Did you notice 'this subtle detail' in HARRY POTTER?? #harrypotter

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Did you notice "this subtle detail" in HARRY POTTER?? #harrypotter
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In OOTP it says, the Death Eaters and tales of their crimes were legendary in Wizarding Families. So how did no one at Hogwarts know about Neville's parents?


It's because the night Harry's parents were murdered, was the night the most evil dark wizard's power broke. And the wizarding community was free from the terror it had being living in for about a decade.
Its not that no one knew about Neville's parents, it's that a lot of them chose not to discuss it with their children. Perhaps, like Dumbledore, felt it was up to Neville to bring it up if he wanted. Its the same reason Mrs. Weasley forbid Fred & George to ask Harry questions about that night his parents were killed. Noone wanted to contribe to the pain, and hardshpis that both boys were already living through.


If I’m not mistaken in the books it states that they were presumed dead the story being confirmed by Neville and his grandmother to hide the fact that they had been driven insane by their torture. I think this is explained when the Trio visit St. Mungos looking for Gilderoy and stumble across The Longbottoms.


I think that parents didn’t want to tell their kids about all the torture and hardship the death eaters did. I think this because none of the students seem to know exactly what life was like during the 1st wizarding war


I think that the Longbottom's story was known, but the decent parents would not have wanted to tell their children because it would have scared the crap out of them. As for Neville not telling, I think that is because they were a very proud, but also a very private family. He simply wasn't ready to talk about what happened.


They where a proud yet discrete family. Their sacrifice and subsequent death was yet another harsh reality of the Dark lord's power and cruelty. Bu looking at Neville's grandmother and her actitude in the deathly hallows helps us understand her way of thinking.


It is one more detail that shows how all people in England tried to forget about this. All deaths, all villains and so on. Everybody knew about Lily and James because it was an act of victory, but Longbottoms died after victory. Nobody would want to say something to their children. Molly and Arthur knew and didn't say and this is totally understandable. Damn it, his classmates were 14, guys!


First of all, Harry NOT being murdered got him famous. Second, the adults probably just kept it a secret because Dumbledore is Dumbledore.


Frank and Alice symbolize mental illness. It too was not discussed (openly) in the wizarding world. People knew of Frank and Alice's attack. They knew little to almost nothing of its aftermath. Dumbledore knew Neville's classmates would point and whisper, speculate, possibly tease and/or treat him as if he were metally ill. JK reflectively asked: would it b better to have parents who were dead or have parents who were unable tobond with their child?.


People knew, they just had the decency to not bring it up...


The legend of Harry is that he’s the boy who lived, that’s why the murder of his parents are remembered


I assumed it was because like with every big news story it just faded away with time especially since the Dark Lord was apparently gone. Life goes on


I think it might of been because harry had just survived one of the most powerful curses and I don't think that the parents of the students that attended Hogwarts would want to tell them about how Neville's parents died


The date of the Longbottoms' torture was known. It was not discussed with many in Harry's generation, and those who knew had enough class not to bring it up in Neville's presence


Especially after the very angry trial. Everyone was happy Voldy got moldy and Bellatrix and Barty Jr went tortured Neville's mom and dad.
Bet it was covered up by Barty Crouch Sr.


We don’t know much about the Longbottoms but we do know everything about the Shortbottoms


I think the Harry stuff was probably more important to tell to their kids so that just chose to not talk about that to little little children


But i remember reading that they were at St Mungos hospital along with Lockhart. And they don’t even recognise Neville, hence the topic was never bought up to further.


#1: People didn’t wanna tell their kids about the torture and murder the Death Eaters caused
#2: Harry’s parents deaths also overshadowed it.


1. Students at Hogwarts during neville's time is too young to remember what happened to the longbottoms.
2. Older people might have trouble recounting events of the war because of trauma.
3. Books referencing events of the war might've omitted mentioning the fate of the longbottoms because it was after Voldemort's death.
4. Everyone knows Harry's parents because voldemort died trying to kill his family.
5. I imagine the news about longbottoms attacks might've just concluded by saying that they've been moved to St.mungo for cruciatus treatment and left it at that and wouldn't have reported them being moved to permanent spell damage ward. So it could've been that longbottoms being permanently impaired never became widespread public knowledge.
