Mamiya RB67 Pro SD Review - First Impressions From A Pentax 67 Owner

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I've always been intrigued by the Mamiya RB67. When I was shopping for my first 6x7 camera I ultimately decided on the Pentax, which I love, but I've still been interested in trying out the RB67 as it offers some unique features. In this video, I shoot my first roll of film with the Mamiya and talk about my initial thoughts and how I like it when compared to the Pentax 67ii.

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Im obsessed with this videos man. Sooo good


Funny you younger guys shooting with these cameras. If you want to know about these camera’s I can tell you. I’m 62 my first camera was the RB67 and I bought it from Sears for around 600.00 brand new. That right Sears. Make this short. The medium formats are old now. I still own the RB67. I own Hassleblad system. I’ve had all of them. My favorite medium format camera end of of discussion is the best ever Mamiya 6 system and Mamiya 7 system. Hassleblads are rugged but very hard to focus. I’ve also owned Bronica SQ and ETRS systems. Oops forgot owned Mamiya C330. My suggestion for you guys is pick up the cheaper Mamiya C330 and see if you like medium format. At current film prices you better know what your doing it's 2 dollar's per shot buying the film and Film processing on the RB. I still own and use the RB, The Hassy, but favorite is the Mamiya 6 with 50mm lens. These cameras are expensive now. I mostly shoot with my Nikon F2a and Nikon F5. Just trying to help you guys out. If you want to reply would be happy to answer questions from any of you. I have shot these cameras for 40 year’s. Make a wise choice based on you budget. You have to own these cameras for a long time to know the reliability of the camera. One final note of all the camera's The Mamiya and Hassleblad have the sharpest lenses. The mamiya is easier to focus. The Zeiss lenses have a lot of play in them so try to find the sweet spot is harder. If you have money to burn get either the Mamiya 6 or 7. If your on Budget Buy Mamiya C330. By the way I am a working pro and Purchase all the Camera's over my 1st 25 years in Business. I now shoot Profesionally with Digital have for a long time But i have never stopped using Film for Hobby now. Cost to much to shoot film doing Volume work. I will never sell my film Camera's.


finally i just bought mamiya rb67 pro sd with 90mm K/L lens for $230 with good condition and the results very very satisfied. looking forward to another lens


Please do a exposure/lightmeter video next. Show using the light meter in different situations, would be so useful. Thanks
I have the 65mm & 127mm too


That Mamiya is mint! Still one of my favorite cameras.


Precisely the medium format camera I have in my wish list to jump to from 35mm. I'll be looking forward to more in depth review on this camera. Yours looks like new, looks like you got a good deal on it. Having to use a tripod 90% of the time wouldn't be a deal breaker for me, specially since I'm planning on shooting portraits in studio with it. I love how you can just flip the back to change from portrait mode to landscape.


This really is my all time favourite medium format camera. I prefer it above all other mf cameras I own (Pentax 67s, 500CM, Rolleiflex...). The viewfinder is nice and bright and I love the bellows focusing. I literally took it everywhere for about a year. It's been sitting on the shelf for a few weeks now because there's too many cameras coming in to test, but it still is and probably always will be my favourite.


Got a Pro SD with a 127 KL for studio work because of this video on top of my 645AFD which is now my on location camera. Love your videos!


RB is one of my favourite cameras. It has an amazing close focus distance. I’s all mechanical. Handling takes some getting used to. It’s a keeper for me.


Nice! I would recommend getting a grip if you want to use it hand held. For me the grip improved the handling of my RZ67 significantly. I could just hold it by the grip with my left hand and had the right hand free to turn the focus knob.


I am about to pull the trigger on an RB myself.
Weight is the one factor that should not be underestimated. There is no way I will use a prism on the RB - the main reason is weight.
If(!) my experience from the smaller Mamiya 645 system translates to their 6x7 systems, the prism would be almost as heavy as the camera body itself (about 2 kilograms / just under 4.5 lbs, without a lens attached) - and that's some weight to schlepp around. Oh, and I recommend getting the speed grip. It is worth its weight in gold when carrying it around outside any sort of backpack. Your mileage may vary. But give the kind of behemoth the RB is anyway, the speed grip isn't that big of a deal.

For anyone looking into the RB or RZ, just keep this in the back of your head: the RB is primarily a studio camera that lives happily on tripods and rail systems. It was never intended to be a "run and gun" type of camera. You can carry it about and use it to good effect, but you probably won't enjoy it for entire days unless you appreciate a thorough workout in one arm. (insert low hanging fruit joke here).
The mirror assembly is also loud. Very loud. So if you plan on taking one of those cute pictures of your cat sleeping - and I know some of you will - be prepared not to get more than this one shot. After that, chances are the cat has taken off in a dust cloud.

It is also probably not ideal for starting out in medium format - if you are shooting 35 mm and want to have a crack at MF, get a 6x6 TLR or a Mamiya 645.


I just bought a Pro S! So excited to start using it. Came bundled with the 50mm and 180mm, 2 macro tubes and 20 Cokin filters for £460


You're starting to be the go-to medium format channel. Keep it up!


I find the Mamiya and the Pentax are a pretty interesting comparison in that they share so many similarities but manage to excel in different areas. I'm a Pentax 67 user as well and while I think I'm overall more happy with that system, I can't help but feel a bit jealous of the rotating back. I wear glasses and have never found the Pentax to be usable with the prism finder even with a rubber eye cup, so I end up shooting 99% of my shots in landscape with the WLVF. But even then there'd be so many things I'd miss about the Pentax if I were ever to switch. If only one could combine the best of both worlds.


The left had grip improves the handling. You won't be cradling the camera like that anymore. I modified my left hand grip by epoxying a nut to the bottom of the knob that attaches the grip, so I could use a monopod to relieve me of the weight while shooting. If you ever get the L-Grip, and want it modified, I'd be happy to do it for you. It can be tricky to get the (1/2-20 flanged nut) centered in the recess of the knob (there's a cover to the recess that can be popped off).

OTOH, cradling the camera like you are is going to do a lot to stop camera shake, and with that big mirror slapping around, that can be an issue at slower shutter speeds if you're not using a tripod or monopod.

Great channel. Keep up the good work!


some tips and warnings, just got the K\L 90 lens, and in the leaflet it states that the Timer mode MUST be stopped (lens shutter closed) by the B button only, if you have been imersed in the mamiya RB 'culture' for a while you will be familiar with a 'lever trick', that is, to get "out" of T, you either put the shutter speed ring OFF t setting, OR begin to use the cocking lever ( first 1-2 Cm trips the lens); BUT NOT with the K\L series, you use the button or the shutter speed ring!! also for Mirror_up mode, there is NO knurled collar for it, you turn the function on\off by inserting a cable release, and the last 1/4 turn after the cable is tight, turns a helix, this raises the sleive, and a RED ring appears, SHUTTER BUTTON in the body now is mirror release ONLY the mechanical sync is disconnected, use the cable in the sleive to trip the shutter, this also works in T mode, for long exposures; to return this to NORMAL, you undo the cable, CAUTION: if the thread comes loose too early, the cable unscrews WITHOUT operating the helix of the sleive, this is on certain releases only, but to remedy this, tug LIGHTLY at the cable whilst turning, this should remove the friction stopping the helix from turning.
ALSO any long (and flexible) cable release should NOT be used in the B socket, as there is a risk of cable flexing, and NOT closing the shutter, these work fine everywhere else, just a caution as THIS is a vital step to exposure timing!!
one last tip, as these are LEAF shuttered lenses, every time one goes into 'storage', you must 'fire' the shutter, a pin and the two rotating pins in the slot (in the manual, and covered in many youtube reviews and tutorials), this de-tensions the shutter springs, prolonging their life, and keeping the shutter WORKING, at the right speed, and opening/closing normally, ( NO lagging response time to the button being pressed); this is also a signal that the lens needs servicing, as these springs are worn out.


Love your videos man.. My RB67 just arrived a few days back.. Took it for a test yesterday, and it seems a bit heavy for street photography if you're shooting for more than 2 or 3 hours, as many have already said.. But, it's a cool camera to have and the quality out of this beast is most definitely fantastic!!!!


Kyle, great contend man! Just bought a RB67 Pro S a couple of days ago and stumbled upon your channel today. I love the exosure videos! Im looking forward to your in depth overview/review of the RB. An in depth video about metering with a light meter would be amazing as I have always used an internal light meter and have to use an external one now, because of the RB67


whoa, your copy looks brand new...stunning.

the rz67 in the end was too big for my tastes...switched to the mamiya 645 super with the wlf.


This video is absolutely perfect! Thanks, will be buying the 67 S version 🤙🏼
