WHAT TO DO after getting a BAD GRADE | how to BOUNCE BACK from FAILURE *productive & motivational*

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You got a bad grade... so what do you do now? Watch this productive and motivational video on how to bounce from failure!





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#study #productive #exam
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The comments section is a safe place to express your emotions. Anyone that is brave enough to share their struggles, please do so, and you will be supported and cheered on by myself and this lovely student community ❤️

To start us off, I failed my Health Systems midterm last semester... This was my first failed grade in pharmacy school. I felt so alone, but after talking to my friends, I found out that many of them failed too. I needed to pass this class, so I re-evaluated my strategy and put more effort into a class that I didn't necessarily enjoy. I got a 90 on my essay, aced my final exam, and finished the class with an A. I couldn't have been more proud of myself.

This is my story of rising up and overcoming adversity. What's yours?


The worst thing is hearing everyone elses good like u are proud of them obv but u also are dissapointed in urself


I used to do really well in school, but ever since high school my grades went down drastically and I feel like it keeps getting worse every semester. I really do want to improve, everyone has high expectations for me and I don't want to let them down. Thanks for the video! I'll try my best.


*when I got a F on a maths test, my friends were around me and they said ‘How the hell did you fail this? It was soo easy like everyone else passed’ it made me feel even worse and I started silently crying in class because I’ve been scared of failure my entire life. My sibling has gotten straight A’s for 3 years so he gets disappointed in me when I get anything less than an A*


I’ve learned this method from reading a book but you basically say “this is good because..” and try to find a lesson when you fail at something. So if you failed your Biochem exam you could say “this is good because now I know exactly what I need to work on before the final” it’s something small but if you’re consistent it can improve your mood greatly. Thanks for the tips Nathan 💜


Literally failed a lot so I'm trying to bounce back and I guess it's not too late from my failures. It take humility and rejection but that's life and it's a gift.


It is this year that I found how important a role mental health plays on academic performance!!! Learning with anxiety lowers my productivity and interest for studying. I was just soooo afraid of failure before. Now I always ask myself "so what?", failed a test so what? I tried my best anyway! Surprisingly I am learning much more efficiently with a relaxing mood!!!


I struggle a lot in physics and maths and I'm in highschool but after high school my major's are physics chem and maths. I feel so demotivated after seeing low grades in these subjects but i anyways will always keep working hard


The worst thing is when you know exactly that you know all the answers, you understand the material and would have done well if you didn't have to do it in an anxiety-inducing exam situation. As soon as I am outside od the situation and am more relaxed I can pick out precisely what I did wrong in the situation. Then I am left thinking about these stupid mistakes that could have actually been avoided easily...

Anyway, I did my final (uni) exams and the same thing happened again of course :'D
I am sitting on hot coals right now and I keep ruminating on these mistakes even though I know I cannot change it now. It's in the past and I have to focus on the present and the future...


I'm a straight A student but for my finals this year my mental health was terrible, I procrastinated a lot, I wasn't prepared at all. From getting 90% above or even 95% above I went to 70% something. Let's just say there was a lot of crying involved. I'll start my 10th grade next month and I'm determined to work harder and bounce back.


Sharing my story bcz I want to let it out. You guys don't have to read. So I always struggled from anxiety but during 1st year of my dental clg (this year), it's just got bad but I was coping well. But during my final exams (just recently, 2 months ago ), something traumatic triggered my anxiety. It was worse including panic attacks 24/7 & nightmares, insomnia as well. Didn't study properly, cried alot. During my anatomy exam, got the worst panic attack of my life, nobody noticed, no one care tho. So I just kept pushing myself. I never asked for help too, passed out during my last exam due to mental breakdown. Only were able to pass one exam out of 4 and I felt horrible so so horrible. Supplementary exams were scheduled just after 20 days but I was so broken to care. It was like the biggest failure of my life, always were a good student. My parents were disappointed too. It was hard. I literally hide in a room cried for a week, ghosted everyone. Started having suc!dal thoughts. It was too much, then my parents take me for professional help, anxiety medications were even more worst (they are now working for me), didn't sleep for a week, get depression, I was in pain. Yeah but everything gets better so it did. I just wanted to end my suffering so I decided that I will try, basically it's my last chance to prevent dropout(still scary). My advice is that first step is to acknowledge your failure. It's not the end of the world. I stopped hiding, faced my failure, go through my mistakes, start preparing again. Now I'm done with one exam(it went soo well) and 2 more left. Not really anxious too. Doing better. Feel stronger than ever. And just wanna say Mental health is soo real, it really affects your life, your grades, your relationships. Please be kind to others and ask for help sooner. Don't suffer alone. Sending love <3


I'm in my final year of uni and just failed a class for the first time and everyone else i've spoken to got like 80%+, i need to retake it in the summer or i can't graduate and i've been letting it get to me, this video helped me feel better about it so thank u nathan!


I did all the good study habits, had a time table, managed my school and social life well but still failed it math. Sure there were weeks where my grades were not the best but there were weeks where they were great too. I was so shocked and disheartened when I found out I needed to attend remedial classes. It made me feel like after the efforts I put in to have my life together wasn’t enough. That I wasn’t enough. I don’t feel enough.


I’ve always been an A+ student but since last month I started getting bad grades suddenly. I tried my best to improve but as I put to much pressure on me I failed again. That really lowed my self confidence and my motivation and that made me really anxious because I’m afraid of not beeing as good as before


I'm literally crying 😭 right now . I can't stop crying . I got bad grades.


To anyone feeling sad over grades, remember a success story where the hero is rising from the rock bottom is 100 times better than any other hsit. Take pride in acing something in which ur not even interested.
All the best, keep working hard, take small breaks in between.


Tbh, I think the best advice I can give on this topic (as a student in hs who got straight As to a college student who does NOT lol) is these grades don’t really define you and your success. Yes it’s important to pass your class but In almost all stem fields, your work experience does not reflect your grades. Yes knowing the concept is important, but if you did not master your organic chemistry reactions it will be OK. Millions of students have been in your spot and were able to make it. As long as you can say you studied to your full capability then you have nothing to feel guilty for!!!


I was always an straight-A student until high school math rolled around. I still had A's in other classes so it wasn't too big of a deal. I was still proud of myself when I got B's as my final grade in math and just sorta felt neutral when I had C's. I recently got back my final grades for this semester and guess who got a D as their final grade in Trigonometry? It was hard to accept but this video made me feel a lot better and more determined to bounce back.


It's been 3 days since I recieved the news that I have a failing grade. I thought I already accepted it but it really hurts everytime I remember the time, effort that I do just to have good grades. Right now I feel ashamed since on our group of friends I'm the only one who failed and I dissappoint my parents since they expect me to graduate on time😭


I failed one of my tests today, nd i feel like this is the sign that i can still do better, and score better marks in the finals, thanks nathan, i cried myself to sleep today, because it felt so worthless,
