Did you notice 'this subtle detail' in HARRY POTTER?? #harrypotter

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Did you notice "this subtle detail" in HARRY POTTER?? #harrypotter
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Do you think this was a general insult, or more intentional?


He was referring to the fact that James only had to save Snape because They (james and co) had set Snape up to meet Lupin in the first place. He wasn't talking about the prophecy but he did use the fact that it was ANOTHER thing Dumbledore kept from him to throw that insult in.


"You ought to be careful. People will think you're...up to something" - Snape


In the books as well as the movies, Professor Severus Snape has always been a very mysterious character who doesn't joke around usually. My honest opinion is that he very much was referring to the fact that Harry was still unaware about the untold prophecy.


i feel like snape has so much to everything like he’s so important in the movies because almost everything’s leads to him and she’s overall just a very interesting and important character with loads revolving around him he’s the best most deffienatley my favourite


I believe he meant both the prophecy and that marauders set him up to meet Lupin so then they had to save him. There were so many things DUMBledore wasn't saying and he was very manipulative. And since Snape knew how Dumby was treating Harry, to say that he left out the details again was so natural.


Thats a good question. Im thinking its a little of both. Just Snapes nature liked to be snarky anyway so it could easily have been intentional. Although to me, it seemed like that might have been about the time Snape was finding out Harry wasnt as bad as his dad and had more of his moms mannerisms. Of course Snapes not going to tell him that! He’d prefer to keep him at a distance than be buddy buddy. Thats what i believe got Snape caring a bit more about Harry than before. Which lead him to being aghast when Dumbledore told him Harry had to die.


Snape was throwing a general insult at Dumbledore. I mean, it wasn’t just the prophecy. He didn’t tell Harry ANYTHING, even when he promised to tell him everything. Even after the prophecy, he still knew that Draco Malloy was behind everything in HBP and STILL said NOTHING about it.

Dumbledore’ still great though.


He was talking about the fact it was their fault Snape was in danger in the first place.


Snape told Harry that because he knew there are a lot of things that he wasn't told or aware so he should always be aware not to judge a book by its cover and somehow it makes me think if Snape wasn't also implying that he tries to protect Harry.


The matter is Headmaster Dumbledore to decide. Snape was being passive aggressive.


Personally I think he was just throwing an insult at Harry, because it’s likely that he was referring to the prophecy, but knowing snape…


Read to books. Snape hated James from the start. James mocked him on the train, saved him from Sirius' cruel joke, chose Liy over HIM. Blamed him for loosing Lily. It wasn't one incident.


It wasnt an insult in the books from Snapes point of view they tried to basically kill him but James changed his mind and ran to save him but also his own ass that would propably end in askaban since he would have been an acoplice in murder and he was also able to change into an animal which is allowed only if you tell the ministery and if you dont you also go to azkaban


It was a general dig at him for looking so much like James and he had so much build up anguish from when James used to bully him when they were at school


He definitely was and giving the fact we seen later on snap indeed did care for harry because of Lilly


Snape was actually a good guy. He did have hate towards harry because of james, but snape was definitely referring to the way Dumbledore was treating harry


Dumbeldore was trying to protect Harry's high opinion of his father which definitely took a hit when Harry figured out his dad was a Bully to Snape and arguably to other wannabe Death-Eaters as well


I think it's a general shot at how Dumbledore treats the truth. While Dumbledore doesn't straight up lie, he likes to omit parts of the truth. In that sense he isn't a truthfuk character. And from fantastic beasts it seems he has been doing that for ages.


I think door told Harry exactly at the right time. If he did it, too early, Harry would freak out.
