God Exists - 4 Logical Arguments

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What evidence is there that God exists? Why do Christians believe in God? Why do some people believe in God? Here are 4 logical arguments for the existence of God.

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a universal moral law does not require such giver, it only requires people realize that for the survival of the family, the group, the nation we need rules. That is why for example, adultery is a no, no; no need for God to "tell" us.


I wanna try and answer these questions
1. i have to admit that i dont know much about this topic. But i dont like the idea that people just assume there is a god because we dont know how the universe was created. I believe we can eventually figure that out trough science and logic
2. this argument doesnt take into acount that there have to be sentient being inorder to percieve that live exists. We dont know how long the universe existed and with infinite time life has to be created at some point
3. i dont think there is an objective moral code. Some cultures had religius sacrifices some culturs had slavery some cultures had torture as punishment. We look at these cultures and don‘t realize that at the time these things weren‘t morally wrong. Who knows, maybe in the future all animal consumption will be seen as morally wrong
4. i dont think there is enougt evidence to support crists resurrection. If that were the case there would probably be an equal amount of evidence for dragons existing in the medival times. Meaning there were „eyewithnesses“ and „transcripts“ and „legends“
P.s i would love to hear other peoples perspectives but please keep in mind english is not my first language and im not an ecpert in any field


1. Causation
We dont really know if big bang is the beggining of the universe, its just the moment when our law of physics starts to make sense. Thefore its not valid argument.
2. Creation
Universe is insanely old, and insanely huge.
Take a roll dice with 13 billions eyes once every year in the entire existence of the universe (13.8 billions years) and you will have 100% chance to drop desired number, yes i calculated it. And also take into consideration that Universe is huge, it consist of up to 2 trillion galaxies, with such a huge number and huge time. Its no wonder that something as complex as life came to existence.
3. Morality
Certain moral behaviours (As not killing others, not stealing etc.) exist in different isolated cultures. Therofere, these behaviours isnt bestowed by god, its just we evolved that way because not killing and stealing, and rather cooperating and bonding was more beneficial for human survival.
4. Christ Ressucerection
Its not, im sorry to break it but its just not.
Also provide evidence if you say otherwise.


1. Isn't a strong argument because it says that it isn't x therefore its y

2. There's a slim chance of it happening yes, however slim chances happen every day in fact every minute. And just because something defeated odds does not mean there was another cause and even if there was it brings uo the same problem as the first argument

3. If there was a moral giver then wouldn't everyone have the same morals?


Damn, I was hoping at least one of these four would make any sense at all.


1. causation
If you don't believe the universe was always there or was created from nothing then how can you believe god was?
The universe is infinite, hence there are infinite chances for life to develop. By the law of propability it's only logical that something like Earth would come to existence eventually
3. moral law
Actually, there is no universal moral law. In many societies things that today are deemed unacceptable were normal. But some things never changed, and that is because of human nature, e.g. you know it's wrong to kill because you wouldn't want to be killed and you empathize with the victims.
4. Christ's resurrection
There isn't any actually VALID evidence, the texts could've been fake, eyewitness could've been lying, at this point it's so long ago in history you can't be certain. By the laws of physics and biology resurrection is impossible, so that's actual proof against it.


Please! Let’s begin apologetics on this channel. ✝️❤️


The need for a designer is just our way to try to understand, there are many things we will never undestand about the universe, but it is not rational to jump to "God must exist because we do not understand this!" God exists but only in the minde of the believer


1. The first argument was on the right track but you snuck something in that is misleading. Calling it an “eternal” first cause is forcing that first cause into a god like definition, but we actually don’t know if that first cause is eternal or a completely random event that happened for reason we can not yet explain.
2. The second isn’t really an argument. Just because the margins and conditions for life are so slight and strict does not mean they were designed. That’s a huge assumption to make. Science claims the reasons this stuff happens according to the laws of physics and observation and experiment. But they don’t claim to know why the conditions are so precise, and neither do you so it doesn’t help to give a proposition with no evidence to explain why. You would have to first prove the notion that god exists, and then show how the mathematics of life are from him.
3. You made the assumption that there is a Moral Law. But how can we possibly know this? Why is there such debate? If there was a universal moral law than we would see all societies organizing themselves im accordance with these moral laws, however we see the opposite. Cultures across the world and across the timeline define morality in vastly different ways. But I guess this argument could work on somebody who believes in objective morality. I do not happen to be one of those people so this point will just never convince me.
4. The only “evidence” that the resurrection happened is in the Bible. The Bible is the only source of any Christians faith (aside from certain denominations valuing the physical church as much or more than the Bible). The argument is somewhat as follows: that god exists, god cannot lie, the Bible is the word of god, the resurrection is written about in the Bible, therefor the resurrection actually happened. The problem with this is that it’s a circular argument. You can’t have the Bible make the claim of a god, then say that the book is the word of that god. You’re using your belief in the Bible to justify your belief in the Bible. It doesn’t work, you need something external to prove that god exists and that the Bible is the actual true word of god.


Here are my counter arguments:
Let's not jump directly on this topic and do some pre requisite research.
In 1928, an American astronomer Edwin Hubble observed that the galaxies which are not included in our galactic cluster are moving further away from much faster than speed of light. This implies that the universe is expanding.His observations indicated towards a verification of one of the implications of Einstein's general theory of relativity which predicts a dynamic universe, which was in contrast with the generally accepted static universe hypothesis at that time. Complex calculations carried out further towards the end of the 20th century confirmed Hubble's claims of a "faster than light" expansion of the universe which put a well established theory of relativity into question.
One and only one interpretation can be drawn from these two contradictory statements to establish a consistency between them and that is the universe isn't bound by the laws of physics which govern the motion of objects inside it, which includes the cosmic speed limit.
It directly follows from the interpretation that the law of causality which states that any event taking place is the product of an apparent local cause isn't applicable on the universe itself. Hence proved that this argument is invalid and the universe has popped into existence through the big bang and nothing preceded it.
There are millions of trillions of lifeless planets roaming around in the vast cosmos, the origination of life on the Earth doesn't seem to anything exceptional other than a game of mathematical probabilities. I hope that you are aware of the fact that the empirical probability tends to the mathematical probability if the number of times the experiment is repeated becomes very large.


How does an exiatence of an assumed cause describe the nature of it? (And why not multiple causrs?)

How does being having a cause determine if the creation of it is designed? Why cant it create chaos like genetic diseases, cancers, and seizures?

With morality, the universe doesnt say murder is wrong. We defined the term murder based on our legal system. Nature kills all the time. Without "our" laws, nothing would be imherantly wrong. Plus. How does the existence of a cause mean there are universal morals to begin with?

Mind you each country has their own morals. Universal morals wouldnt be divided.

And christianity isnt special among these regards. What about there being a first cause, the universe being designed, and universal morality equal christianity? What about polytheism? You have a strong argument that hinduism is true because energy doesnt create itself and all natural living things reincarnate/recycle).

Also. The exstence of a cause in itself doesnt say whether its a spirit or being who has a son amd died on the cross.

We need new argumemts. Especially if we are giving objective proof of a creator without reference to one specific religion


1. If existence necessitates creation, then you don't believe God as the eternal first cause if you believe he exists. What you'd actually believe in is infinite regression. Also, the big bang dosen't claim to be the start of the universe, just the expansion of its prior state. If there has to be an eternal cause, there's no logical or objective reason to believe that the universe itself isn't its own cause over God being that cause.

2. That argument presupposes cellular formation of carbon based life as we know it on earth as a universal standard (that would necessitate a creator), which it isn't. While our existence is an insane improbability, that extremely low number turns into at least 1, aka a certainty, when you multiply it by the number of planets that exist in our universe and the age of the universe. Also the whole "iT tAkEs mOrE fAiTh" catchphrase is just a cheap gotcha at this point so gfy.

3. There's no such thing as a universal moral standard to even build the premise of a moral lawgiver on. Governments, societies, religions, individuals, hell even denominations within the same religion can't even agree on what moral and ethical standards should be.

4. Objectively, verifiably, and blatantly false claim. I don't even know why you chose to include it in your video if you wanted to sway logically minded people.


This will never be an accident, everything that my eyes see have a almighty creator, what a magnificent artist.


Only one I disagree with is the moral argument in order for our species to have survived throughout history of course these things are considered wrong like murder theft as that could hurt the “group” and could possibly not pass on our genes. It’s like how we don’t even have sharp teeth or claws to defend ourselves we were made to work together not against


I like it when atheists use the, “my feelings are hurt” argument. If barbers existed, surely people wouldn’t have long hair, right?


i like the way my mind said :
be patient Eventually the truth will reveal itself.


"A universal moral law requires a moral law giver". Absolutely brilliant.
As a follower of Christ & a musician who plays various forms of extreme metal, I can say the majority of "satanic metalheads" often have Christian morals deeply rooted in their lives....(without actually knowing it)...they often live more upright than many hypocritical Christians in uniform only.

Sadly, the grand mistake they make is trying to use carnal knowledge to justify their spiritual arrangements. They are also chased away from the Lord by being deterred by hypocrisy in the Church, especially the Catholic church, crooked politicians who use religion as a tool for power, etc. They might not tell you upfront, but they know God is real & very much alive.


2. Our universe nor our cellular form aren't in any way perfect. Simplest way to realize this is to just look at how many problems we have with our body, cancer, bad posture, sun burns, bone problems... These problem come from the fact that we are not adapted to avoid them. If we were "perfec"t we would have none of these problems.


Jesus loves you believe in jesus and go to heaven try praying my friend s


the resurrection has not been scientifically proven and never will be, exactly like God giving Moses the tables on the mountain. But it is fascinating that people, not all, need God so badly.
