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It is our fellowship Sunday where we gather and feel the warmth of each other.
Hebrews 10 : 24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.
Thank you or Watching. Do you need someone to Pray with you and Help you grow in the Word of God or Even receive Salvation? Kindly Call the PBBM 24HR Prayer Call Center
0758 100 200
0758 100 300
0758 100 400
0758 100 500
0758 100 111
Call, let's pray together and be encouraged in Christ Jesus, receive your breakthrough and get what it takes to Live on!!!
Evangelist Lucy wa Ngunjiri
Tel 0713 017 500 or 0725 418 018
WhatsApp 0781 533310
Office PA: 0722-805-718
#PropheticMorningGlory #EvangelistLucyWaNgunjiri #PBBMinistries
#WithGodAllThingsArePossible #ForGodWillNeverLetKenyaGo
Hebrews 10 : 24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.
Thank you or Watching. Do you need someone to Pray with you and Help you grow in the Word of God or Even receive Salvation? Kindly Call the PBBM 24HR Prayer Call Center
0758 100 200
0758 100 300
0758 100 400
0758 100 500
0758 100 111
Call, let's pray together and be encouraged in Christ Jesus, receive your breakthrough and get what it takes to Live on!!!
Evangelist Lucy wa Ngunjiri
Tel 0713 017 500 or 0725 418 018
WhatsApp 0781 533310
Office PA: 0722-805-718
#PropheticMorningGlory #EvangelistLucyWaNgunjiri #PBBMinistries
#WithGodAllThingsArePossible #ForGodWillNeverLetKenyaGo
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