China's State of Affairs: Why They Will Avoid Crisis by Any Means (w/ Mike Green & Chris Balding)

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China's State of Affairs: Why They Will Avoid Crisis by Any Means (w/ Mike Green & Chris Balding)

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Probably the most important video you guys have made. Lets make this go viral


Remember Edward Snowden? Guess which country is collecting the most data on people around the world?


Finally talking some sense about china.


Putting an ad 4:03 into every video edit is sloppy and lazy. Tie it into the video somehow or leave it at the beginning or end please. These ads tilt me so hard... is that the point?


How is it possible to not like these two? ♥️


Blaming China or Rusia for the decline we are witnessing in most of the western democracies is quite a shallow and weak argument, sure they are taking advantage of it and trying to push on towards that direction, but the problems western societies ares facing right now are mainly our and only our responsability


But if Facebook and Google have data on people, it’s only a matter of time until that gets into other’s hands


You guys have some stellar people on this channel


Everybody is treating China with a different standard, including the US... for example in regards to accounting standards of Chinese companies in the stock market. The world has gone mad.


question, how is ccp doing anything different than what cia or nsa or any 3 letter agency are doing here in us.?


Interesting chat. Neocon propaganda, but very interesting.


Insightful interview. One comment I'd like to make however is about the HK protest. Mainland Chinese don't support them not bc they don't understand why they want freedom of speech. It is bc the state controlled media completely smeared the movement in the mainland. The HK protest was initially about protesting the extradition bill, later turned into a protest against police violence and demanding for universal suffrage as agreed in the sino British agreeement. But the state media call the protesters as separatists. Chinese are very nationalistic and hate any talks of seperatism. The protesters were also portrait as violent, but footage of police violence was never showed in the mainland media. Since the majority of Chinese don't have access to internet outside of China, most of them end up believed in the lies. Controlling the media and cyber space is how Xi can prevent 1989 from repeating. Even if the economy did collapse. With draconian measure and media control most would not kkownwhat's happening outside of their own neighborhood let alone their city or province. Many ppl have no idea how bad the floods were two months ago bc local news are forbidden to report on it and ppl are banned from sharing any images of the floòd.


15:55 "What authoritarian country impeaches their president"
The president doesn't seem to possess real power compared to the 2 parties. And you can't change that. To me as an outsider the CCP is like a monopoly, while GOP and DNC are duopoly, not a big difference from the perspective of the voter (consumer).


A revealing and rare interview. Many thanks.


Is this really the hill we're going to die on? Yes. Yes it is.


I think comparing with US capacity, China is far behind. US has the whole data collection in Europe, America, Asia, and Africa.


China always reminds me of the whole Chinagate scandal from years ago. That's actually what got me interested in learning more about China.


Gentlemen, thank you for your commentary re: China. You should be proud that you have developed an understanding which few few few Americans have achieved. It is however colored with American thought process. Lee Kuan Yew, my favorite Chinese Culture/Western Culture translator, would find your assessment thin and typically American. Please think deeper. Read Sun Tzu famous writing 20 times to graduate from middle school. China’s coherent strategy will propel it past the slower counterpart. I offer this critique only to engender deeper thinking. We need to up our game. I find Denny Roy’s assessment more clear minded.


This host using a fake background looks horrible. What do you live in the streets that you need to create a fake office background?


This Chris guy doesn’t know what he is talking about and I think he made up the whole story
