6.7 Powerstroke Best Year

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In this video the 6.0 bros talk about which year 6.7 powerstroke is the best. with 3 generations down and a 4th hwn coming there is a lot to look at with the 6.7 powerstroke engine. from twin scroll compressor wheels in the early years to upgrade fuel systems. these common rail diesel engines are very complex. Ford has made small but vital improvements to the engine to make a very reliable truck. in short all year 6.7 powerstrokes are good engines, but in this video we are going to try and find the best year 6.7 powerstroke to buy! I hope this video helps you decide which year 6.7 powerstroke you should buy, and review some of the differences between the years of 6.7 powerstroke. We are not however only talking about what we think is the best year 6.7 powerstroke! We are also talking about some of the more common 6.7 powerstroke problems! We want to help you decide what the best 6.7 powerstroke year to buy is by talking about any of the 6.7 powerstroke issues that you may encounter. The 6.7 Powerstroke problems are not actually that bad. We reviece some of the bigger issues with the 6.7 Powerstroke though. It is a very different animal than the 6.0 Powerstroke we are use to having on this channel!
Check out our sponsor Turbo Time USA
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Rhino Diesel Products (custom degas bottles)
Diode Dynamics
Check out the shop that did our head gasket and cam install
6.0 Powerstroke build list for both project trucks affiliate links listed below
Turbo Time USA 66m Predator velocity port VGT turbo
kill devil diesel o ring heads and pushrods
colt stage 2 cam
warren diesel 175/stock injectors
cnc fab stage 1 hpop
no limit fab intercooler pipe
BDS dual add a leaf (rear)
#powerstroke #6point7 #fordpowerstroke
Check out our sponsor Turbo Time USA
Don't forget to use coupon code SIX0BROS for 5% OFF your custom turbo!!
Affiliate link (automatically applies discount)
Rhino Diesel Products (custom degas bottles)
Diode Dynamics
Check out the shop that did our head gasket and cam install
6.0 Powerstroke build list for both project trucks affiliate links listed below
Turbo Time USA 66m Predator velocity port VGT turbo
kill devil diesel o ring heads and pushrods
colt stage 2 cam
warren diesel 175/stock injectors
cnc fab stage 1 hpop
no limit fab intercooler pipe
BDS dual add a leaf (rear)
#powerstroke #6point7 #fordpowerstroke