What To Do After Getting Rejected From A Job/ Internship/ Grant/ Scholarship/ School 😔

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Doing this one simple thing may just make them change their mind. And if not, then at least you know how to improve for next time. Rejection is simply redirection! #rejection #jobinterview #interviewtips
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"due to the volume of applications received we are unable to provide specific feedback on this occasion"


Yeah. This doesn't work for me. Every time I get rejected from a job, I do this. And they always reply by saying I was rejected due to lack of experience. 🙃


I did this for an internship, and the manager actually pointed out something important I didn't know about. They may often ghost you, but when they answer, it can be very useful


Tried this; got ghosted. I've heard HR is told specifically not to give feedback as it could open a can of worms.


Or they provide feedback on how amazing you were but they choose to proceed with another candidate who fits better.


The bottom line is to not get mad. Do something positive and move on to the next opportunity.


For me, it's really hard to get interviews in the first place so I always ask for feedback when they reject me so I can improve my interview skills. Once, I reached out since they never formally rejected me to ask about the interview and if they had any tips and I got the standard "we wanted someone with more relevant experience" answer, which made sense at the time bc I really was underqualified for half of what the role needed lol

But eventually, I got called back, assumingly because their initial candidate didnt work out and me reaching out and asking for feedback showed that I was proactive and willing to learn. So I think this is an great tip to try while job-hunting ❤


I followed your strategy before watching this short. Did it work? HELL NO!

The recruiter told me it was company policy to not provide individual feedback, which kinda makes sense but really sucks at the same time.


For my current job I originally applied in November of one year, but we rejected. I asked for feedback. In march of the next year I was offered the same position as soon as they had another opening. I was explicitly told by the hiring manager that I was 1) I was only passed up the first time because they hired their current intern and 2) she immediately thought of me for the second position because I asked for feedback. If you get an interview but not the job- always ask for feedback


Careful HR people aren’t ever, ever going to write back because they worry you might be trying to fabricate grounds for a lawsuit. This doesn’t come across as a power move in most situations. (It would be great if it did; but it doesn’t.) It comes across as desperate and further convinces a company that applicant isn’t a good fit for their org. Take the L, remember that job hunting is a numbers game, and press on. The opportunity that’s for you, is for you. The ones that aren’t mean that you dodged a bullet when you were turned down.


I’m honestly tired of interviews in general, I’ve had two the last two weeks, unsuccessful and I have another one tomorrow, all I feel is that I’m wasting time and money by going to interviews just to be rejected again. But *sigh* I’ll go to this dang interview tomorrow…


Yeah, but rejections comes from a no-replay mailboxes so you can’t even reach out to them 😢😔🤦🏻‍♀️


Companies don’t give feedback because if they don’t want to be liable if someone sues them for discriminating applicants depending on protected traits (age, gender, disability).

What you could do instead is to submit a subject access request for your interview data (make it clear on the email it is one). In this case they are legally obligated to provide information about your interview, else become legally liable.


I actually got my first engineering job by getting initially rejected and doing this.


This happened to me once. They rejected me, I asked them for feedback, then they hired me!


I asked for feedback and was just ghosted... hahaha. Makes you realize that most companies give zero fks


I tried to get into this school, got rejected, but couldn't even ask them why, because the mail was a no-return mail


I've never gotten feed back it's like they feel if they say anything they could get in trouble because what of they get sued


I don’t know about y’all but it’s automated for me…
But during one terrible interview, I was able to get feedback…took it…and was about to move on to the next step in my career elsewhere…which was probably better for me too.


I did this once, after my very first job interview. The lady called me to talk about it, and hearing her weird explaination I quickly understood she was just fatphobic. I was in shock and very upset. My worst nightmare had come true (because I hate myself for being fat). I was young and didn't know what to reply. I cried for hours... I never asked for an interview feedback since then.
