What I learned being a workaholic | Dr. Kai-Fu Lee

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What is most important to you in life? Your career? Your family? Your material possessions? Your impact? Dr. Kai-Fu Lee became one of the most successful investors in the AI space. But his life took a turn when he was diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin's lymphoma. Here is what he learned when we came face to face with his own mortality.

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the purpose of life is to be happy and to make some others happy too. Basically to have fun here but also care about others. So dont forget to give love to the people you care. And also take care of your health and body this will help you to perform better at your job and live healthier and happier life


I need to become a workaholic. Workaholism is a good thing.


Great talk Dr. Kau-Fu and amazing story!


Thank you for sharing this! Was very good


I feel totally out of place because it seems being a workaholic is fashionable or something to brag about or to be expected these days. It makes me look bad when I don't reply to emails out of working hours but others do, even though it is my right not to check my emails outside the job.


2019 - ''AI can not be creative.''
2022 - AI: Hold my beer...


Most inspiring talk on AI to date ive heard. ❤❤❤❤ training lower left quadrant works to upper left quadrant will be a challenge. Perhaps we can use AI itself to do this.


Gary Vaynerchuk for example seems to be a rising motivational guru. Now I respect this guy but his advice is to work like a dog. He spent about 14 years from 20 on working fourteen to sixteen hours a day and now is a mega millionaire. My question is this : is that really worth it? This week I am advising something to my subscribers which I call "controlled laziness." Because if you want to increase your assets you can learn to invest well and it isn't that hard to manage once you have your strategy. But I'm not a fan of the eighty hour work week. For example, I am a contract physical therapist who can make 100K a year. But if I opened a clinic I could probably double that. And have an extra 30 hours a week running a business. They can have that. And that is my point. You can become successful and still become wealthy with smart investing and not sacrifice your life like Gary V does. You have one spin on earth as far as we know. You want to achieve greatness in all your planes--not just on the time clock. Hope this helps someone out there---Charles.


Amazing reflexion about work life balance, even though it may sound foolish, I am only in my mid twenties, but I am already thinking about how much should I work, when to rest, how long and how often.

I got sometimes problems with balacing that for my own, but I believe that 60 hour weeks (including weekends of course) should be alright


The irony of all of this is that even those who don't work as hard run a risk of getting cancer too. Unfortunately for them, without the reward offered by your workaholism, being money, they are most likely not to survive it given inability to afford healthcare.


I agree about the social status, I would love to work outdoors, cleaning beaches, in forests or cutting grass but the class system people have in their minds would make me feel like a loser. I have an office job in international relations and I hate it.


Don’t worry as an ex partner of a workaholic you can just ignore the emails of your loved ones to balance it out.


"Capitalism tricks people into believing life is about work" - wow


Experience with pessimistic attitude. Over all optimistic for pessimistic persons.


So basically we make AI our slaves and become the movie Wall-E


Workaholism is a form of addiction. Perhaps you should investigate your inner self and find what happened to you in your childhood. Speaking from a fellow sober entrepreneur.


Interesting take on the AI. However it assumes that there is something magical about being human. I'm not gonna say whether it is or not, but consider this: The most popular music nowadays is not made by artists per se but rather by a set of people with PhDs in psychology and socioengineering, and then performed by some celebrity. I mean, sure, old people might refuse to use support bots, but thats peak of an iceberg. For example, how could you tell the book you read weren't made by human if AI was advanced enough? Thats not a bad thing though. If we let AI do everything and not create dystopia in the process (by implementing basic income for instance), then all of us could do things only because we want to. Now that sounds like a paradise to me.


Soo you were acting like a working new mom every day for 5 to 10 years? Now you know what it's like to have kids every two years for a few years 🙄. Why do think theres been a huge revolt? We need more of a work life balance. We want to spend time with loved ones while they are living. We want to pursue hobbies also...which equals happiness.


So, AI is to replace humans so that humans don't have to work to define what makes us humans? I disagree.


I need to become a workaholic to get away from humans.
