6.7 Powerstroke Best Year

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In this video the 6.0 bros talk about which year 6.7 powerstroke is the best. with 3 generations down and a 4th hwn coming there is a lot to look at with the 6.7 powerstroke engine. from twin scroll compressor wheels in the early years to upgrade fuel systems. these common rail diesel engines are very complex. Ford has made small but vital improvements to the engine to make a very reliable truck. in short all year 6.7 powerstrokes are good engines, but in this video we are going to try and find the best year 6.7 powerstroke to buy! I hope this video helps you decide which year 6.7 powerstroke you should buy, and review some of the differences between the years of 6.7 powerstroke. We are not however only talking about what we think is the best year 6.7 powerstroke! We are also talking about some of the more common 6.7 powerstroke problems! We want to help you decide what the best 6.7 powerstroke year to buy is by talking about any of the 6.7 powerstroke issues that you may encounter. The 6.7 Powerstroke problems are not actually that bad. We reviece some of the bigger issues with the 6.7 Powerstroke though. It is a very different animal than the 6.0 Powerstroke we are use to having on this channel!

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Want to see how the newest 6.7 powerstroke does against previous generation? Check out the newest video here


2011 - Valve issues (valve breaking)
Turbo issues (ceramic bearings)
Glow plug issue
2012 - Turbo issues (ceramic bearings)
Glow plug issue
2013-2014 pretty reliable
2015 - revision to cylinder head
Upgraded CP4 pump
Injector upgrade
Turbo outlet upgrade
More HP more Torque
Exhaust brake
2017 - Aluminum body
Different intake manifold
Revised air intake system


I have a 2017 F350 XLT with the 6.7. I bought it with 36, 600 miles and I am now about to turn 105, 000. I religiously change the oil every 5, 000-7, 000 miles and change the fuel filters every other oil change. Maintenance is definitely key. It is my daily driver and my dream truck. This truck is a beast. I pull a mini-ex with 24", 12" buckets and shaker head and also a skid steer. This truck doesn't even think twice about it. I also pull my 36' 10, 000# travel trailer. The exhaust brake is incredible. This video has definitely made me feel good about my purchase.


The 2017 thru 2019 w/ the 6 speed is the best by far. All pre Covid built.


My 2011 6.7 f-350 non delete truck has over 354, 000 miles on it and no problems so far, it's awesome..


My 2016 is factory rated at 440 horsepower and 860 lbs of torque. Put a mini Maxx tuner on it last year. HUGE difference just with TOW mode.


I've had a 2005 F250 6.0 for years now. It's bulletproofed and has 312, 000 miles. I pull my gooseneck with a telehandler around and gross weight is 32, 000 lbs when loaded. It's a beast! But I'm going to turn it into my service truck and I'm thinking of buying a 2016 F350 DRW 6.7 Lariat. I have been abusing my F250 pulling 24k lbs all the time and I'm hoping the 6.7 can do just as much or better!


This information makes feel a little better about my 2015, 6.7L F-250, presently at 36, 500 miles having had two emission codes pop up in the last 2 years. factory limited warranty and extended warranty covered them. Extended warranty is expiring in 8 months. Here lately my anxiety level has started to increase because I got on the internet and visited the forums and found many Ford diesel owners having issues. I am 75 and when I bought this truck new I figured it would be the last truck for me. I'm still hoping for that. I really love the truck a King Ranch version and don't want to trade it in on a Gasser.


I'm so in love with my 2019! So much potential in these beauty's, I'll never go back to a Denali!


I live in Michigan I bought my first F250 6.7 in 2017. My truck was a 2012 in Philadelphia Pennsylvania with 78, 000 miles on it. I just sold it 5 days ago with 193, 000 miles on her. I loved that truck. Nothing but general maintenance for five years. So I took that money and bought a 2022 F250 XLT same as my other power stroke except I have a crew cab instead of a super cab. Let me tell ya 😳big difference. I’m in love again… 🥰


I have a 2013 king ranch f350, I’ve upgraded to the Garett 37, new style fuel pump, shaved heads, lifters, cam, studded, ex Lynk tune, delete egr. Total $13, 500 Canadian dollars, truck hauls great plus great fuel mileage.

I was going for a newer yet but after doing all that I am 1000% happy with the upgrade, I recommend if you have a older year do the upgrade save some cash.


I bought a 13 today. This video makes me feel pretty good about it. Thanks


I have a 2016 F350 dually, great truck. No issues in 2 years ownership. Only thing noticeable, is the tranny doesn't like it when its not warmed up. Once its in operating temp, no issues. Just seems sluggish when cold. Its also a rough ride, like no suspension lol. Also has the Death wobble, happened to me twice, so I'm careful to avoid big potholes or bridge seams.


I have a 2017 Lariat with all the bells and whistles and I love it best truck on the market period this things is a straight BEAST .


2011 Lariat that I bought new. I now have 164, 000 kilometers (102, 000 miles) on it with nary an issue. Used mainly in the Rocky Mountains and for city driving. This truck excels in cold weather and summer. I've had great fuel economy in the summer (21MPG US) unless I'm towing my big 5th wheel (15MPG US) which is also about what I get during cold Alberta winters. Best truck I've ever owned and I plan on driving it until the wheels fall off.


Love my 2013...even though I have it deleted and had to replace a turbo with a 2017 retrofit kit and 2015 HPFP. Thing runs amazing after those upgrades.


I own a 2016 F350 SRW and a 2005 F250. Both are great and fun to drive. My 6.0 has over 300k and will become my son's truck in April 2020. It was bullet proofed by powerstroke specialty in Bufford, Georgia.


I got an 11' with 206, 000 on the clock. Once we fixed all the oil leaks, we have really enjoyed the truck.


I had a 2005 she was a very good at 100, 000 I traded in for a 2008 what a very big mistake, always having egr problems. Now I have a 2016 and I'm very happy with her almost at 100, 000 on her with the only problem of a small leak in radiator. She's a keeper. Thanks good imfo


We own a 2013 6.7 power stroke with 147, 000 miles, always serviced, never a problem.
