TRUE School Horror Story Animated

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this is a scary & creepy & horror animation

Animated by Dobert Normi
Story by Anuhya Apoorva

If you have personal true story of yours, please send it through

Listen to K-pop music sponsored by me! (Double GJ) :

#horror #creepy #truestory #scarystory #animation
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Bullying must be stopped and teachers must do their job right. Students actually commit suicide because of bullying and staff at schools don't try to stop bullying or teach to kids that bullying is bad. In this story she must have personality disorder and became a different person


The first thing I think about when I hear "middle school" is the amount of bullying I suffered then. This was kinda satisfying.


I guess you could say that her 'shadow persona' thought that "enough is enough!"...


I love how realistic this story is about breaking the routine I felt so proud of her even though she choked out that kid


Teacher when student gets bullied: *Does nothing.*
Teacher when bullied student fights back: *Surprised Pikachu face.*


Moral of the story: beat the living crap out of bullies, then they'll leave you alone. Would've made my high school a million times easier if I just had the guts, instead of letting them walk over me for 4 years.


I LOVE how she got her revenge! Expecting someone who's being bullied to just shut up and take it is very unrealistic and cruel, and teaches nothing positive. It seems the only way bullying can be stopped is for us to stand up to the bullies.


I think the adult on the bus finally finished her spell or something and made her react in the way she did.😁


No need to worry children. Be good and nothing bad will happen. Be bad and someone you bully might have a shadow person and we don't want that now do we. As long as your good, there's nothing to worry about.


Nothin beats a scary animation on a cold and rainy day😁


I'm so glad she stood up for herself since that peice of s**t teacher didn't do anything.
Bulling is no joke and TRULY needs to be stopped ! Teachers need to be more aware of things like this. This is how school shootings start awa children killing themselves. It's just awful anyway you look at it..


bullying is solved with violence sometimes, me and some of my friends witch that responds with, we teamed up and gave all of them a pink eye, then bullying stopped right there in our class. but it’s not that serious sometimes to always respond with violence if it’s meant for defense then it’s good.


She could have gotten Split Personality which can happen through trauma and what not. Also shame on the Teacher for not even doing anything about the Bullying. I hate how many Teachers tend to do that seeing its not their business when really the Students well being is their business. Why else do you think some parents actually sue the schools for not doing anything about the bullying ?


Nothing beats a good horror story for supper.


The first one I really liked in a longtime !!!! People Need to STOP with the Bully and Abuse !!! No telling what can happen !!!!


Similar thing with me, I was once bullied by a kid in bus for quite a time, but one time I really lost it. It was then that I went really close to him looked him dead into his eye and said that if he messes with me once again then I will skin him alive and stitch his hide into a Sofa Cover. That brat recoiled immediately, never spoke to me once again.


This is relatable because the same thing happened to me
I would not be bullied but one particular day my cat had died a day earlier and a high-schooler was messing with me I don't like saying this but I have an explosive anger issue disorder which means I can explode and almost kill someone so when point a kid slapped me and I exploded and blacked out I gained consciousness with bloody me standing and a kid that slapped me on the ground everyone looked at me with horror and then I tasted blood and realized blood on my lip after that no one not even my friends spoke to me after a couple days I asked
They siad I lost my mind and grabbed him with one arm and siad out loud touch me, look at me, and I'll kill you and after I siad that apparently he punched me in the face but I didn't move and punched him back and threw him to the ground
This story was way to relatable and it made me uncomfortable how relatable it was
But after a while your inner demons really come out and there is signs but this shit happens


I never believe most of these stories but this hits home. I love how no one stood up for the poor soul but as soon as the bully got what he deserved suddenly everyone has a set of steel balls. I think they just finally had enough and snapped. I hope they never get picked on again. And shame on the teacher/bus driver, the principal and any other adult that allowed this to happen. This is how people end up killing themselves or even at worse become a serial killer.


This is why I hate bullying cause one day that victim will finally have had enough and do something terrible it could even change a person in a scary way


I have angry side like this. When I was about 13, we had these random neighborhoo kids who would come play basketball on our property without asking and we would always yell at them to leave because they’d destroy the garden. One day me and my toddler sister were outside, they came onto our driveway and started throwing the ball into the flowers, I yelled at them to leave and one of them hit my little sister who mind you was only 2 years old, next thing I remember was being on top of the boy and beating him badly.
