How to Express Yourself Better

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One interaction I saw at my friend's kids birthday party inspired me to make this video 😅

As a communication teacher, I get asked this a lot:
"How do I get better at expressing myself?"

I didn't always speak like the way I speak now. I struggled to express my thoughts and feelings to others growing up. But one thing I did when I started to improve my communication skills was I looked to people who inspired me, saw the traits I liked in them, and adopted those habits and practiced them. Things like how people used their voice, their facial expressions, their tonality, their body language and more!

The most practical answer I can give you is look for people in your networks who inspire you and who are great at expressing themselves. Try on some of the behaviours they exhibit and practice them!

If you struggle to express yourself and don't know how, it's okay to look to others to help you.

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That story reminded me of a story me and my sister talks about often, it's a very happy memory from when we were younger. We were staying at our grandparents and we both had a sweet tooth and craved some sugar, so we went to grandpa and asked if we could have some candy. He took us to the basement pantry, opened a box of chocolates and the two of us and grandpa took one each. He said "don't tell grandma" and then we all went back upstairs. After a bit, we went to grandma and asked if we could have some candy, so she took us to the basement pantry, opened the exact same box of chocolates, we all took one each and she said "don't tell grandpa". When we went back upstairs and grandma went to one room and us to another, we instantly started laughing about the whole situation, and we thought it was so funny that we told them about it. The look they both gave each other made it 1000 times better😂 my grandma died at most a few years after that and it remains one of my best memories of her. It's one of few where I can still see her face in front of me, how she looked at grandpa when we told them. Anyway, just wanted to share that


Me : Learning Vinh's Body language and his Speech 😎


My life is changing just because of your videos and advice❤❤❤


Love this story. Such a good lesson on if one person says no when you ask for something just try someone else lol

I remember how I would observe my coworkers and then I started to mimic the way they talked to be successful or mimic the way they treated others. I'm really glad I did. They're very good role models!


Oh Vinh, what a lesson, the more I watch you the more I love you, man. Keep on teaching, Vinh 😍


Everytime he made a point, he zoomed the camera on himself... Like he says hand gesture, the camera come on his hands and so on... And then he goes, .... ''All you have to do is PAY''

for a split second I was like, "that was an amazing way to market a communication skill development course...

Provise facts, hint towards yourself and implicitly convey that you are the one who can improve their conversation skills, and in the end ask them to purchase the course... Also keeping the video short to make the knowledge appear rare... Sharing a story to make it seem personal and show that you have good observation skills

I just feel like unknowingly you created the best format for an advertisement of a communication skill improvement course


1. Even after watching this incredibly awesome video, well not only are there also gonna continue to be certain general specific people who will be able to better much more express themselves than before...Well on top of that, well there's also still gonna always be other types of people who would continue having emotional problems due to either severe bipolar and/or-even some other type of condition if not bipolar disorder...Those who generally tend to get out much tend to be more in control except for only certain individuals who are and just so happens to be more of the indoor type, but I think that sometime that even the kinds of people we're constantly around aren't and are not always a good example and are other people like himself in this video who can better brighten up your mood...I'm an Asian North American myself and luckily these kinds of people based from what he's saying on the video doesn't seem to have much to do with problems or bullying except expressing ourselves which is a great and awesome thing while great is usually and generally a little bit more better than good overall fully with awesome being 10x times better

2. I have mild autism as a Filipino Canadian of upper North America but has actually luckily recently started during the 2020s actually writing in an actual way to express myself but also tends to during at certain general specific times throughout the week and day watches certain comedy movies and films or would even think about general scenes or entertainment actors from general specific movies who tend to brighten up my mood.!!!!

3. But I also know that as much as hearing about childhood stories tend to be really relaxing after six and 7 minutes even 1 minute and 50 seconds, well I also know that there are certain videos here across YouTube that talk not only just about expressing ourselves but also about the kinds of feelings and emotions that we get from certain people in the community based on their action or reaction towards us while knowing they were wrong to react overly quickly while sometimes showing favouritism towards others which in all observation isn't even a matter of treating others with equality and equalness...It's actually rather more of a matter of treating people differently when there are more appropriate times for that except during certain occassions or even situations.!!!

4. It actually would've been really nice and thoughtful if only the local communities in every city and state or province in upper North America above the US and USA Border didn't just have Counselors and Therapists for traumatized people but also a certain general specific personal business job career occuppation invented and founded by smart young people after High School and University not just College with personal business cards with a job description that was both optional and semi mandatory in order to convince and motivate patients and victims to reach out and speak up not stand up and come forward about whatever abuse or neglect that there actually experiencing with their very own Freedom to Speak and rules and boundary punishment reminders from the staff members to the abusers of their victim patients.!! But part of the job description would be to discuss ways and ideas in order on how to actually express ourselves without having to talk right away like writing and typing for examples.!

5. There was actually a saying from the 2010 movie film called the ("Social Network") half way through The Social Network where the college professor said that Inventing a job was actually better than finding a job.

6. Part of the job description of the whatever name of the business of these thoughtful young people would actually be not only just listen to their clients and PTSD Stress Disorder victims while they're talking rather than cutting them off while speaking and wait until they're fully and completely done and finished rather than those therapists who just rudely say in a nice and calm way ("Sorry but could I just interrupt you for a second") sometimes second as the word to describe it and then make and schedule an actual specific community outing occassion.!!!

7. Yeah so, part of the outing occassion doesn't matter how long this takes either weeks, years months or even decades...Well the whole point is to actually maybe help this one particular client actually try to find a lost item that they might've lost recently if not years ago and didn't nor hadn't Reported it to the Police and new ways and ideas on how to literally actually not only just help this one particular person and individual as a group of people and community but ideas on also how to help other therapy clients too who are a victim of certain past experiences while public speaking and writing not just emailing people through email and typing by social networking sites and social media overall in general can even also help give ideas not just problem solving and but even ideas and ways on how to make up for something that happened years ago but even ways and ideas on how to also get over it a little bit more better than before.!!!


I love the way you usually start explaining something with a story ❤


That is factual, you're awesome! :)


That's million dollar advise. Thank you for videos and shorts. All are really helpful. Glad i have found your channel recently.


Such a wonderful example of how to communicate better. I've watch how people communicate and interact on a professional level and I've tried ever since to take one good thing from each in order to make myself successful. After many years I can say I'm definitely a different person than when I started. Learn from one another 😌


When we want to learn something by heart from someone we see as idol of that skill We casually observe their activities very deeply. When I considered one of my teachers as mentors I was just so attracted to him that I even pay attention to his standing style, dressing sense, words he use his expressions, I was just thinking his word and try to decode as much as I could from them, but if they tell me the same words and I don't have that attraction to him as an idol, for sure I can't decode what he actually meant to say.
I want to say that try to make someone you want to learn by, your mentor by heart and soon you would see the "FINN EFFECT".


Thanks Vinh. You have made a big difference to my social life, I am much more positive and feel alot more comfortable and confident after watching your videos. Cheers bro. 😁👍


I’m so glad I found you content. Now I pay attention how I communicate. Thank for all you do.


A moment of silence for people who don’t have fathers.


This is wonderful!!!!

I just learnt from you that story telling is so crucial in communicating things especially when breaking it down to the simplest level


Thank you very much for that story ! 😃


@askvinh You're my on of the most favorite Youtuber, Tutor, Inspiror and Motivator first time in less than a week! ♡♡♡ Just because you're helping filling me my unconscious confidence and beliefs gaps that are receding me to reach my full potential, It would be less if I just say thanks... You're OWE SOMEEE♡


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The kids Story is pretty amazing. I will definitely follow your tip and improve the way I express myself to others. Thank you
