10 Reasons Everyone is Moving to Oregon.

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10 Reasons People Still Move to Oregon.

With all the bad press Oregon has received in recent years, you'd probably assume they are losing population. The thing is, they aren't. They are still gaining population and are still one of the top 10 moved-to states. They used to always be #1 or #2 but in the last 2 years, things have slowed down. Today's list is about reasons people are still moving to Oregon. And it isn't real estate. I hope you enjoy the video.
Portland, Oregon
Bend, Oregon
Pacific Northwest

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#10 is the reason that speaks to me. Oregon has forests, volcanoes, mountains. It also has deserts.


I’m originally from the East Coast and I’ve been living in Oregon for a year and a half and I can truly say it is the most beautiful state I’ve ever been in and it’s just really a nice place to be in general. Good people, beautiful landscapes, great outdoor activities, some of the best camping and fishing I’ve ever done in my life. The Oregon coast really is something else. You could literally do something different in the state, every day of the year.


There are a LOT of reasons to move to Oregon. It's a beautiful state, moderate weather, great natural sights, fabulous Pacific Coast to tour. It's experiencing problems but they'll be resolved.


No sales taxes, beautiful scenery, liberal state, nice people - what's not to like about Oregon! I've lived here all my life.


Oregon to me is like Colorado (my current state) but with an ocean.


Growing up in the late 70's on Long Island, I worked for a bookstore. We sold a series of books for all 50 States, filled with nice photos. I looked at each book during lunch breaks to determine which State had the best to offer visually. Yep, it was Oregon. BTW, Crater lake is a great place to just disappear. Forever.


I lived in Oregon for 10 years and I've only met a couple of jerks


Born and raised in Oregon until I moved to SC 4 months and here I am, ready to move back LOL Oregon is truly a gem.


If I didn’t already live in Denver, I would move to Oregon. Such a beautiful state


It's fitting that Oregon has alot of breweries. Oregon grows alot of hops and barley, local ingredients are readily available for making beer.


I am originally from LA moved to Oregon when I was 23 and it was so organ friendly it was awesome it has gotten less friendly but still it's very friendly state last time I had to go to LA when I got back home to Oregon I literally kissed the ground I love you Oregon XO


Thank you for reminding me why I enjoyed Oregon so much every time I visited. I was truly amazed how friendly the people were. But then, I grew up in New Jersey,


You forgot to mention how expensive it's getting to live out


I LOVE Oregon! I'm in Phoenix now but can't wait to get back to the Northwest it smells so good up there! I used to go with my grandparents to agate Beach and look for stones.


Thanks for this one!! I grew up in Corvallis. I will always consider myself an Oregonian no matter where I live. The coast----what an amazing coast from border to border. If I ever move back, I'm headed to Philomath!


I've been subscribed to you since you started this channel and I gotta say its good to see you thrive over the years. No doubt you will get to a million subs. Anyway I also live in Oregon (Just bought 5 acres in Clatskanie and absolutely love it!) I'm trying to get my folks to move here from NJ so this video is perfect to send to them. Keep doing your thing man, always enjoy your work.


I grew up in Oregon and got stationed in Colorado, so I'm just lucky I guess. They are both amazing states. With that said, I think the biggest "pro" for Oregon is how accepting everyone is. I've gotten used to being judged a little bit. That was tough at first, but I think it made me stronger lol. The biggest "con" has to be how much everyone in Oregon is struggling, I mean you had to notice that most towns have few resources, no jobs, and especially for young people it could feel very hopeless. A lot of my high school friends never escaped poverty as adults, even if their parents arrived here 30 years ago with amazing prospects.


I’ve watched you for 4 years and now live here and work in cannabis industry thank you so much for all the info


I moved here just over a year ago from Kansas and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. Anywhere’s better than Kansas tho.
Kinda miss seeing the sun consistently but besides that I love it here


Born and raised here. This is all true. There is no state like Oregon. American paradise.
