Is Low Fat, Plant-based Diet the Optimal Diet for Heart Health? | The Proof Clips EP #268

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The low fat, plant-based community is quite known for their stand that reducing fat intake while eating more plants is the way to go when it comes to preventing or reversing cardiovascular disease. The idea is that every time we consume oil, dairy, or meat, we subject the protective shield of our vascular health, known as the endothelial cells, to damage. These cells, which form a single layer lining our blood vessels produce a remarkable substance called nitric oxide that keeps our blood vessels relaxed, prevents the stickiness of white blood cells and platelets, and hinders the formation of plaque, a.k.a. the dreaded 'hardening of the arteries.'

Interestingly, we've all heard about that non-strictly vegan diet that has had its share of headlines reporting how it can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. 

What gives? Is going low fat with a vegan diet the optimal diet for the heart? Find out in this conversation with Dr. Matthew Nagra.

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Thanks, points please, no drama, no stress.This answer makes me lost although I am a medical professional deeply in health. God helps those who wants clear answer .


I think it is also important to point out that weight reduction is critical for cardiovascular health and for many people genetically prone to being heavier eating a no oil/low fat diet/low calorie density diet helps make that possible. Oil plus bread may not be crippling to arteries but it sure can pack on the pounds if you are eating too much of it.


One blueberry has more polythonols than a tablespoon of olive oil. Olive oil isn’t a good source of polys


Dang! Eating has become so complicated. 😳


I would love for you to have a conversation with Freelee! She is a low fat fruit based vegan who doesn’t get much of a chance to explain her position, very well educated and can hold a great debate. She’s also Australian and lives in New Queens Land. Thanks for your research and videos :)


I recently participated in the Ornish intensive cardiac rehab program and I want to note that the Ornish diet now excludes egg whites and low fat dairy. It's essentially the same as Esselstyn, except Ornish allows an ounce of nuts/day for their beneficial fats. There are years of articles and recipes around that cite egg whites and low fat dairy, but the diet is fully vegan now.


It's hard navigating all this. You've got super experienced vegan doctors who have had a lot of experience reversing disease like Esselstyn, Ornish, McDougall, Goldner preaching no oil, low fat and/or keeping omega 6 low but then you have other vegans like yourselves who are super versed in reading the science saying oils, nuts and seeds are fine and even beneficial to replace carbs with. Goldner says to keep flax and chia high for imega 3 and that too much omega 6 is inflammatory. She's reversing all kinds of diseases in people, including Lupus in herself with her protocols. Nutritional science is a circus, im so confused on what to eat.


What does he think about the Nathan Pritikin autopsy showing clean arteries from low fat plant based diet ?



After a few years of eating about 80% to 85% calories from whole plant foods and the other 15% from plant foods (processed like pastas, soy milk, etc), my weight was stable. I was still making gains with working out (adding a rep here and there or adding weight) so everything was pretty consistent and slightly improving. My body-weight was in about a 2lb range over a week long period.

I decide to try cutting my fat back. I went from right at 60g per average day to 29 per average day. I also replaced those lost calories with carbs and fat. My body found a new weight set-point that was 2.5lbs lighter and that is where it pretty much stays, within a narrow range as my diet is pretty consistent. Still making exercise gains here and there like before. Right now, according to cronometer, I am sitting at 12% to 13% calories from fats - the healthy ones of course, and feel great like I did before and I look a tiny bit more toned.

Maybe my results are because of having such a high intake of whole plant foods. Likely, if I just ate like a "normal" person and just cut the fat by going to low-fat processed products my results would be not there or not. But, eating a diet very high in whole plants sure has made me feel WAY better than in the past, and I was never obese either and was still always exercising. I thought I felt great because my 'normal' back then was a much lower bar. Today I feel great, look better, and am healthier than I have ever been. Dropped my cholesterol by over 130 points so far. I hope it comes down a bit more, but even going back to being a pre-teen it was never this low.

If anyone wants to keep eating garbage because taste pleasure, at least cut it back and get your diet to at least 50% calories from whole plant foods. I'd try to push it to 75% if I were you. The 80% to 85% is still pretty easy finding foods to fit the bit....although it took awhile to get used to the volume since I only eat twice per day.


A low-fat plant-based diet is improved with the addition of unsaturated fat sources, e.g. tofu, tempeh, natto, soy nuts, tree nuts, peanuts, oils, etc.


i think we need to make a distinction between fat and oil. we can eat low oil but not low fat.


Ouch, braving the lion’s den! (Though, I suppose that’s not the best vegan analogy. 😂 )

Seriously, I appreciate you touching on this sensitive topic which sadly vegans frequently make out to be an attack on the forefathers of the WFPB lifestyle: Drs. Esselstyn, Ornish, McDougall. That’s not always the case. Sadly, vegans should be open to critique and refinement. It only makes our dietary choice stronger from a health standpoint (versus only ethics and environmental) to be pushing for the best science!


Its important to point out that cordio trial published in lancet, that was referred to in this vidio WAS SPONSORED BY OLIVE OIL COMPANIES


The lower risk in the Esselstyn study was dramatically lower.


Relaxation was part of the Ornish regime...
Esselsteyn's trial ripped apart by cardiologists.
If IHD lowest in vegans, how about France, Hong Kong?


It would be interesting if comparative carotid scans were done on long term low fat followers vs Mediterranean followers vs vegetarian.


What is the definition here of “low fat”. Is it 10 or 15 or 20% of calories?
Further, does the 👆🏼calculation include invert fat of the food or only added or overt fat ?


"If the truth be known coronary artery disease is a toothless paper tiger that need never, ever exist and if it does exist it need never, ever progress." Dr.Caldwell Esselstyn


I think Prof Cousens would be good to interview; he was just on MsFitVegan's channel ! for some, plenty of fruit is not possible ! still, plants only is the way !


Maybe oils help transport more of the magical polyphenols into circulation.
