Is Low Fat, Plant-based Diet the Optimal Diet for Heart Health? | The Proof Clips EP #268

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The low fat, plant-based community is quite known for their stand that reducing fat intake while eating more plants is the way to go when it comes to preventing or reversing cardiovascular disease. The idea is that every time we consume oil, dairy, or meat, we subject the protective shield of our vascular health, known as the endothelial cells, to damage. These cells, which form a single layer lining our blood vessels produce a remarkable substance called nitric oxide that keeps our blood vessels relaxed, prevents the stickiness of white blood cells and platelets, and hinders the formation of plaque, a.k.a. the dreaded 'hardening of the arteries.'
Interestingly, we've all heard about that non-strictly vegan diet that has had its share of headlines reporting how it can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
What gives? Is going low fat with a vegan diet the optimal diet for the heart? Find out in this conversation with Dr. Matthew Nagra.
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Interestingly, we've all heard about that non-strictly vegan diet that has had its share of headlines reporting how it can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
What gives? Is going low fat with a vegan diet the optimal diet for the heart? Find out in this conversation with Dr. Matthew Nagra.
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