When Should You Do A DRY FAST?

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01:06 What is Dry Fasting?
01:26 2 Different Types of Dry Fasting
02:10 Is dry fasting dangerous?
02:20 Why would you wanna dry fast?
03:16 My experience with Dry Fast
03:51 Dry Fasting burns water from fat
04:51 #1 Dry fasting is a great way to lower inflammation
05:14 #2 Dry fasting increases BDNF
05:57 #3 Dry Fasting bring your blood sugar down
06:33 #4 Dry Fasting balance cholesterol levels
06:43 #5 Prevent Osteoporosis
07:05 How do you do a Dry Fast
08:00 How long should you Dry Fast
08:09 The way I do dry fast


The Benefits of Dry Fasting

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I've just finished my 72 hrs hard dry fast and I'm still alive.

I didn't exercise, i rested, read a lot, listened to audio books, no TV, decreased engagement with many people to reset peaceful mind. I'm going on towards 7 days dry fast.


I'm going to try it. I recently did a 3-day water fast for chronic dermatitis on my face, and the results were excellent, except for one stubborn red patch on one cheek. Since you have mentioned inflammation, the dry fast sounds right for me. My husband is out of town next week and I can quietly try it. When I mentioned the water fast to my family, they were unsupportive and worried. Fasting seems to be best done in solitude and without comment.


I did a three day soft dry fast and felt great. Didn’t feel hungry at all. While water fasting, I feel so hungry :(


I’m not a doctor so do not take this as gospel but I’ve routinely dry fasted for three days at a time and had fantastic results in regards to healing autoimmune conditions, fatty liver and kidney pain and T2D. I know many others have dry fasted for longer with no ill affects. That said, know your body and be safe. Thanks for an informative video Mindy!


Started this health journey about four months ago and learning every day. What I've realized is that through millions of years of evolution we are engineered to eat whenever there is food. The last 100 years have made things worst because of artificial food... sugars, carbs, etc. It's accelerating the decline of us as a species and drug and food companies love it! Currently I am in maintenance mode at about 12.5% body fat, play tennis, basketball and golf at a high level again at 50 yrs old. Fasting is truly God's gift to us.... unfortunately we have lost our way due to drug and food companies.


I’ve completed 21 days soft dry fast(brushed teeth and showered) leading directly into 19 days water fast. No damage to me.


I just completed a 72-hour soft dry fast this week and I'm alive and well. First 2 days were cake, but the last 24 hours were a little tough. Lost 12 pounds and feel great. Broke with some coconut water and water throughout the day. Ate some watermelon and broth the next day and started eating solid food on the 3rd day. I'm thinking about doing it once a month.


Today I am breaking a three day fast. The first day was a dry fast, and I want to say this was a more successful fast. My head felt clearer and I was less hungry.


I did a 2 day water fast followed by a 5 day hard dry fast then a 2 day juice cleanse. Lost 22 lbs in that 9 day period. Was 12% bf 202 lbs day1 180 and lean as can be 9 days later. Other than sleeplessness and being a bit tired no sides.


Oddly enough, I find it much easier to do a dry fast than a water fast. My favorite is a three day dry fast. It’s long enough to feel like I’ve reset my body and done some deep cleaning, but not so long that I get too dehydrated or have trouble transitioning back. The morning of the third day, I start drinking water and get rehydrated, then I eat my meal, so it’s a 72 hour fast from food, and maybe a 66 hour fast from water. Thanks for all the great videos and info, and for all your awesome energy!


I have dry fasted for 3 days for spiritual reasons. The feeling after was truly amazing.


You can go more than 24 hrs without water or food. I’m on day 4 and feel amazing!! So much energy. Everyone is different. Listen to your body!!! If you feel bad, get off the fast asap!


I have hard dry fasted from 3-5 days at a time. Always feel sharper in mind and body. It is awesome.


I’ve dry fasted several times for 48hrs and felt amazing. I live in the dry desert & stay indoors while i do this, will go to gym but not sweat too much and fine going to work as well. It’s funny because i do get thirsty but at the 48hr mark I’ll have a normal sized dinner and about 12-20oz of water at most. As a vegetarian what i eat is already high in water content. Pretty healthy overall and just do this to “clean up the system”. I do IF most days 20-24hrs so this is not too big of a deal for me. It is very important to know your body however. Thanks Mindy, your videos are so informative in covering all the different ways one can fast and what happens in our bodies.


I am today on my 5th day of a soft dry fast. At the moment I am meditating in the mountains of Hollywell 🇯🇲. The intention was to complete a 1o day spiritual fast of 5 days soft dry and 5 days water only... am so looking forward to the result. But for now I feel amazing energized not hungry, good prana to sustain me. Gonna be back at work tomorrow to begin the water segment which will include lots of cocnut water, blk coffee and mineral water... wish me luck👍


I’m dry fasting for 36 hours now and aiming for 72, it’s no big deal, I can go to the store any time to drink water if need be


I have completed a 4 day dry fast & healed a torn meniscus. The Phoenix Protocol by August Dunning has been the best source of dry fasting for me.


I’m 15hrs into my first dry fast. So far all is good. I’m not hungry and my body is intuitively telling me no food or water. Thanks for the video, I know for this one I won’t go over 24hrs


if you don't have studies, why say "your body wasn't meant for..."? I've done 4 seven day dry fasts and dozens of three days fasts alone and with others. I've only seen problems when someone was on a dehydrating medication. I've found the 36 hour my favorite, but more have been helpful when I needed deeper


I just finished a 3 day dry fast (2 Hard, 1 Soft), I like it better than water fasting. Definitely recommend it (just my opinion)
