How to Get Rid of Dark Circles - 7 Pro Tips and Natural Remedies

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Learn how to get rid of dark circles so you can look more awake and feel more attractive! There are many skin care products claiming to remove dark circles but here are some natural remedies. Want to know how to remove dark circles, this video shares them.

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7 Ways to remove dark circles under eyes

🔴 UPDATE: This is the new eye cream I have been using and I am blown away by how it

1. Caffeine is often used to stimulate microcirculation around the eyes in eye creams

2. Manage Eye Allergies
OTC oral antihistamines
Topical Antihistamine Eye drops

For Puffy Eyelids I Use:

Eye Friendly Makeup and Moisturizer

PRO TIP - Don’t sleep in eye makeup
My favorite Makeup Remover (safe for skin and eye eyelids)

3. Cold Compress Eye Mask Options

- Use UV protecting Sunblock!
- Wear Sunglasses with 100 UV protection!
- Sunglasses used in this video (William Painter)

5. Moisturize your skin

6. Get More sleep (between 7-9 hours per day is recommended)
PRO TIP - Try to sleep in a slight incline to drain fluid from the eyes to the rest of the body

7. Try concealer make-up or optical diffusers to blend hyperpigmentation of eyelid skin
Consult your dermatologist about the best skin care products, Pulsed Light Therapy or other Laser Skin Treatments

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1239 2nd St N # 741, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379

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#darkcircles #doctoreyehealth
DISCLAIMER: All content in this video and description including: infor­ma­tion, opinions, con­tent, ref­er­ences and links is for infor­ma­tional pur­poses only. The Author does not pro­vide any med­ical advice on the site. Noth­ing con­tained in this video or it’s description is intended to estab­lish a physician-patient rela­tion­ship, to replace the ser­vices of a trained physi­cian or health care pro­fes­sional, or oth­er­wise to be a sub­sti­tute for pro­fes­sional med­ical advice, diag­no­sis, or treatment. You should con­sult a licensed physi­cian or appropriately-credentialed health care worker in your com­mu­nity in all mat­ters relat­ing to your health. Also, some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, meaning, at no cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. All non-licensed clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes.

About this video: Want to know how to remove dark circles? In this video, Joseph J. Allen, OD FAAO reviews how to remove dark circles under eyes naturally. Dark circles treatment typically focuses on reducing the blood vessel size or quantity, thickening the skin of the eyelid (or preventing it’s thinning) and treating the hyperpigmentation around the eyelids. Dark circles under eyes are very common and almost everyone will experience them at some time, but some people may experience them more than others. For more information, please consult your local dermatologist.
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🔴💥What Tip from the video was your favorite? Do you have any other tips for Dark Circles of your own?


"Get more sleep" looks at time and its 3 in the morning


1. Shrink your blood vessels with caffeine (drinking coffee/putting tea bag on eyes)
2. Manage eye allergies with antihistamine(eye bags can be confused for dark circles). Clean makeup off properly before sleep or avoid eye makeup completely.
3. Cold compress
4. Prevent skin damage with sun glasses or sun block
5. Use moisturiser
6. Get more rest at night (7-9hours). Sleep with slight incline.
7. Use concealer if you have hyperpigmentation or laser treatment


I love how he explains stuff fast and clear he's saving me so much time unlike other doctors on this app


2:10 "or just stop wearing eye makeup because you are just beautiful just the way you are" and then stare into your soul with those sparkling grey eyes.


I've found that staying hydrated also helps reduce my dark circles.


I'm white skin and had dark under eye circles since my early teens. I just rock it. Seriously, I don't even wear makeup. I guess you can say that I'm naturally goth.


I'm 14 years old and I have dark circles and once upon a time my friend mistaken me with ghost. It hurt but I didn't say anything


i’ve legit had dark circles all my life


I was called a "Drug addict" when I was 9 because I have genetic dark circles, the name still follows me during middle school and it really hurts since I can't do much about my allergies


The hardest part is forcing myself to go to bed early my body hates me but I love late nights, this was very helpful thank you


Love that the tea bag method actually works and isn't just an old wives tale!


the way he delivered the remedies was so fun and joyful


"Drink coffee"
Well I like you already doc


As someone who suffers from insomnia, when I get a good week's of sleep I already see a wonderful difference on darkness. As I get older lack of sleep makes a bigger and bigger difference in my appearance. In my 20s I could totally pull all nighters and no problem, now I could never.


I have them permanently, since I was a child. They don't go away when I drink coffee or tea, nor when I put something cold on them. And I don't usually have allergies. Since the lockdown, I didn't use any kind of makeup (for about a month now), my dark circles are still there as always.


“... because you are beautiful just the way you are.”
I love the way he said that.


These are some things I never thought I would hear an eye doctor say. Thank you, my mom has been drilling me on this. She thinks it's my phone, but even after dropping it all together for a month, they are still there.


I'm 13 and I got born with huuuuge dark circles. Since day one I've looked like a ghost. People usually tell me oh u have dark circles oh u have something black under ur eyes and that hurts me a lot, but I don't really show my emotions and I pretend like I didn't hear anything. But we all still look pretty!! Strenght to us !!


I just put my head in the freezer for 4 minutes and my eyes feels kinda better.
I don't even joking, but ok I'll take it '-'
