4 'New' Arguments for God's Existence

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Ah Prager University, that bastion of arrogance and ignorance, proudly parading itself with easily digestible language and cute primitive graphics for simpletons. I can tolerate either arrogance or ignorance by itself, but combining them pisses me off in a special kind of way.


Love the fact that their little picture of Noah's ark has two male lions entering. Maybe Yahweh didn't have a problem with lions on the down low :)


For the last one. Elephants seem to enjoy painting, and therefore can create art, dolphins have names for themselves, which shows a pretty advanced sense of self, along similar lines, many primates and some birds recognize their own reflections. Things like this show how humans sense of self, and thereby our introspection, our "this is me and I am separate from everyone else" thoughts could arise naturally. Any sufficiently intelligent animal with a sense of self would likely think the same.


Wait, hang on. Did I just hear a creationist actually admit that the Big Bang, abiogenesis, and evolution are completely unrelated to one another, and that one should not be used to account for the others?


Deliberate strawman = breach of seventh commandment, well done Christians.  Lying in defence of a religion that specifically forbids lying,  Good work.


He obviously doesn't understand any of the points he brought up.

So his argument goes like this:
"I don't know anything about x, y, z, therefore god." Congratufuckinglations!


I love when apologists talk about "Something coming from nothing" because that's what *THEY* believe.
They propose that God made the universe, my follow up question isn't then "What made God" I go with "Where did god get the resources to create a universe" Because either he created them from nothing, in which case we can cut out God the middle man & they've contradicted themselves. Or God had pre-existing materials to make a universe with in which case there was never 'Nothing' so the argument is moot.


You forgot to put quotation marks around "arguments" in the title. :)


"animals don't do art..."
Yes they do.  Elephants and chimps have certainly demonstrated a propensity for painting, and there are other animals that clearly participate in art outside of human influence that I'll address in the second point.

"... and they don't appreciate beauty."
He's obviously never heard of the bowerbird or similar animals where a nest is constructed and decorated by the male, and then the female will pick the most impressively decorated.  Or how about sexual selection, where the peacock with the most impressive tail is chosen.  Etc, etc.  I fail to see how that could be taken as anything other than appreciating beauty.


I love the fact that the representation of the ark contained 2 MALE lions. :))


Ugh, I don't think I can stand to watch beyond the first minute. Your responses are great, and the "institution"'s arguments are atrocious. I mean I've heard creatards straw-man the Big Bang before but that one takes the cake, the biscuit tin, and ALL of the teabags.


That was brutal. Do more prager university videos. They cover them on DP and even drunk they can refute them but it's nice to hear more cogent, eloquent arguments against their dumb bs.


Your Subject this time presents nothing more than a huge argument from personal incredulity. As you were kind enough to supply a video link, I think I'm going to wave the Cluebat around a bit.

Oh, and cdk007 did some lovely videos on Abiogenesis. I highly recommend them.


I think we'll need another big bang to explain how the entire staff of P.U can function with nothing between their ears.


This lying for jesus thing thing is one of the most repetetive themes in apologetics.


Remember that poem by Joyce Kilmer, one line of which states, "Poems are made by fools like me, but only God can make a tree." When any human or group of humans can take a collection of chemicals and minerals and produce a living thing, I will rethink my belief in God.


In the part where he shows the Noah's ark, he shows two male lions going on board. Pretty progressive, but not very useful for the preservation of the lion species...


oh, my Stars!  Your tone and commentary gives me a real joy.  Keep up the great work, MM!  :)


very good vid dude.  probably, in my opinion, the best and most well thought out video ive seen of yours.  thank you for the hard work you put in and please, keep it up. take care.


The apologist also did a subtle but HUGE own goal when talking about the diversity of life. The graphics were showing Noah's ark! You know, the event where apparently only a tiny population of a few thousand species were taken onto a boat and somehow became millions of species *and their respective populations*, each with their own well-honed adaptations to their respective environments. In 4, 000 years or so. 

If there's anything that can't explain the diversity of life, it's that childish flood myth.
