Medicare Part D - the Prescription Drug Plan - is Working for Seniors

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Washington got it right. Medicare Part D - Prescription Drug Plan - is working for seniors! Part D provides patients access to medicines at affordable prices. Better yet, patients' monthly premiums will average $30 in 2012...that's a 44% decrease from original projections (HHS).

And Part D is saving money on other healthcare services! Part D saves Medicare about $1,200 / year in hospital, nursing home and other costs for each senior who previously lacked comprehensive prescription drug coverage (Harvard Researchers).

But that's not all. Part D is already costing 41% less than initially projected (CBO). And patients like it. 84% of seniors enrolled in Part D are satisfied with the program (Medicare Today). Let's keep a good thing going!

Medicare Part D keeps costs low and delivers high-quality, comprehensive coverage to seniors. Let's preserve it and the 4 million American jobs that the biopharmaceutical industry supports.
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