How Much Do Americans Dislike Atheists? (feat. Dr. Ryan Burge)

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Social scientist Dr. Ryan Burge recently claimed that atheists are the most socially ostracized religious group in the United States in an article titled “Just How Much Do Americans Dislike Atheists?” Here we examine the data he used to come to that conclusion. Bias against atheists in the US is real, but it looks substantially different than other forms of prejudice which are more commonly discussed in our culture.

Dr. Ryan Burge’s article:

More information on atheophobia in the US:


Non-sectarian Biblical Studies Courses by Dr. Bart Ehrman (affiliate link):


-------------------------Resources for atheists in need-------------------------

This video contains 100% therapeutic grade skepticism.*

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA
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one of my faves: "You're an atheist?! But you're such a nice person!"


When all you know is privilege, equality seems like oppression...


My wife was held down on a playground as a child by other kids told she was going to hell for being an atheist and they ostracized her about it. Anyone who says it doesn't happen is ignorant.


I'm an atheist and this is what I think of evangelicals: if you have to be threatened with eternal damnation to be a good person, you are NOT a good person.


Can you really say you "trust" someone if you fear being honest with them?


Best quote I saw “Christians want to be persecuted so badly it should qualify as BDSM”


My parents and I are an atheist family that lived in East Tennessee for about ten years from the mid-'90s to early '00s. We never dared be open about our lack of belief in a God in a place where you couldn't throw a rock without hitting a house of worship and where teachers openly praised students for their Christian faith in public schools.

I can only imagine how much worse it's gotten since we left.


How to break people's rating thermometers: "I'm an Atheist Veteran"


It amazes me how some people think being persecuted means not getting everything they want. Unfortunately it’s the dominant notion driving several powerful people in the US, and they use it to justify real persecution.


This is so surreal to me. Most of my circle of friends are agnostic or atheists, and religion just isn't an issue in my city. (I live in Canada.) It's so bizarre to hear that people even care if others are atheists, or that people feel the need to "come out" as atheist.


My dad was an Atheist, my mom and two sisters believed in non-rational things. I was Atheist by the time I became an adult. At 75 I’ve come to see the dangers of not addressing irrational thought. I no longer hide out, and I let folks know what I think. It has been freeing but I have experienced discrimination.


As a happy ex Mormon I can tell you that my old religion LOVES to pretend the big bad world is out to get them since they think they are the ONLY true church. You’re either with them or against them in their minds.


As an atheist I find it interesting that a lot of religious people ( Christians) have a hard time believing that I don’t believe in their god let alone a god. I was raised in a very religious family but since I was a kid I never believed I that stuff and I did try but every time I just found myself lying to myself.


here in france, i was in a catholic middle school even though no one in my family believes in god and we all are atheists, and i was so surprised by how many people didnt believe in god and werent afraid of saying so. I even had an american teacher who always joked about how bad religion and trump are which i found funny.


I grew up in Louisiana, and became a vocal atheist at the age of seven. I have lost jobs. I have been physically attacked. You learn a lot about people.


I am British and we see US Christianity as weirdly fundamentalist as Al Qaeda. The intertwining of politics and religion in America is frankly scary seen from here.


One of the things that you have to keep in mind when looking at opinion surveys is that there can be significant differences between what a person says, and how they act. Someone can say that they do not have a problem with a family member marrying someone of a different race or religion, but they always find some other reason to object to the marriage.


Imagine being part of the in-group the hegemony favors the most in every way and calling yourself persecuted.


My family hated the fact that I was an Atheist. Even when I told them I do not believe, they constantly questioned everything I said and tried to force me to participate in the rituals- even pressuring me to lead grace. They knew I didn't believe, but to them that made me broken.

As someone who is also trans, one is definitely been worse than the other but that doesn't invalidate the pain, nor do I find comparing pain to be productive or helpful.


Really enjoyed this. I am 70. I was raised completely non theistic. My parents were both scientists. We lived by pragmatism and proofs. I never had a thought about a supreme being until we moved to Florida when I was a teen. The first thing that I was asked was what religion I was. That was a first so I talked it over with the parents one night at dinner. Well my dads idea of teaching was to drive around town and point out all the edifices that were erected to an unknowable non tangible entity. He told me to read Thoreau. Then he said go visit them and make up your own mind. Well, I decided that I like an uncomplicated life without the fairy tail. But have enjoyed the discomfort I bring to the religious when they find an athiest shoulder to shoulder at a house raising with Habitat, serving thanksgiving dinners at the salvation army or rendering aid to the helpless.
