PRO Quick Connect Generator Probe 7,10,20 and 30mm Generator Disassembly

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Dismantling 7mm, 10mm, 20mm and 30mm generators
1. Unscrew the rotor knife from the bottom of the rotor shaft. Insert the ¼" hex key (supplied in the tool kit) into the end of the rotor shaft collar and insert the screwdriver end into the rotor knife and turn the hex wrench counter clockwise.
2. Remove the rotor knife from the bottom of the generator tube and collar assembly
3. Remove the rotor shaft collar assembly by loosening the setscrew located in the side of the rotor shaft collar from the rotor shaft using the hex wrench end of the screwdriver tool (For convenience, do not fully remove the setscrew from within the rotor shaft collar assembly).
4. Remove the PTFE washer from the rotor shaft. Draw the rotor shaft downwards out of the tube and collar assembly. (If rotor shaft does not slide out, press down on the rotor shaft from the top of the generator tube and collar assembly using the hex wrench end of the screwdriver tool).
5. Remove the lower bearing from the end of the tube and collar assembly using the screwdriver. The screwdriver should be inserted high enough to reach the inner side of the lower bearing. Put the flat side of the screwdriver against the lower bearing, and then pull the handle of the screwdriver against the saw-teeth or open-slotted end of the generator probe. The lower bearing should come out. The lower bearing should be replaced when it shows signs of wear and before the rotor shaft collar starts to come in contact with the inside wall of the motor collar or starts to rub on the top of the tube and collar assembly.
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