's sentencing was pretty amazing. I wish I could have seen the Judge lay into my dad, but hearing about it secondhand works pretty damn well too. Wish I knew what I could legally send the man as a thank you besides an email.


This is by far been one of my favourite judges with the cases we have been following this year . Such a hard job and he handled it so well.


When Landan and Al gave their statements, the Judge was teary eyed. It was painful and I bawled like a baby. But when Al told Leticia she had nappy hair....I admit I had to rewind. I was like "wait, what did he say". Good for him!
